Κυριακή 29 Μαρτίου 2020

Signals on 28/3...

...with a very late night listigng : 

The signals are xx/yy dbm  that is xx dbm over yy dbm local noise . Making the subtraction shows the SNR level 
7365 HCJB 1155 A religious type song followed by talks in German. Passes the 1200z with songs without ID. -100/-130dbm
7245 VoT 1223 with reel of IS in various languages . Start program on 1224 in Bulgarian with sudden sign off 1224 -50dbm after leving there was a -100 dbm signal airing turkic music with the most possible being VoTajik transmitting in Arabic as per eibi
15715 VOA via Odorn thani 1146 with program in English. Around -70dbm with 2x6kHZ wide audio. 

Special 31 mb report
Nothing on 9420 on 0950 . ON 0756 there was presume VoG in Greek  with old songs but was not // ERA1 nor ERA2 . S3-5 max on R75 after long time to use . 9420 with CNR13 on 105930 with songs typical Chinese clock athen with talks  sin UI  signal -110 dbm .Tune in again 1400 with -80/-140dbm dbm signal . Tested on 1228 no sinal from VoA
For 10 secs on 11029418khz  with Link 11 cirps

7550 2022 AIR is off instead in the freq there is a Korean lang station with happy discussions . its no N Korean reform hover which is on 7590 starting on 7590
7689 , 7771, 7783 3 kontayner OTHR’s on same time . the third stoped on 1034
9575 with CiS12  bursts 1053at -120/130 dbm
9650.05 exact BSKSA? 1057  talks in  arabic with announcements Idaatu Riad with traditional  song to follow  -79 with very low modulation
9550 a CW signal of -120 dbm on 1104
9555 a JBA signal on 1105 -106dbm
9630 XJPBS in Kazakh with lessons of English!! -95dbm
9680 CNR 1 1108 with -94dbm signal
9749.8 Kuwait 1109 with discussions in arabic with 2x10 kHZ audio range Max signal -72/-130dbm
9705 PBS Xinjiang 1115 with Chinese songsbut on 1118 with trad turkic  -90max (-105mean)/-130dbm
9695 JBA  1118 signal just -110/-130dbm but music can be iDed as Tamil . SLBC as per eibi
9820 and 9825 CNR  The signals are -95dbm max at 1125 but 9820 has better modulation IN the photo yo can see also the footsteps carrier on 9800 caiused by unknown nearby source
9840 VoT with Turkish song on 1127 ID with short talks by YL,  song then are continued Lang is Georgian as per schedule -74dbm with 2x5 kHz wide
9860 CNR1 with just -105 dbm signal
9975 KTWR 1142 with signal -100 dbm

Below thereis a special report with 1103 using the 2x16 m wit he double extension after  a mysterious problem with the cable:
5995 Mali 2300 + with nice signal (-70 dbm ) clear from any other qrm with music . retune in 2340  with nice western songs and a rock before 0000
5960 KBC singin on then with ID and good signal
5985 Myanma Radio 2350 with slow talks in Bamar by man ad passes the 00 clock time
---Family time of very late (200 LT till around 3.30 to make the child sleeping   )
The remain  logs are made in a quite dark salon
4765  0121 with talks in Spanish .
4840 WWCR 0128 with religious songs poor
4885 t Clube  para 0130 with a song poor Once again 0155 with series of lively songs fair
5040 RHCuba  0132 with tlks in spanish Good
5140 Charleston 0133 Intl still in air with oldies good The sane happens with Mystery on 9666 Voz Misionaria 0214 with very long ID fair

Σάββατο 28 Μαρτίου 2020

Logs of 27.3

CoVid19 news : 
27/3  is again with  steady numbers of affected: 74 new staggering to  966 in total while total deaths are 28 Its very fortunate that the numbers raise very slow. An army unit started making sanitizing fluids from confiscated alcoholic beverages for hospital use only.
80/15/5  are the numbers of the resulting severity of the diesease: 80 very low / middle /severe

With some hits only:

5140 Charleston once again very early on 1452 with oldies  ID on 1454 the time the jammer was left the frequency . Hover there is a multi carrier system that hinders a bit reception . Nice to listen to the so early -!  However on 4700  there is noting still from Mystery 21 [picture ]

5895  talks in Hindi or same language 1506 the time a very wide (15kkhz )stanag 4825 type was soflty washing the band raising the  -120 dbm noise by 10 db on a signal of -78dbm   . Program consist of discussions between man and woman . Short (2 sec ) music intervals  >>IBRA via Uzbekistan per eibi

5915 Vatican? Talks in Tamil as signal is rather poor  with talks that continue after the ToH without any ID .Tamil song on 1503  -78dbm  

