Σάββατο 19 Οκτωβρίου 2019

Logs 19/10

The local noise has stopped so far . We will see what it gets later…
4977 …-marker 1628 max -110 dbm
6090 Amara radio 1554 discussions between two men in Amharic ,short HoA music interval  -80 dbm
6100 R Afghanistan 1551 is just a poor signal of S7 max under terrible noise with fading carrier and very poor audio. Just bassy music sounds
6240 TWR poor at -100  in Kazakh as noticed 1558
7184 RL4F de D QSL with R0 1556 -85dbm with DK4
7300 TWR in English via India .1539 interviewed YL -85.5dbm
7529.995 C Martyrs 1534 YL with talks by YL -80dvm max slow fading of <20db
9275 FEBC -Liangyou 1545 . my long listed station , talks mixed with underground music and woman talking in CC -82dbm max  fast fafing
9280 IRIB highly under modulated , 1542just some Turkic music … -75dbm slow fading
9310 Deewa R 1541 man with news ended with ID -76.2 dbm
9540 FEBA 1610 OM talking in  lang that seems as Amharic (per eibi is Guragena )alaluyah Frpm -85 it droped to -100 on 1614
11630 Quwait , 1521 relig program with Quran -73dbm max 15dbm  dev
11665 Wai FM? 1525 Heard the and of a song without continuing more content 1530 CRI IS then with Pushtu  language -75 dbm
11670 RNE football pogram as with BBC , -70dbm max slow fading low dev up to 10 db
11880 Tibetan style  of music 1647 by man playing a guitar like instrument -70 dbm  signal slow but deep fading Cri Hakka mentioned in EiBi
11940 -90dbm & 11965 -90 dbm CRI  1640 with talks in English
11975R Romania 1641 seems back with some traditional music -95 to -83dbm fast fadings talks in French lang evenif it I spoor 1645
120005 Farda 1605 news and reports -64dbm very slow fading 4950x2 op bandwidth
12070 Ashna Radio 1607 YL with phone ins by om reporter , deep Persian lang dari -70dbm
13800 Teos HCJB in russian1547 with good signal at -65 (S9) nut high fades and 11.6 khz wideband mentions of Makedonias and Philipians Dayanias gavarit Apostol Jerusalam etc
15180 1458 RL Uzbek , talks in turkic language -66.7 sudden stop
15260 VoA 1629+ in Swahili as per ID language on 1633 audio 11kHsz wide
15275 VoA ? 1614 +16talks in in Eng  with life stories 5.8 kHz wide audio -62dbm S9  That seems an program error? 1630+ themes on tukey and PKK as terrorists  
15285 Manara 1615 talks by OM  most in Arabic mixed lang but religious program mentioning Kitab  -65 S9 3.79KHz wide filter
15350 Signal1638 tat started good at -80 that faded out  fast into the noise poss pBVB  in Nuer
15515 unsure if a signal of just S5 is warawangela 1523. signal is just -90 dbm max with fast fading
15825 WWCR 1512 religious stalks -73.1 db deviation 15 db
17780 BBC Hausa 1514 football program two guys talking in Arabic while fools are shougin from the field -76.6 db, Seems a goal om 1516


11660 BBCnigeria 1935IC BBC Nigeria in pres Hausa AS10 -52.2 SNR 32db
11610  French nearly marginal tat lost in the noise
11650 CC with pop song 1943 S7 max -82.2 noSNR seems German language

11540 ?? Turkish language 1950 shouting talks as by revolutionaries -80 German  reporter abt Kusrdistan SNR12. Many dropouts in audio  
Possible ID on 0430+  IF can someone ID the station  Signal increased  oto -41dbm S20 with SNR 40db on 2012 or S9+25 in my R75  Station was until 2100 Supposedly Welat? per Wolfie

11530 no Welat? 1952 patriotic song 1956 herd the voice of Ergodan. Station stoped on 2030

More logs added with R75 whlile listening after 11540 ended :

7590 2122 with hard rock songs 2145 talk in Korean S9 supose N Korea reform per EiBi
7780 WRMI 2127 with old rock songs and s7
9330 no signal that day
9790 RFI in French 2110 with numerous IDs S9
9820 CNR 2 2113 with songs and talks y YL S9
9920 Thailand  with thai song S7-9
11610 ETN ? 2100 in Chinese mentioning a web page with English spelling  wwwetnorg s10 max  EiBi shows “the light of life’

794  a local pirate on 1653 doing CQ witgh S65 dbm  Same time 792 greek pirate 292 from Athens with old geek songs and -81.3dbm S7
954 Chaski rozhlas  with nicepop song of the past . Spectrum shown much of trebles with4912khz x 2 bandwidth, adverts roman.

1 σχόλιο:

  1. This sure is a huge range of logs here and now you have even added some more, you sure have been a very busy DXer and thanks for sharing! Keep up the great work!
