Σάββατο 29 Ιουνίου 2019

KSDR spots logging on J 25th

DUe to a mysterious bug yesterday in blogspot that caused my Chrmoe under the talbet unwilling to enter into mypage , i reposted the page here with  the replies.

Many thanks to the person comented

Eire , Emerald SDr , testing  signal fading in some interesting feqs and a few utes

234  RTL 2012 with grand soir progam S9 , ID . short fades of 5 db
252 BBC S40 or -32db strady signal . using the full 20kHz filter produced near  to HiFi mono audio
198 BBC 4 2018 , interesting news themes on procrastination and the same , Once again a flat line  signal history level on -47

3470 Frnch pirate operator 2035  S5
3955 KBS 2039 with program ingerman and KPOP songs Sxxxx
3975 SW Radio 2042 pop song Welcome to the 3975 from SWR radio  on ...  S9
4216 TIH  CW marker 2051 S-
4651 tel like calls and talks in ENg 2055? fair and good signals
4800 CNR and 4820 XZPBS today under QRM from LInk11 signals 2013
6055 TOM? 2010 S9 man with relig pgram -75db ,

Hoksiel NL and  pd0dh.ddns for beter signal  :
1459 Vahon 2124 nice old HIndi songs S20 - sdr is nearby the station !
1468 LYca R UK 2145 with old Bolly songs with S20 - former Sunrise Radio

Magyar SDR (duckdns) nearby Bucharest :
1620 Devil radio frm THS with  80-90s laiko songs  , Just look at the screenshot on the bottom . Fading  lows occur every 110 sec for about 20secs untill ....
This is supposedly a suden  'propagation turbulence'
I expect your opinions on the info provided by the interesting  drawing 

1764+5 2215 QSO between two slavic pirates  witrh short talks only BOth are of -70db

Here the posting of a web watcher with my response:

Good logs and thanks for sharing, the graph represents the signal strength, noise and fading pattern which indicates a 22 db difference between minimum signal during deep fades to maximum signal strength, also indicating that fading is quite slow with this signal also indicating a fairly stable signal with not too great a noise encroaching upon the signal

  • Because I cant post inthe replies part of this blog , i post my opinions here and i thank the poster very much for his reply.
  • I agree with him for the whole message: short timed fadings occur with around 5-7 db cycles nearly every second which is as i call it short timed fading caused by convergence nd divergence of the signal.  There is the mid time fading at causes every 110 secs the   minimas up to -20db
  • The last fading curve seems damaged from possibly sudden  ionospheric turbulences.

Quite unusual b-loglisting with K-SDRS in MW June 28,19.

It is always very impressive on how a signal behaves with fading. A signal tracer such as the KSDR  S meter plug in can show you lines or curves that you cant even believe! Stunning curves that define what we call fading or propagation, can very easily lead you get always into some [very] useful results. Something that one decade ago was rather impossible for the poor man's system.
Don't forget: Propagation  is one of the most important factors of any SWLer or DXer. It can kill or even enhance reception on a HF Circuit. I remind you  the P or F factor in the SINPFEMO code. Just think why  the RSBG and ARRL edited books on propagation! 

I m keeping the same formula with the previous posting by adding a screenshot after each reception log which this time is on the MW band only. It is  made especially for a rather difficult Facebook group that sticks into the rules rather than the info provided.

This will be the only and the one  case of making such posts. I will cotinue my older format of text only postings  unless i will receive more the 40 replies!

KSDR in Hanoi 
963 a station 1737 with talks that seem as Viet.  mwlist.org  shows a station on Thailand  which operates till 1700 There is a low level QRM...
Rather flat  signal  fading in the 7 mins time . a bit stronger flutter in the end of reception.  

1008 CNR1 1738 Nice traditional Chinese music and man talking S9
Sue to long distance the signal has more prop disturbances. Look also for the minima and on how signal dropped abruptly  

1080 CRI English 1745 S20 talks between two girls about music and emotionalism and how much some songs can hurt hearts . afterwards with a CC pop  song
The fading curve  is impressively smooth that can mean station is closer than you can think  under 1/32 sec resolution   Sign off is shown in the right end of the graphic leaving the spots with the local noise!!! 