6010 fana free from  any QRM station on 1647 wthi Horn Africa songs

6025 PBS Xizang 1055 -1805 with only songs till the end of transmission . Sudden sign off 1805 while a  women was speaking -85dbm

6030 Oromiya 1555 with -98dbm heard difficult under a DRM signal coming from CNR . Rumania is then on the frequency 

6090 Amara Radio 1548 talks  (news )in Amharic with only -80dbm . Severe QRM from 6095 CRI English of -54dbm Also long talks in coronavirus … another station under.. Better reception on 1553 using only LSB

6130  TWR for sure 1840 with local languages towards Angola . eibi readme file shows Chokwe . Heard religious talks with mentions on Jesus etc -80dbm

6210.2 supposedly kahuzi 1809 with a very poo signal -100dbm  and Good modulation however does not help in listening the signal except of showing some modulation Partial reception with only 900Hz !!! Left on 1811
 [picture ]

9740 KBS in Spanish 1818 with talks having a rather funny QRM from a ‘multicarrier’  signal> talks on a festival cinematografico  Signal up to -65dbm 

11640 Dabanga 1530 and then ID by man talking in Sudanese Arabic or Oromo -86db neart to signal .There is a  fence carrier 16 0khz below the main carrier part of the unknown as I call ‘signal fence’  thatc overs the range between 10.8-11.9 MHz

11680 KCBS Pyongyang 1542 with operas songs -88dbm signal Partial qrm from ‘the fence’ carrier in 11679.5kHz  of -106 dbm  

Παρασκευή 27 Μαρτίου 2020

Logs 26-3

11530 Denge welat 1111using Persian Kurdish version is mixed with Denge Erdogan . Bioth signal are mixed in away that in 80% of the time welat wins the signal level  battle. There was also refence to Sulaiman Demirel Signal  differences are around 110 Hz as can be shown in the picture below [picture]

11565 link 11 bursts on 1121 with level -75 dbm max
11745 S Arabia al azm 1125 with phone in report, akhbar [news ]program athat seems talking on ‘virus corona’  as it  was noticed. Unclear recorded ID on 1130  Arabic song of 70s after -80dbm
11780 RRom Intl in French talks in 1151 a crazy rock song on 1153 ID on 1156 and end of the program -56dbm 9 kHz wide no QSB
11790 CNR/CRI   with sudden start on 1157 after unknwn time of carrier startup huangjiou buxing guangbo  that is adverts ,  many time used ithouogh out the program ana das ID -73dbm
15100 Kontayner OTHR 0949 with -114-/-130dbm
15120 BSKSA with Islamic talks 1000 supposedly Bengali as per wibi but most is in arabic -90-/-130dbm
15130  CRI Indo heard music on 1009 nearly marginal signal at -102/-130dbm Voices on 1015 are lost in the noise dust… Οff1027
15150 CNR jammer against VoA 1028 adverts , the hymn the east ids red then with news . VOA is not heard -95dbm
15275 DW 1230+ talks in Swahili , 1240 banck again hearing ID as DW and a hilife song. –‘sawte … ‘ with talks by YL . 1042 talking  to Christmas (?) and moderation signal -75/-130dbm with 2x3.5  khz wide audio
15380 CNR 1058 talks . One of the very scarce signals to listen -100dbm
15390 CNR 13 UIghur ;long time to listen in this frequency with 2x7.5 kHz wide audio though the best is on 6 kHz range. A jazz type Uighur song (!) Two girls with very nice voices are discussing on these songs they play ! 1252 airing a Turkic folky rock song -75dbm max //Usall I use this station as band beacon for more than 15 years .Adverts on 1055 Off 1057

15440 CRI in Cantonese 1059 mentioning the station . CRI Id 1100 with program in CC .Signa -85dbm
15480 VoTurkey steady signal at -74/-120dbm lowering to -85 to 90 dbm Man in Turkish talking on Shakespeare on 1104 mixed with classical music  . more taslk on sakespeare for the flwlofing 4 minutes
15512 a new Kontayner OTHR signal  with -105dbm of 15 kHz bandwidth ..Also on 15672 centre
15770 WRMI very early for here 1203 seem religious program and seems hearing the well known ToM preist ..


9540 IBRA 1639 mostly HoA religious songs mixed with short talks in Amharic -70dbm with 8 khz wde
5140  Charleston heard quite eearly at 1640 with 50s songs -85dbm
7178 CIS 12  ατ 1650 with -91dbm
6400 Pyongyang pangsong 1655 very poor at +9dbm signal low modulation and Korean operas marginally heard !