Δευτέρα 7 Οκτωβρίου 2019


as posted in WOR at included my reposting from a FC group 
scroll in the bottom for my friendship with him 

Henrik Klemetz har avlidit idag/has passed away todayv Sep 21 at 11:53 AM
Henriks hustru Josefina har meddelat Jan-Erik Österholm att Henrik Klemetz avlidit idag på förmiddagen i sviterna av tunntarmscancer.
Ett trist besked för hans familj och för DX-världen som förlorat en god vän som alltid ställde upp för oss.
Våra varmaste kondoleanser till hans fru och dotter.

Vila i frid Henrik  Arctic Radio Club
Henrik's wife Josefina has informed Jan-Erik Österholm that Henrik Klemetz passed away today in the morning in the suite of smallintestine cancer. A sad message for his family and for the DX world  who lost a good friend who always stood up for us. Our warmest condolences to his wife and daughter.

Henrik - Rest in Peace - Arctic Radio Club (Thomas Nilsson, Sept 21,DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Very sad news. Hopefully he didn't have to suffer too much. We have lost an amazing authority of Latin American DX (Mauno Ritola, ibid.)

Henriks station och bakgrundskunskaper om LA var unik, och det gjordeockså hans stora iver för att hjälpa oss med stationsidentiteter. Hanvar intresserad av ett brett spektrum av saker, inte bara vad som desäger efter ordet Radio i knastrande på mellanvåg. Jag har varit bara en av dom många Henriks fjärran dx-vänner från andra sidan avBottenviken, men idén om en varmhjärtad, pålitlig vän kom från vårtmångåriga utbyte. 

För att hedra Henriks minne, en länk till låten som han fick till min uppmärksamhet:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_c6WAgBBrs

[Google translation:] Henry's station and background knowledge of LA were unique, and so was his great zeal to help us with station identities. He was interestedin a wide range of things, not just what they say after the word Radio in the midrange. I have been just one of the many Henriks distant dxfriends from the other side of the Gulf of Bothnia, but the idea of awarm-hearted, reliable friend came from our many years of exchange.

To honor Henry's memory, a link to the song he got to my attention: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_c6WAgBBrs Manda Lluvia --- with lyrix Marco Barrientos Transformados (Juha Vehmas, Finland, ibid.)
A moving song of faith, presumably Christian, only by allusions (gh)

Special message for the today passed away Henrik Klementz

I relay a message posted today in a Facebook page about the death ofHenrik Klementz, a well known DXer whom I was a friend for at leasttwo years ago.

One of the most famous DXers of our time, Henrik Klemetz (HK), has passed away early this morning in Sweden. Henrik died in a hospital inthe town of Borås as a result of a serious illness. Henrik had lived for years in Colombia, and he was known especially for his unparalleled knowledge about the radio scene in Latin America. In 1989he wrote a book titled "Latin America by Radio", which was and stillis a fabulous guidebook for identifying Latin American stations. Inrecent years he has not been actively DXing himself, but he hascontinued to help numerous DXers to identify Spanish-language stations, doing a lot of research, and often discovering the identity of obscure local stations unlisted in any publication. Henrik will be greatly missed among the global DXing community. Henrik also contributed to the DXing.info website, and is featured on this page: https://www.facebook.com/henrik.klemetz?__tn__=%2CdK-R-R&eid=ARAuXmj8PYL1V1_5TyYf35MCqqNKaEM2U8H6V24_PWLqqRM9FmMzKWu2G3cUX-B5NnlDUgipnpM7dszH&fref=mentions&hc_location=group Post by Mika Makelainen (via Zacharias Liangas, WOR iog via WORLD OF RADIO 2001, DXLD)

Very sad. I once had the pleasure of meeting Henrik as he passed thruMiami airport. Maybe recorded an interview? Or considered it (GlennHauser, ibid.)

[from SW Bulletin:]


One of the most well=known and famous DXers of our time, Henrik Klemetz, passed away in his hometown, Borås, in the morning on Sept 21as a result of a serious illness.  

Henrik had lived many years in Colombia where he met his wife. 

His knowledge of Spanish and Latin American cultures was amazing and irreplaceable.  

He was also a very skilled DXer though not active during recent years.In 1989 he wrote a book titled ”Latin America by Radio” which still is a fantastic guidebook for identifying Latin American stations. 

For a very long time he has been help ing DXers around the world with identification of Latin American stations and as well doing a lot ofresearch. Often he discovered unlisted stations and could help  DX-ers with verifications. 

