Τρίτη 26 Ιανουαρίου 2021

Monitoring Jan 25


  Aa/bb  : dbm of signal to local noise

A notice to the db levels and how are measured : https://hamwaves.com/decibel/en/
-photo from the site
Some of these logs are posted Extreme  SwLing , SDRConsole HF  , greek pirate log page and DXIng.info with photos and videos . You need to first join them

Legend :

Now updated SDRConsele to 3.0.26

## / light-blue screenshot available only in selected FC pages as above
$$/green          remote kiwi reception
&&/yellow        other equipment reception – mostly PL380


5800 WRMI 2229 with pos Supreme master at -85/105 signal

5939.4 Voz Missionaria in Brazuguese with headlines talks 2231then OM with longer talks -81dbm Ther is also a steady carrier on 5840 at-100dbm

6050 Xizang PPBS 2109 with nice -72dbm signal mixed with a Korean [as head] jammer airing nice traditional songs

6070 Channel 292 with rock songs 2125 signal at -80/120dbm  No ID for more than 20 minutes

6180 RN Amazonia at -83dbm signal in a clear frequency  cross chackled with kSDr from CMDXgroup to be in parallel That time 11780 is off as checked with the VBbraz kSDR

6230 CNR1 at 1446 at only -95/115 dbm

6245 nice slow music with piano the style Clayderman at1440 at 6244 with 100 HZ FSK El mimbo music at 1445 and -80/115dbm signal Also on 2253 with music from poss G Zamfir with his nice flute and -80 signal At ToH with  ID  by Y Onuru yUteks  isuneda” or similar

6370 CMR1 surely as jammer against SOH at 1438 just -100/110dbm

6417.15 lower part of a slot machine 1433with -88dbm signal at peaks

6433 talks in French on 2239 Possibly QSO

6501 USCG Chesapeake 2154 with program schedule -90dbm with propagation and orther information (?) that I didn’t understand 
6604 Gander Volmet  talks till 2200 in ENg off them Alson 2200 off form R Murmansk -85dbm 

6666 qso net with talks in Arabic at -95dbm 1426

6697 a tome -  ...- with quite wide audio -113dbm on 1436

6830-6865 a multicarrier signal 1430 with nearly standard signal at -110dbm

6908 2202 Kontayner at-90dbm

6972.45 with carrier in the lower part of a CIS signal 1427

9410 1453 TRT with pop songs , the featured on that time is Asmara . talks in rusain by YL then back to traditional  music -57 dbm

9410 1500 with talks in CC CNR5 as per eibi mixed with another in the sane freq

9420 CNR13 finally one day with better signal at-70dbm at 1428

9818.8 Radio 9 July on 2215 BR at -79 is stronger than CNR2 at 9820 with -92//105dbm  

11440 1345  CNR1 with great signal of -59

11760 RHC 2220 with political news on Cuba Lo and shallow QSB

15075  centered  at 1347 with a signal of 15 kHz that sounds not as a kontayner UB75

15390 1352 possibly VOT with a signal of only -93dbm/120 after the nonID lagn talks due to the nose with traditional Turkish music Also another TRT Outlet with only music on 1353 with -85dbm

15550 AWR 1354 with a nice song sung by YL quite ‘malay’ pop style and  signal of -95under every low noise in that part of the band. ID on 1356 as VoHope in ML Signal -85  video :

15600 at 1424 poss VoA in Kurdish as noted in eibi  Doc Joan Ramon McLands with -56/-120fbm

15640R Liberty  1403 talk in Farsi with echo effect R Azadi ID at 1422 in between news  -81dbm In sudden a clear sound for only 5 seconds




1188    MR4 Nemzetiségi Adások at 1513  with song sa hig as -55fbm wit Romanian program  In th mean time 1179 and 1152 Actualitata Romania are with th same signal at maximum

1170 poss Croatia at 1517 with oldies , mixed with an Arabic under 1519  with talks in serb-ish then Back to pops -78dbm
Also a station in Arabic at 1531 with -77dbm poss Cairo with news at 1600

1667 Slavic station 2035 with-68dbm signal with talk and background music Also another in 1680 Ans oin 1748

1566 Greek pirate 2047 wit old pop sogns and ‘one way ticket’ and some audio gaps with stady carrier at -74dbm Its bandwidth is 8.5*2  kHZ ie as like hifi

1575 poss. Iran with its -63dbm carrier at 2310 not doing anything !!





Δευτέρα 25 Ιανουαρίου 2021

Jan 23+24 Monitoring

  Aa/bb  : dbm of signal to local noise

A notice to the db levels and how are measured : https://hamwaves.com/decibel/en/
-photo from the site
Some of these logs are posted Extreme  SwLing , SDRConsole HF  , greek pirate log page and DXIng.info with photos and videos . You need to first join them


Legend :
Now updated SDRConsele to 3.0.26
## / light-blue screenshot available only in selected FC pages as above
$$/green          remote kiwi reception
&&/yellow        other equipment reception – mostly PL380

CNR13/17$$ still seems to be with Chinese program on 22-1 at the typical time of 15xx after listening again to the albertissa kiwi SDR in Hungary with -82/105dbm The same in 23+24/1 (-72 dbm on 24 tested also in 9630)

15790 once again with WMR in the same new frequency at 1355 wit -80/120dbm signal and various music kinds as with afroribean

1593##  a Greek pirate is mixed with two other radio stations possibly form Romania and as mesures the signal are in 1593.008 (strongest signal)1592.995 and 15932.988 kHz disregarding the possible offset caused by the LO by the temperature Signal levels are -70dbm times 1430-1500 as checked