Hungary SDR nearby Budapest
729 ERA Athens with news at 1900 with max S9 in geek about the forthcoming elections net Sunday 7th
Poor signals in the remain 2 freqs : 1008  1404. Nothing on  1305
No info here. What you get from this curve? 

In Buharest SDR same frq 1847:
Discussion  with the president of a very small left wing party on why people must vote them. This is  part of the intra-party treaty that all mass media must offer part of their time for all political parties to self promote.
1006 1404 1305 are not clearly heard.

SDR spot has self  overloading problems  QRM  from 720 Romania Fading graphic is in auto mode and overloads are shown with separate traces above and below the fading curve 
I m leaving  also you to comment on this curve.

Doha SDR : 
1538 Asianet 1818 old Tamil songs in between short songs references in Tamil or same   1825  with adverts , mentioning also radio Carnival , possibly new name? S0+22db max
A bit intense fading level even if the station seems to be in a  relatively close distance  to the SDR spot. Around 378 km   . This can be cause by the mild  overloading  of station's  audio> Notice  that signal tracing is also dependent to the decoding modulation

Τρίτη 25 Ιουνίου 2019

Logs for 24-6-19 (read the notices!!)

R75 with 2x16inv V antena
Two stations with no info in eibi .Need  more research ...

I m usign a tablet with a very simple typewriting program with autocorrect off  without even undo operation . That means two things  

  1. I m unable to automatically sort the logs by frequency  Doing that manually  is  time sensitive. However i can do that for only a few times as far as logs are relatively short 
  2. Autocorect system is also very time sensitive . I turned off very logn ago . even this text can require verry  huge time to doeven a word correxion. 
Hope that later the problem can be solved. Sorry for that...

SW stations: 
4800 CNR 2151 with a nice pop song, then with a children song and S7 There is a QRm from a CW  opreator '5IS' with general caling
4820 Xizang PBS 2157 chinese service with nice music QRMed also by a CW operator
4875 Ondas cortas ... 2158 poss Roraima with just S1 . strong fading
5810 2137 just marginal with music MAx S3 (new?)
5960 CRI 2131 with 'adverts'  China trading Rough table  refrering to instagram S9
5989.7 Brazilian 2133 with fanatic talks JUst S3 .... (new?)
5995 RTV mali ? 2119 S9 but audio is very low Nelty nothingis heard
6010 CNR11 2220 with talks in tibetan  S5 max 6250 Russian LInk 11 chirp signal in the botom of Echo of Unif  . No digital signal from Japan  on the top of it..
6160 SW radio : with mesages on 2129 : AM adio for the continent , SWradio for europe  then a finny old rock song S9 maax
6155 IRIB 2142 man with public adress in arabic S10
6210 LHH? 2222 wih pop music, talks in English then back to music S2
6520 VoPeople , korean 2235 marigianl with NKR noise jammer
7240 /6050 Xiuzang PBS  CC service 2126 with nxice pop songs signbals 7/9 resprcitvely
9420 ERA 2144 semitraditional music S3 only. it seems that they trasnsmit irregularly.

1550 RASD 2242 a crazy song with someone as like shouting crazily inside a pop song while YL singing  S3 with stable signal
198  BBC  #4 2248 with OM talking news haedlines while YL is analyzing the news ,with many metionns on the government and politics , something happened in BIrminhgam etc. Signal  in between two NDBs  in both L and USB parts of the signal!! Needed to use notch filter to remove the carriers.

6420  QSO in spanish , marginal 2237
6670 4XZ 2240 Haifa marker good at S3
5153.76 D marker poor signal S3
6391 AKP CW marker Karachi poor 2229 <<S3

Δευτέρα 17 Ιουνίου 2019

Logs for Sunday 16th

....a night devoted to listen to HF though logs are minimal and wanderign onthe bands
R75 /2x16 m plus 16 slight tilted wire
Using the tablet with the autocoret off It means errrs witll occur evenif i try to correct them