His contributions to the DX community will always be remembered and weall have lost a wonderful friend.

It’s fantastic to read all the comments about the influence Henrik have had in the DX World, such as RealDX, A-DX, DXing.info, WO, Arctic Radio Club and in other social medias. Some DX-ers also suggested that a collection of all comments will be created and given to his family. I have started this collection (/Thomas Nilsson, ed., SW Bulletin Sept 22 via WORLD OF RADIO 2001, DXLD) see also PUPLICATIONS
[from Arctic Radio Club mv-eko Sept 23:]

HENRIK KLEMETZ 1942 - 2019
Det var ett trist besked som nådde oss på lördagsförmiddagen den 21 september att vår vän och medlem sedan flera år, Henrik Klemetz, har avlidit i sviterna av en svår cancer. Vår klubb och även DX-världen har förlorat en enastående kunskap. Det gäller inte enbart Latinamerika-DX, utan även en stor kunskap om språk och kultur i denna världsdel. Genom hans kunnande var Henrik i flera år en uppskattad medarbetare för flera av de latinamerikanska länderna i WRTH. 

Henrik var också författare till en bok om Latinamerika-DX-ing, ”Latin America by Radio”. Även om denna bok, som utkom redan 1989 har några år på nacken, är den fortfarande aktuell. Henrik bodde i ett flertal år i Latinamerika där han mötte sin fru Josefina. Våra tankar går till henne men även till dottern Ida-Sofia. Vila i frid Henrik!

Flera medlemmar i ARC har hört av sig och föreslagit en insamling för att honorera Henriks stora kunskap rörande frågor om Latinamerika. Han var inte längre en aktiv DX-are när det gällde att ställa in en radio, men han blev snabbt experten i vår grupp. Hans kunskap och förmågor var enastående. Folk kanske glömmer att hans uthållighet också var oöverträffad. Vi är många som minns hur han tog hand om våra olösta inspelningar trots miserabelt ljud och massor med störningar. Henrik arbetade i sin kammare och efter en tid, kortare eller längre, så återkom han med besked. Jean Burnell uttryckte detta på ett särdeles bra sätt: Hej Jean, jag har äntligen det. Det var Radio ... i Colombia, effekten var 1 kW, och stationschefen väntar nu på din mottagningsrapport på den här adressen ..."

För allt det arbete som Henrik lagt ner för oss kommer ARC som klubb att bidra med 1000 kr. Vi som tagit del av hans stora passion för att lösa mysterier med tuffa inspelningar och hans arbete för att utverka verifikationer föreslås att varje medlem i ARC också ger ett bidrag som vi senare kommer att överlämna till Henriks familj. Vi föreslår ett bidrag från var och en på t ex 150 kr eller valfritt, helst högre belopp. För att hantera detta har öppnats ett speciellt konto. Insättning görs till konto Thomas Nilsson: 8214-9 694 805 816-6 eller swisha till 0703-911411. Märk insättningen med ert namn och HK. Som ett minne för insättarna har Odd Påg filmer från konvent 2013 och 2016 (den senare 45 min.) som han lovat ladda ner till alla som skickar ett USB-minne 8 eller 16 GB, (passar i TV´ns USB-ingång) samt ett frankerat kuvert för returen. På konventet 2016 finns HK med. Kvalitén är närmast HD. Lämpligt USB minne skickas till: Odd Påg, Hästhagen 1, Lursäng, 452 97 Strömstad
[Google translation of above:]

HENRIK KLEMETZ 1942 - 2019

It was a sad message that reached us on Saturday morning, September 21, that our friend and member for several years, Henrik Klemetz, has died in the suites of a severe cancer. Our club and even the DX world have lost an outstanding knowledge. This applies not only to Latin America-DX, but also to a great knowledge of language and culture in this continent. Through his knowledge, Henrik was for many years an esteemed employee for several of the Latin American countries in WRTH. Henrik was also the author of a book on Latin America-DX-ing, "Latin America by Radio". Although this book, which was published as early as 1989, has some years on its neck, it is still relevant. Henrik lived for several years in Latin America where he met his wife Josefina. Our thoughts go to her but also to the daughter Ida-Sofia. Rest in peace Henrik!