1601.989   Greek pirate with increased LSB sound over the USB 1505 Good audio -65dbm with slight signal changes due to modulation

6120 PBS Xinjiang  1544 Uighur lang with talks by OM and YL with music underground -70/120dbm

6355 VOP 1547 jammed by N Korean jammer -82/120dbm

9630## CNR17 at 1728 with lessons of English in Kazakh ! -81/115dbm  with noise killing . Checked then with SDR in Albertisa for identifying the signal . checking on S Bernardo with possibly Aparecida  at 6930.3+ with talks in Brazuguese and song clips  and poss program titled “trilles de estuaria”  with -66/110dbm signal

9635 Mali 1743 with traditional music then with talks by OM in lang .. -84/110dbm off 1759 AT 5995 on 1800 with ID freqs and clear ID as Mali with talks in local lang Signal with -80 that seems to be in the freq before 1800 (second transmitter ??)




9690 REE 1602 with seemingly sports program -72dbm with 20 db depth> trhe is some mysterious non BPL noise ery similar to the old razor machines

9830 AWR in Bulgarian 1608 with many mentions to Chistos and Hebrews S9+15 or -40 at top with around 15 dbm deep every 2 mins !


1377 ad old friend called mysterious frm the city airing the same song possibly for test reasons -65 dbm with around 2x9 kHz wide

15770 WRMI 1640 with religious program poss supreme TV as it mentions to Buddha , with English language It follows with Pilipino at 1641 . Quite high niose from BPL sources Signal typical at -77dbm max

15460  VoA in Swahili with talx  by OM then with hilife songs with signal -85/120dbm  There is a carrier wandering int e lower part of the signal centered on 15458

15125 CRin in Arabic 1650 with ID and Chinese music , talks again after with lang program -65dbm

9420  CNR13 Uighur signed off 180513 today -85 dbm

6295.38$$  Reflexions Europe AT 1841 with POBox in somewhere – poor audio – A song on 1847 then again talks in websdr in Holland with 075dbm

6289.71$$ Laser Hot Hits  1845 with old pop songs and talks in between songs  Signal is -95 at max with . Unsuccessful to find for ID even listening to the websdr Finally after checking a few kiwi SDRs the best signal was found via JP21CX kSDR to be in //6205 Where they started in this frequency??
Exact freq was assumed with the websdr

6005 R Taiwan via BU to Europe 1919 talks in French with a signal of only -83dbm here. Off 1930.25

6040 IRIB always impresses me with the American speech of his reporters! 1936 with -59dbm (S9+20) but with low modulation but very sharp audio – semi HiFi- about the new Biden administration Putin and Russian authorities


Πέμπτη 14 Ιανουαρίου 2021

Monitoring Jan 12-14



  Aa/bb  : dbm of signal to local noise

A notice to the db levels and how are measured : https://hamwaves.com/decibel/en/
-photo from the site
Some of these logs are posted Extreme  SwLing , SDRConsole HF  , greek pirate log page and DXIng.info with photos and videos . You need to first join them

Legend :

Now updated SDRConsele to 3.0.26
## / light-blue screenshot available only in selected FC pages as above
$$/green          remote kiwi reception
&&/yellow        other equipment reception – mostly PL380



6565 2139 talk by two OM in USB in English



810 checked with De380 at 930 PM LT (1930)with Greek service from MRT  Skopje Long time to listen to  them . Jus in the news the new Greek  ambassador was invited in the country (? Unknown if this new is new or old)  Test wih the AN 20 antenna for better gain and cleaning some of the local noise that is in part form BPL lines …



11530## one again Welat With very poor signal comparing to the usual : Just -72dbm (9) ON 11545 there is a repeating burst mode of  2 per 5 seconds that does not effect so much reception Also V Iran on 1550 with only -80dbm (S7 )

17560 a Greek song aired via R Farda 1027 possibly  titled άτιμη  καρδιά atimi kardia (untrusted love /heart ) Clock then ID as radio Farda

17570 BSKSA Kuran program 1030  mixed with CRI in Chinese at -94/135dbm

17760##  seems Tagalog 1033 with discussions between man and woman presenters -100/130dbm still well heard. From radio Kuwait …

15295## CNR TW? in my old fav frequency of 90s  with continuous talks on Taiwan -92/130 with QRM from RFI.  ID on 1054 as CNR Zhongguo …. Shen   with news headlines Off  1100 with RFI . Again s short signal session on 1107 for 1 minute

9420$$  CNR 13 still with the Chinese program in 1520 tested with m SDR and in Hungary



549  Jil FM 2300 not always audible here -10db lower than 531, Mixed with radio Coper Slovenia

792 Spanish station 2220 with talks mixed with Arabic , reference to Catalan ?? -86/115 SER Sevilla listed

801 Spanish station , 2221mixed in triple  with carriers at 800.95 800.99 and 801kHz  Inly talks  RNE is listed only in mwlist

810 Skopje 2223 is also mixed with Spanish station (SER Madrid listed) only if their signal is lowered under -85 its peak where -75dbm is the peak

1008 ERA 2304  with news in Greek much clearer than 729 without QRM

1377  CNR is heard at-96dbm just marginal . There I also a -105dbm noise from DSL lines that convers also LF ID as 2258

1404 on of the rare cases to hear Era i2225 n this heavily occupied bu RR Act frequency -75dbm