Τρίτη 8 Οκτωβρίου 2019

Logs 8/10/19

15825 WWCR  1355 discussions with background music, girl or woman in a total childish way at -85dbm
15260 BBC 0740 interview abt Africa good signal Back 0759 is off
15225  the well known song of YWCA as 'glory glory alleluyah' as part of the music program of AWRs  Arabic om 0742 . good signal .ID on 0800 English and French Deutsch and Italian . Next program 0800 in Kabyle . excellent sound
13755 CNR /Cri very poor at 0936
13695 RFI 0655 news in French , ID on 0656 . ON 0659  with signal off
13660 BBC 0647 theme on Indian courts , an Agnda activist from Johannesburg protests abt  killings in Africa , plus a interview -29dbm good signal
13635 TRT Radio Bir Turkish trad music on 0923 , then man talking in Turkish immediate Back to music  with then short comments by the man
13600 0645 no Kuwait today om 0645 nor on 0900 >There is only a carrier that I call footsteps due to the style of sounding
13590 BSKSA in Arabic with news 0908 Man with Quranic  Good
12055 CNR 17 1100 and again 1150 in Kazakh with talks Signal -74dbm
12005 Farda 1059  ID on 1100 then with Turkish kind of songs  (ie Kurdish)  and again an ID abt Kurdish More than 12khz of bandwidth.. -53 dbm (S20 )
11710 CRI in English with news 0905. Poor
11675.7! TRT 0836 phone ins in Turkish program . Poor audio even if the signal is around -65dbm
11650  Romania 1045  with folklore song  then ID /IS in French -70dbm
11635 CRI 1053 nice music sudden stop on 1057 -80 dbm
11635  CRI 1030 with western pop song then a rock Man in English talk abt shopping -72dbm  S9 at max 1042 China plus IS
11610 CNR 1220 poor signal -100dbm with adverts
11540  CNR with talks mixed with another station plus a STANAG type -86 max signal
11530 Walat? Quite poor at -100 dbm talks by YM then Turkish music
11530 0834 Denge Welat talks in Kurdish good
11253 Shannon Volmet with wx -90 max peaks 1154
11178 operator in Russian 1153 with good signal -60
11170 SoH? Signal max -85 dbm with few peaks 1153
111297 Murmasnk Meteo  1152
9860 CNr1 taslk between OM and YL 1247
9820 CNR2 1246 -80 dbm with adaverts
9780 CNR? -110 dbm with some music . very marginal (10db above QRN )
9775 CNR 2 at -95dbm  with 25 db above the noise , quite  marginal miing with some Enlish and adverts on 1240
9749.805 Kuwait  has a 2x9.69 kHZ bandwidth om 1222 and signal upto -53dbm . ID with miniu self advert. YL then with old Arabic songs Sometimes the needle of recording skips ! 1229 with  Quranic psalms by young boy with main bandwidth at 6.2 at1232.11 short interval that gets back on 1232.25 with shrt music interval of s few seconds and sometimes the 'groove' skips too much by getting eiher back or forth by playing another track or back by several seconds! There is a carrier on 9750 supposedly from NHK that is very poor
9700 RFA in Viet type of language 1309 Khams in eibi -87.2
9650  BSKSA 1305 in Arabic news and  reports -78dbm
9510 poss BBC in Hindi 1302 -84 dbm talks and short music intervals
9425 CNR adverts1251  . poss jammer? -80 max And after t 1300
9400 Liangyou in Chinese 1258 talks short singing by YL then bac to advert format
9370 seems RFA in surely Tibetan 1254 with-90 dbm
7465 BBC ID in 1343 with talks in Bamar -83
7407 STANAG station bust on 1343…
7345 1337 talks in language Farsi   >> Irib in KUrdish 
7335 Marti  on 0639 with funny discussions in Spanish. fair  at-92 dbm ra marti in 0700 short tals and some rock music
7317 with numbers 1002but  ending with 'out' LSB mode
7285 CRI in ?? nice songs on 0942 Romanian program 0949 with  Chinese language program Good high noi11635se
7285  Cri in Mongol 1313 with talks mainly mongol -73.5 dbm
7054.9  Russian operator playing Russian music 1326
7048.7  mysterious ?? with bursts beery 10 secs 1328  seems as piccolo
6910 Italian Qso net 1323 . only the one of them is heard -100dbm max
6606.7 4XZ? 1321
6180 CNR -87 dbm 10 db above the noise

1 σχόλιο:

  1. Howdy Zach, ha haaaaa, you have gone in frequency descent this time but at least you have kept a certain format and not just frequencies all over the place, great set of logs to view here and thanks for sharing!