Several members of the ARC have heard of and proposed a gathering to honor Henry's vast knowledge of Latin American issues. He was no longer an active DX-er when it came to tuning in to a radio, but he quickly became the expert in our group. His knowledge and abilities were outstanding. People may forget that his stamina was also second to none. We are many who remember how he handled our unsolved recordings despite miserable sound and lots of interruptions. Henrik worked in his chamber and after a while, shorter or longer, he returned with a message. Jean Burnell expressed this in a very good way: Hi Jean, I finally have it. It was Radio ... in Colombia, the power was 1 kW, and the station manager is now waiting for your reception report at this address ... "

For all the work that Henrik has done for us, ARC as a club will contribute SEK 1000. We who have taken part in his great passion for solving mysteries with tough recordings and his work on developing verifications suggest that each member of the ARC also makes a contribution that we will later hand over to Henry's family. We propose a contribution from each of for example SEK 150 or optional, preferably higher amount. To deal with this, a special account has been opened. Deposit is made to account Thomas Nilsson: 8214-9 694 805 816-6 or swisha to 0703-911411. Mark the deposit with your name and HK. As a memory for depositors, Odd Påg has films from convention 2013 and 2016 (the latter 45 min) which he promised to download to anyone who sends a USB memory 8 or 16 GB, (fits in the TV's USB input) and a stamped envelope for the return. At the 2016 convention, HK is included. The quality is closest to HD. Suitable USB memory is sent to: Odd Påg, Hästhagen 1, Lursäng, 452 97 Strömstad (ARC mv-eko 23 Sept via DXLD)
Many more tributes to Henrik Klemetz on the RealDX iogroup, where he was very active helping to ID unID recordings::
Sad news from Sweden today: Henrik Klemetz has passed away. We have lost a great friend and maybe the best specialist of Latin American DX. My condolences to his wife and daughter. http://www.dxing.info/about/dxers/hk.dx  By Mauno_Ritola · #35529 · Sep 21
This is very sad news, Mauno. Henrik was more than just a DX friend. Henrik was not just helpful with DX recordings, but took time to correspond and develop a good friendship, albeit only via email. He took that extra time to translate the speech in so many of my recordings. His knowledge of language and the South American continent was vast. Definitely a friend and one who will be deeply missed. Please pass all our sympathies to his family (John Faulkner)

I'm so sorry to hear this! I've known about Henrik for a very long time, but it's only since joining this group a few months ago that I had the opportunity to correspond with him. My regrets to his family. (Ken Alexander, VE3HLS So Phisai, Thailand)

Very sad news indeed. Henrik was always ready to help with finding ID's, languages, etc. The hobby has lost one of its greats! (Russ Edmunds WB2BJH Blue Bell, PA Grid FN20id) 

Terrible news, Mauno. A great source of DX knowledge who I will sadly miss. Please pass on my heartfelt condolences to his family and friends. Henrik, may you rest in peace, OM. 73s (Barry :-) Carlisle UK, Davies)

Mauno, this is really sad news for me - in recent years Henrik has been so helpful to me personally in my pursuit of our great DX hobby. He was without peer in his ability to unravel our ‘DX mysteries’. I hope you will be able to pass on the group’s messages of concern and sympathy to his family (Bryan (Mangawhai - New Zealand) Clark)

Just got home from a day visiting family and I read this very sad news. I regarded Henrik as a friend (even though I'd never met him in person). We last corresponded in August about the existence of the quechua programme "Alero Quichua" on Radio Nacional in Santiago del Estero, and about Zamba and Chacacera music. He told me of the tension between Aymara and Quechua speakers in Perú.
Henrik had unique abilities - to be able to interpret weak radio recordings, having an excellent knowledge of Spanish as spoken in all parts of South America, and an encyclopaedic knowledge of Latin American culture and (in many cases) an acquaintance with the owners of stations in most of the South American countries.

He often sent me a Spanish Christmas greeting - I'll keep last year's. Many years ago he sent one from Venezuela in the form of a guayanese aguinaldo - a reminder of the true meaning of Christmas. I still have it and occasionally send it to friends.

A benefit of the internet is that we can communicate with people we would otherwise have found it hard to find. It would be a fitting tribute if all the good things said about Henrik on this forum, and presumably on the ARC, could be gathered together and passed to his family. It would show the esteem with which HK was held around the world. RIP, HK, 73 / AB (Andrew Brade, UK)
When I set up RealDX, Henrik was one of the first people I contacted. He was no longer an active DXer in terms of actually tuning a radio, but he rapidly became the star of the group. His knowledge and abilities were outstanding. People might forget that his tenacity was also second to none. I recall posting an unid with terrible audio which went unsolved and largely ignored until Henrik replied on RealDX many months later, and he emailed me directly. He said, "Hello Jean, I finally have it. It was Radio ... in Colombia, the power was 1 kW, and the station manager is now waiting for your reception report at this address ..."