11945 NHK 1754 western oldies Moan with short talkes between them in Jap S20!
11940 RNE 1755 seems sports program S9 QTM  from NHK
4625 The buzzer 1756 with S6
5140 Charleston1757 songs of 40s and talks y man on TOH 35141
11635 VoK 1758 after an open carrier with IS ID and then program in French S5
11630 CNR Kazakh 1759+ with intereting traditioanl string paly S10 anot on 1807
11530 Welat 1803 talkby YL in kurdish (farsi type ) some audio timeouts S30
11610 VoA? 1806 talk in Amharic mention places inthe ME region US Tehran Popmpeo
9420 ERA is not today on
9425 VoKorea 1809 with program in german Neews S9
15510 Sama ? 1829 withmny memtions of Sama , talsk in arabic . also menay timeouts in audio . KItab al sudan on 1830 S10
15770 WRMI featiurng supreme master TV with talks in English
15810 WRM is not on iar today
12120 R PiIipinas 1839 talks in tagalog with English words mixed
1701 Greek  opreator (S20) discussing with a serbian operator (1702 S5 )in greek , Enlgish and Serbian togeher . His English is hed as very greek anyway
7440 Zhongguo Pinyin 2000 satrign with talk by YL  with news S10 (CRI)
6363U ?? QSO talks in SP or IT S3max
6295 2017 pirate
6225 seems  the soung of Slot machine 2016 in USB though the most standard in the band is 6250 QRMed by STANAG
9630 Aparecida 2035 slow pop ype songs , supposedly religios, S3 max . Bible Progarm won 2057
17550 KUwait 2100 witharabic talks S3 The only in the band
4771  a tone of 0.8 secs of S3 max
4756U someone clling in RU mixed with ALE S3 max
5995 Zambia 2246 with talks in FF and taditioal stringed play with S9

E skip  reception on 11 mb  on 1810-28 :
Bands have more than 15 -20  frequncie active . Amonfg them are  27035 , 26940U , 27280 russain S2 , 27640 , 27665U greek ops , 27275 , 28415
all mode in use: USB AM and FM !!!

Κυριακή 2 Ιουνίου 2019

Log for 1/6/19

Please dont forget that i m witing from a tablet with autocorect disaabled!

Logs via UKraine SDR
8879 Bangkok  Volmet 1600 meteo talks in Thai  S3 . QTH RX  with S5 too.
9280 IRIB  1606 S10 with low modulation even if ausio is 10 kHz wide and shown well in the spectran and the waterfall
9405 R Taiwan Intl  1610 with talks in Eglish just S7
10150 a semi digital signal 20 kHz wide S20 
11100 & 11440 SOHope with music not //with 9180

More in house logs  (QTH : R75+ 2x16 m inV )
9420 VoGreece adn CNR13 1720+ mixed with the same levels of S8 .listening to turkic language  with greek music . 9890 is clear . Later in 1830 VoG is clear and strong with S20 signal , suposedly susing difenret antenna
9730 VoVietnam 1726 with viet music S9
9740 KBS Korea 1728 discussions in Korean S9
9820 IRIB 1732 talks in German . Themes on Tajikistan/ Iran [political] coperations S10
11835 SL BC Thumder FM 1739 with tamil songs with short presentations prior to  the songs S3-5 QSB 2
9810 unIDed 1742 gospel song man talking in English opening the bible in ch 9 adn then continuing the talks  S20
11945 NHK 1750 with song of Aznavour then OM talking about his history in Jap mentioning also Yerevan and continuing the prgram with some music . News on 1756+ ID on 1800
11975 R Romania Intl 1754 with western heay metal music program ID on 1756 S10
12120 R Pilipinas 1802 with new sin Tagalog Signal less than S2
9920 R Thailand 1803 with program in Thai S20
11215 spur of 12005 BBC in French . Maximum signal is only S3 .Checked also with 1103 

8812 R Istanbul 1805 turkish meteo talks 1808 in English
9092.4 carrer with bussing sound 1813 S20
344 THS local marker S10

630 Timisoara 1900 ID by YL aand  noticing for continuing with a music program.  that starts  with a traditional song suposeld called 'nani nani'

26+27 MHZ band is with lots of operators in all 3 modulations: 27580 with USB in IT 1848  /27375 german  using FM  1856, many others not noticed ...