Πέμπτη 25 Φεβρουαρίου 2021

Logs for 24th


##        screenshot available only in selected FC pages as above
$$        remote kiwi reception
&&      other equipment reception – mostly PL380
@@     video in youtube



6336  -100dbm and 6380 -90dbm the most lovely OTHR from kontayner  

7280  V Vietnam in viet 1707 with talks ans sort music intervals -80dbm but very clear ! a bit overloaded

9515 Denge welat 1834 with discussions -45dbm

9635 Ndarason 1836 with program in Kanuri -50dbm

9820 Last chance 184 program in English with mean signal of -55dbm Baptisms

9830 DW n Hausa 1843 with typical signal at -65dbm

9835## V Oromia a1714 just a trace of a carrier -93dbm signal only

9845 Last chance 1900 exact on this frequency with ID at 1901 after a minute IS  IDing as KNLS and mentioning the program -65dbm

9915 BBC in //11810 1847 arts and computers jellyfishes, at -65dbm and nice audio at 2x5.5 kHz ID at 1859 ‘restoring Americas back/ 195930off  

11253##  RAF Volmet today with a high signal of -65 dbm max !!

11660 TWR 1726 in Amharic with religious talks . ID and info on 1729z Next program is Oromo

11769.9 V Nigeria with program in English too much noise in the room to listen properly


A few MW news

531 at 1641 just heard RActualtitata instrad of Jil   with -836dbm Too early? At 1756 with signal above the RRA reaching the -71dbm level with French program

549 Ukraine -78dbm with talk in Russian NO signal from jil still

891 just a faint carrier at-95dbm At 1800 there is a carrier on exact  891 while thre is a steady signal 20Hz lower at-110dbm

1377 TWR 1807 in Kurdish at -75dbm 1812 a kurdish song ID and carrer at 1815

729 ERA no signal today at 17   !! at 1800 with RNE with news



Moldova greek service via Hungary (?)

The Greek service of  Nemzetiségi (National ) Radio has been finally heard in Feb 25th after very long tries on 1200 with ID was "Greek program from Moldova' (?didnt record that )

Transmission is on 873/1189 kHz Thrusdays only
Info program is related to the 200 years of the Greek revolution against the Ottoman empire, mixed with poems and related Greek songs.  This info program ended on 1215 Remain program consisted solely with `Greek' songs for the spring - fst time heard such type!  This is possibly songs from  the diaspora

At 1230 the end of the Greek program the ID was clear as R Moldova Prg 1 with program in Romanian - Moldavian (nearly same language )

This was a remote reception via kSDR wis in Székesfehérvár on 891 and 1189 with signals of  S40 /S10 respectively  60 km SW from Budapest
Also on Albertirsa 891 and 1189 with S10/20 levels respectively half and half time reception! Around 60 km SE from Budapest

Meanwhile a short test via zakynthos kSDR
729 is still off  -maintenance?
1008 Corfu S20
1305 S7 -85dbm
1404 Komotini not audble

Τετάρτη 17 Φεβρουαρίου 2021

Monitoring 17/2 before noon


 Some signal analysis int he low 15 MHz band with captions over the stations on that time

One of most wonderful (and very pro) options in SDRConsole! this is a tool that i can feel as a real professional monitor


15030 AR in Farsi with news on virus reports and vaccination -75dbm at 1818 At 0830 with program in ENglish NO signal on 0900

9670 Radio 292 a 0834 with old rockies -736dbm

15245 VoKorea 0845 with patriotic songs and orchestras RR is noticed in eibi nut the lag is not clear under the local noise Off 0900

15120 Saudi Arabia 0903 with Quranic verses  Just -100/120dbm and with poor modulation

15295 CNR jammer against SOH 0912 with just -95dbm signal

15390 CNR13 1052 with pop songs 1034 talks  in Uighur over piano music -82dbm at max Nice audio at 2x7.5

9749,805 Kuwait with Arabic song 1110 talka and phone ins fair audio sound at 3.5 kHZ wide

9840 TRT in Georgian with news, ID as “Itip tuo radio” Turkish Song after 1125   -65dbm fair quality with 5 kHz wide audio



Δευτέρα 15 Φεβρουαρίου 2021

Monitoring 13+14/2



21670.975 Long ago to listen to Sudi R Intl in indo Signal is -95/125  with fades to 25 db depth. A bit intense talks again 1134 with religious topics read by OM.

