Παρασκευή 24 Μαΐου 2019

Logs for 24.5

Very fast bandscan test for the best signals for that time  using R75 and 2x16 m
..while awaiting for leaving home ...

9420 ERA /VoGreece 0635 with greek music . I dont now if they relly transmit everyday at this time, but tis period it is posisbly  de to triple elections for Greece:  mayors ,  district  headpersons and the members for the European parliament Signal was S9+20 to 30 and  good audio was not //729 so i can  supose it  was the Voice of grece .In the mean time 729 tested with only S5 of signal. Short time  of listening.

6070 Channel 292 0639 with songs S5 only
5985 Huna Daulia ..Saudi Arabia / (ID that can mean SABC though it is diferent ) 0640 with program in arabic and S10 >>eibi shows CRI
7335 0642 with talks in spanish S2 sounds  as like RNE!! >>Marti (eibi)
11880 AWR 0648 with arabic pop song , typcal western pop style S10 ID heard as 'Idaat sawt Lwe'
12015 BBC 0648 WS talks in English , abot elections and franchise S5

Τετάρτη 22 Μαΐου 2019

A few logs.... (22.5.19)

...... on Hong kong kiwi SDR this morning 22.5.19

6510  Guangzhou Radio 0710 YLL mentioning cities and several numbers Clear n the band wih S5
6370 Soounf of Hope 0710 with  tallks and many mentions on SoH 'She wang zhesheng' S7 Also on 6230 with S7 and on 9835 with 'marginal' signal <5 on 0713
6020 Xizang PBS 0712 man singing S7

Δευτέρα 20 Μαΐου 2019

Logs invarious SDRs May 19+20

SDr bukuresti & hungary
6240 TWR 1552 with talk in KZ S9 -75db in HNG  SDR and same in BUkuresti but beter audio off 1600*
9100 VoPeople> NK 1611 talks mixed with STANAG style noised jammer Sx
9116.7 12ch digital carrier  16xx... possibly with guide carier on 9118.3
9155 SoHope ? S5 talks -95 db Also on 9180

in korean SDR
2850 KCBS 1737 with operas S30
3220 Pyongyang in spur S5 1743
3319.9  Pyongyang  also with operas  1748 , diferent prg than 2850 S35
3480 Yuronen annada Isuneka as IDed ,  1739 Kpop music , ID S20

SDR Emerald :8073 in Eire
17660 R Saudi Intl as IDed 1425 in French S5 only but mixed with other audio
Bukuresti SDr
11844 Azad Radio in turkmen or in turkic  laguage 1453 , overloaded
11200 CNR hammer 1456 with S9 !1 same time in my home with  S7
11175U AFN 1459  encoded mesages and echoed (multi spot ?) S6
8743U Bangkok Meteo 1545 with freqs in thai then in Eng S5only   but good reception

Πέμπτη 16 Μαΐου 2019

Logs for May 15th 2019

Writen in 1  core , 5+ yr old  tablet 4.2.2 Droid  with external keyboard  and autocorect off or i have to wait more han 5 minutes for system to check every one key pressed bythe witer after 200 words of text!!...
This tablet is used up to 10 hrs per day !!

9750  unIDed 1321 phone in reports in pres Turkmen poor audio S9 >>no info on eibi that time
9510 IRIB  1321-2 music sign on S7 max with rather low audio signal
9490 R Romania 1328 live news , referring  to Germany and Opel S6
9840 VoTurkey 1333 semi tad song turkish prg S20
13695 AIR 1339 news in English ,development in underdeveloped counties S0
15715 CRI 1347 a nice song , talsk in English S9
17800 1350  in seem as Hausa , s short hilife audio duscussions between OM /YL on Nigeria >>DW HAusa
11665 WAi FM ML 1358 music  that seem as joget sinal just S1
11660 CRI 1359  S on IS ID in HIndi then immediate news , S 6

Τρίτη 14 Μαΐου 2019

Logs for 12May (big zise! )

ICOM R75 rig with inVerted 2x16 

Top logs:
9280 IRIB Special Program for Ramadan 1605 YL In arabic  with talks as like poem with backgrond r music . 1609 with an acapella religious siging - nasyid- coninuouslty mentioning Illahi . . ID Huna Dahran by YL . S20 poor audioDeep QSB
Video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tPVRd04goHU&t=10s