I and this group will always be grateful for his help, support and generosity. Henrik alone was SINPO 66666 ((Jean Burnell, Newfoundland)

A man of greatness among DX'ers, "Latin America by Radio" by Henrik Klemetz has been and will always be a treasured book in my library. Henrik Klemetz's knowledge of Latin American radio is unsurpassed.  As an example of something only Klemetz would know, during the 2017 Prince Edward Island DX'pedition an interval signal was received on 960 kHz which upon posting to RealDX it was immediately recognized by Klemetz as Radio Santa Cruz in Bolivia. His contributions to the DX community will always be remembered (Bruce Conti, NH)

Good evening, Well, it has been a sad day for Henrik’s family and all of us involved in DX-ing. Henrik has been a member in Arctic Radio Club and Shortwave Bulletin as long as I can remember.
I had the same thought as Andrew Brade and as a co-editor in Arctic Radio Club I intend to collect all comments from various sites. Those comments will be given to Josefina, Henrik’s wife together with our condolences. Regards (Thomas Nilsson, Sweden)

Sad news from Sweden today: Henrik Klemetz has passed away. We have lost a great friend and maybe the best specialist of Latin American DX. That was shocking & sad news to me. There is no one who could replace him.
He has helped me a lot with LA signals abov 30 MHz during the last  F2 season, when many unusual stuff came in. Even the toughest  cases he managed to solve.  

One was on 35.9 MHz from Buenos Aires originally transmitting on 107.7 [x 3] without a real ID or location. Henrik tried to contact one of the advertisers to find out more about the station. He did a lot of phonecalls (I refunded his costs), It turned out to be an unlicensed station and they tried to hide as much as possible, because they first suspected he was from the local regulator, but after a while started to trust him. So he eventually got the owner on the phone and developed good relationship with her. She was so amazed about being rcv'ed in Germany that she sent us a MP3-package of the original jingles. I've never got that from any other station. He & myself later on even sent birthday wishes to her. Also again a  year later.

Without Henrik we would never have known the details of this station. In another case he found the owner of a Brasilian FM station that I  heard around 36 MHz, and also stayed in long contact with him. Just in April he wrote me:
"It is funny, but I am still having contact with some of the people who replied to your reports, essentially from Argentina and from Brazil."

So all this will never escape my mind. It was a real pleasure having  had this experience with him. He will be bitterly missed from now on. Henrik, rest in peace and keep an eye on RealDx from above! Does anyone know how old he got? My condolences to his wife and daughter. (Jurgen Bartels)
For what I know of Henrik Klemetz, I learned that he was also contributing regularly as a (radio) columnist for instance to some Latin American stations and as a matter of fact, I had the privilege to be invited once to a quiz he organized along with Radio Costa Rica 930 in a program called "Mundo sorprendente". If I recall correctly Henrik brought five DX Latin recordings we had to identify.
What an honor for me getting a 100% and be named as co-winner along with top DXers Chuck Hutton and Andrew Brade 8-) (listen attached)

Thank you Henrik for the great memories. Que descanses en paz. amigo (Sylvain Naud, Portneuf, QC, CAN)

And here is why Henrik was working with 930 AM in San Jose:
In the late 70's I heard a weak station on 1546 kHz. I could catch no ID. In 2009 I was reviewing some old recordings and found a clip of this station which I sent to Henrik. He was able to get an ID (Radio Gama) and a bit of the Costa Rican anthem. No more could be learned as there was no Costa Rican with that ID.

Henrik - with his usual perseverance - sent the recording to a Costa Rican radio group (mostly hams) and one person immediately recognized the voice of the announcer. It turns out that this was a 1 kW station built entirely by hand by a Costa Rican and was unlicensed. He was apparently quite a local legend.