9990.0 Farda 1112 with westernized Persian pop songs Signal of S8(-73mdb ) exact frequency as tested with small calibration by  the nearby RWM

21470 1203 in English with signal tat is relatively difficult to listen with signal of-100 over the local noise (-130dbm) eibi Info shows Romania

15790 WMR at 1209 with typical Afroribean Music  Just zooming it the station iwas amazed that he is well calibrated to the exact frequency Meanewhile  scrutinized signal analysis shown that there are two ‘carriers’ on both sidebands by 50 HZ form the main freq and with sond that does not exceed 2 kHZ   ID in Bulgarian(!) At ca1210 ON 1244 song me gustas tu

13740 by the Ivo  channel ,RHC’s voices are immediateily recognized but with just 25 db above the noise for very poor result . Mostly talks IS with ID 30 scc before the TOH

13775 SArabia 1302 in Urdu at -85/130dbm signal with only talks mixing with quranic words

9896 VoTibet ? 1304 changed into 9886 on 1305 a few step and then to 9899 on 1310 ! A signal of -85/115 a mini short try wit he pl380 outdoor was “more ice” than signal in the band  

9949.81at 1345 a signal supposedly from AIR with 24 db above the noise floor with not any modulation Unsure if this is AIR or just a local carrier

9835 IRIB 1349 -80/-130dbm signal with modulation squeezed out of the noise

6280 pirate with old disco songs 2123 -80/115dbm its seems

4875 mystery 21 at 2127 with -85/105 dbm marginally heard

5995 Mali once again with -75/105dbm signal mixed with Korean jammer

1368 local pirate station 2134 with -60dbm signal and with a 2x15kHz wide audio . old greek songs

1530 talk in English .. 2137 then song

A few hams on the 21mb on 1145+

21328 a nice Signal QSO between sweet voiced  woman and man mentioning  ICU nd lockdowns Signals  are very clear -80&-110 man over a -140 noise

21264 ?1DVU QRZ He does only cCQ but not responses

21270 9?9A

21290 E9IB 1200

21252 EI9JL 1201  CQ

Ther are around 5-8  operators in the band



6925 usual Refs Europe 1914 with religious talks in English refeitng America policies n at -94/110dbm

6568 1916  kontayner Othr of -15 kHz wide -78dbm steady Also on 6680 and 6908

6650U  talks 1920. operator in French -92/110

7385 CRI Albanian 1925 with rather overloaded audio and hiFi at 2x6kHZ with top sngs of the time Mixed with another ID as R Elia

7465 BBC Korean  1934 with casslcal music. There is a buzzer on the USB part talsk in 1937

9420 ERA at 1939 no signal

6050 VoT? 1942 very good English about e earthquake in Fukushima and on Osaka  ID as VoT then presenting music instruments-65/115dbm

11441U 1957 operators in unIDed lang -95/110dbm    IN this part of the bans there ere BPL line noise noted in  the spectran as mini hills  Also on 1130 in Italian

 9620## AIR 2004 is back (?)here with religious song . listing advises French program in _DRM_  Sudden s/off 2008.45 with -65/  dropping  to -78/100dbm mean at 2020 and then making reception rather impractical , signal Also on 2012 another cuton 2028for half minute with continuous religious or ??songs Off 2030:15


792  (-90/115)& 1233 Dechovka (main at -65 )  with Germanic type songs There are QRMS at 50 in case of fade outs ..

1089 also Talk sport 2055 at -65 dbm but rather poor reception

1134 Kuwait 210o ID idaatu Kuwait then talks in arabic .. Nice to hear them ! signal -80/105dbm

1314 R Oldenia with frequent  IDs 2103 Old pop follows

1458 heard Hindi song 2045 with best signal that time then fading out in favor to RRom Actualitaţi  Supposedly this is Lyca given its power. Rare case . Fist time logged them here signal to -72/105dbm

Reception in Greece