6100 Afghanistan? 1528 with S7 carrier QSB2 with dari music background . signoff 1530 leaving the local QRN plus a very poor signal ONce again on 1655 with low audio with very strong fades . Backgrond station Pyongyang Pangsong with korean operas.
At 1713 another station with african talks poss hausa S20 max >>TWR Yao /eibi

7725 unknown pirate 1848 with S4 sgnal ,1854 for mroe than 4 minutes wit not more tan S2 signal Niceold music mixed with jazz soul and otehrs of 50s - 60s . signal was beter in Hungary

9845 NLS via Malag 1908 with russian religious program with S7 signal and having adress many times throughout the program . Heard  ther station als via one hungary SDR with S15-20

More logs :
4850 XJPBS 1521 in Kazakh with S5/4 QRN Less than marginal  result
4820 Xizang PBS Chinese 1522 S7 a bit better signal than XJPBS KZ
4920 Xizang PBS TB 1524 mixed with AIR S6
6195 BBC ? 1537 in farsi . talks and speeches S9
15475 a mysterious digital ? mode that wanrders in the band
15670 AWR 1544 with Dx program preseting UNique radio and the happenings in Australia in SW adn some news of 0430 in a trunck stationin Berlin
15640 Deewa 1554 ID in Dari with song S9
17420 1556  spurof 17530 that has also another spur on 17640 Both spurs around 10 kHz wide
17845 (Id unheard) fiercy pastor with fanatic talks , oeof the many ministries in SW with adress in Cypress Creek NK 1601 wih news on NZ
11560 AIR 1615 with russian program with freqs S9
11750 City FM 1659 man talks in sinhala and mentioing Srilanka , phone call S20
11253 RAF Volmet temps with YL voice S1 only good heard
6110 Fana ETH 1715 with HoA sosng and S9 signal
6050 Xizang PBS CC Chinese trad  music S9
6140 AIR GOS 1719 with old Bolly songs featuring mostly Lata S20
5915 Zambia ? 1722 S5 poor mod and high QRN
5860 Farda 1726 song 'i knew youare waitign for me' great hit of 80s
6000 CNR1 CHN 1729 talks by OM S7-9
9920 R Thailand 1859 s off nealy immediate s on ID then immedaite news in Eng S10
9420 NO ERA today 1900 9425 Pyong yang is good however

1650   QSO netowrk with parisian with S9  , marcopolo with S3   and several others  1534
1566 a pirate from S greece 1755 phone in when in a sudden a local pirate s.on in same freq wih S9
1610 kalitehnis - artisan- checking his system ad talking continuously S8 180x
1622 Edison 180x with oldies ,a old freind Stations that are heard also outide Greece

Παρασκευή 3 Μαΐου 2019

Logs last Tue & Wendeday (30.4+1.5)


5140 Charleston 2229 with 40s songs S9
5450 RF 2229 with meteo S5
5565 Shannon 2230 withmeteo  S9
5840 WMR 2231 with sog ID World Music Radio SIgnal S4 only
6115 BBC 2239 S9 max with news
6210 pirate 2240 with soul music S4
9505 Marti 2245  with long ID  'por cuba' S9
15370 Radio Havana Cuba 2249 the only inthe band
6604 Gander  2252 meteo and overcasts S6

1550 RASD 2224 with signal better then RAi on 1548 S4
Some greek unofficial stations on MW : on 2210
1044 daffy (S4)/1108(?)/1368 (10)/1386 (5)/1431 UniR (15 = S9+15)/ 1485 (S6 )/ 1539 (9)/1611 (7)/1630(7) /1640 (7)/1690(9)/1730(3 with nongreek ) Also 1566 with two pirates 2225 adn 1841 wih ttwo carriers
Also found a NL pirate [?]with just S3 for only half minute on 1635 with ompah ompah german songs

6205 poss LHH 2113 with muisc S5 max
9955 WRMI 2147 just S1 with much QSB man talksing and only S1
9830 2148 CNR mixed with 'strong' RTTY /FSK 75 bd signal (S3) form PR Isabella Puerto Rico
9730 VoVietnam 2149 poor signal S3 with talks , short music clip then talks then  a hip hop song S5
9413 a FSK signal with 75 bd baudot S5
9445 AIR 2159  at max S7 mixed with Pongyang while 9425 is absent!
7210/72250 CRI in spanish 217
637 R Dvoika Cze 2201 ID then song ssweet dreams (eurythmics  ) S9
1476 HIndi songs 2220 mixed with anoter sattion with pop songs ...S5 >>>R  Asia (mwlist)
1386 R Svoboda 2300 with IDs then news in Rusian S5