One of the radio group was the host of Mundo Sorprendiente. He got in touch with the daughter of the now-deceased engineer, and she was very pleased that her father's station was heard thousands of miles away in the United States. She was later a guest on Mundo Sorprendiente.
No case too hard for Detective Klemetz. It's still a pleasure to remember how pleased she was and I enjoyed knowing the special story of Radio Gama (Chuck Hutton)

Very sorry to hear this news! A couple years ago Henrik solved a bizarre Asian mystery that had all the local TP-DXers stumped. During a vacation to Princeville, Hawaii, Craig Barnes had received a strong Asian station on 693 kHz just after 1600 UT in a mystery language, that obviously wasn't anything Asian. It sounded very exotic, although the signal was really strong.
After a single listen Henrik pronounced the language as Portuguese with a Brazil
ian accent (!), which was the key to tracing the language to the Japanese big gun 693-JOAB-- running a special program after local midnight for Brazilians living in Japan. Awesome! (Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA, USA))

I'd forgotten about that! But yes, it was in 2010. There are lots of "radio people" in Latin America who will have known Henrik. Berny Solano was the name of the Costa Rican referenced by Sylvain, and I can think of people like Alfredo Cañote (/Space Master/) in Lima, Horacio Nigro in Montevideo, Arnaldo Slaen in Argentina, Marichuy Hernández Yedra in México, Rafael Rodríguez in Colombia and there must be many others who perhaps don’t know of his death and would like to pass on their condolences to his family. 73 / AB (Andrew Brade, Sept 22)

Very sad news. Henrik was a truly remarkable man, and very generous in sharing his encyclopaedic knowledge with others, as we have seen in all the tributes to him. A copy of his book "Latin America by Radio" occupies a prominent position on my bookshelf. I shall remember him for the friendly help and guidance he gave me over the years, and for his great contribution to the DXing community.
Of course our loss is nothing compared with that of his family, to whom I offer my deepest condolences. RIP, Henrik (Martin Hall, Scotland. DX Loggings Editor, MWC)

Well stated, Jean. Henrik was incredible. He not only could ID a Spanish speaking South American station, he often times could ID the name of the program and the announcer. He will be missed! (Marc DeLorenzo, South Dennis, MA)

Really sad news, Henrik was a nice guy. We did together some broadcast history projects about Tanger and Spanish Ifni. RIP (Jari Savolainen, Finland)

Hi Fellows, Certainly, we are very sad as many DXers here in the southern cone of Latin America about Henrik passing.
He was a pivotal value between the two worlds: Latin America, with his deep knowledge of its culture and languages. And the European culture. From the hobby point of view, he linked both ways the connection among European and Latin American DXers.
There are not many cases like this. And since with radio we cross boundaries, frontiers, nations, his role proved to be essential promoting friendship above all. A real gentleman, rich in intelligence and culture he will really missed. 73 de (Horacio Nigro Geolkiewsky, CX3BZ, Montevideo, Uruguay, Sept 23)  ([end of RealDX thread] via DXLD)

MUERTE DE HÉNRIK KLÉMETZ --- Ya publicamos una nota sobre la muerte del Diexista sueco Hénrik Klémetz. Éste es el link directo: https://youtu.be/XBTgkMz-PXE (Édgar Amílcar Madrid, Radio Verdad, Guatemala, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Edgar, Cierto que HK era director de programas en HCJB?? Nunca lo sabia; permanecia en Colombia (Glenn to Edgar, via DXLD)

Sí, Glenn, Henrik Klemetz personalmente me lo informó a mí a través de un mensaje hace varios años. Quizá me dijo qué programa era, pero se me olvidó. Yo lamento mucho su muerte. Era un muy buen amigo. Que Dios le bendiga (Édgar Amílcar Madrid, Radio Verdad to gh, via DXLD)

                                  NOW MY PERSONAL STORY - ZACH
Now please allow me to advise our connection which is around 3-4 years ago . He found me I think via email when he asked my assistance for a more than 40 years old recording. As usual  I  assisted him for identifying the martial songs though it was very difficult and made a short description   of what it was about. It was sad that the article he would write about this survey I and he made was rejected by the publisher (?) For me it was worth of 4 days.
BY the time our discussions in both email and then Messenger were in more personal way . That time  I was writing some fiction stories and he was also aware that I was (and am )a  expert in malay  music , And indeed  from recent discussions in Quora this seems to be true. The singers I know in  around 30 years since my trip in SEA can compare the Greek singers in amount.
Except that he given me several important consults of general practice and two times we had a live discussion And really this man is exactly the same as in the photos.
He advised me that once he had problems with his Facebok account and made another until he found the solution .
Another time he had a communication with a  radio station from I m not sure though it happened last year who made a dedication two times  to my name in behalf of him.

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