Τρίτη 17 Νοεμβρίου 2020

Logs made with the Karelia remote Kiwi SDR (Aihkiniemi ) 15+16/11

Its generally very easy to connect with this SDR which never congests by  users.The noise is the same across all bands with standard S3 levels and many markers and spurious  signals are nside the MW band  . Good also for HF reception with lower gain above 9 MHz antennas mentioned are 400 m longwave .Most typical stations received  in my town can be heard as well by this system Many unwanted carriers and NBD have been found inside the MW band

Below is a short log list as tested in 15 (parents) and 16/11 (home ) Any longs notice without date as for 15/11 There were also tests in parents home using a fathers  PL550 in the center of the city and my smartphone. Smartphone screen does not allow to use ID  on the SDR.

In short:  Salonica and Skopje can be received but sometimes other station are in their seats. Many outlets from Iran a  few from China  , one I can receive long ago but not so many Romanian as in my QTH


531 Jil FM 1952 good in // with radio

630 two Arabic stations 2125 16/11 one with sermons the other with songs S10

657 Iran poss Gilan 2130 16-11with m,an talking a bit emphatically S30 ID ing as R Khorestan Also //684

729 ERA 2000 news mixed with RNE  for signal S10

810 Skopje with traditional song 2023 in // with a PL550 used in parents home retest with S10 on 1729 16/11 but mixed with English station [scotch ]

828 Russia 2137 -45dbm /S20+10 talk by YL

846 Iran , talks 2139 S9 mixed with another with Quranic sermons (al Quran S Arab )

963 on 16/11with talks in French . Most possible is Tunis

1016  Iran 2030  with ID with S10 als on 999 and 981  16/11 Korean at  2150 also 10 ID Ardabil from Iran covering that

1020  with marker -..  (D) on 1714  on 16/11is it possible?

1044 mostly RNE . on 16/11 there is a DRM signal

1098 mixed seems Tibetan and some with  seemingly afghan music (no so much Persian ) 16/11

1340 Radio Ulster 1740 , news or similar , mixed with another English broadcast under  S20

1350 TWR in Arabic on 1946 mentioning Stefanus (Steve ) S10+

1359 and 1377  with CNR at 1943 and again 2052  no signals noticed On 16/11 on 1736 with Iran and talks S10 

1440 Japan 1755with talks , a song on 1758 , an ID? refereeing to Hokkaido .not clear ID on 1800 Listed STV Sapporo (17/11)

1512 Azeri ? 2020 with Turkic  song and ID as Azerbaijan Again 1714 on 16/11 This is noted as a Iran transmission in mwlist

1539 Hindi song S10 adverts 2015 with S10 Retest 1716 16/11  with again tamil song and mixws with CNR signal in its fades Supposed Pravasi Bharati  

1548 in Russian mentioning Jesus 1927 so sems TWR? (yes via moldova ) S20

1566 HLAZ?  1937 S20 with a sons. Retest 205x  with S10 unless there is another Korean station  retest 17.22 talk in Korean with S10 with program that seems as VoA (political news- mention on of Kim Jong and also … trump voice  )

1575 RAI (Genova)  S9 with talk sand adverts 16/11

1705 and 1747 on around of 2025 with Russian pirates


Fast track shortwaves

3985 KBS in German 2213 witht S7 signal 16/11

5995 Mali 2214wityh typιcal instru-capela songs S7

6020 CRI Spanish 2215 talks S9 & 6100

6185  Vatican classical music S9 2216

6377 Kontayner 2218-91dbm 

7225 IRIB IS  2221 S9

9420 VoG 2223 pop greek song -83 or S8 same level CRI PP  9410

9490 DRM with  S10 signal

11975 CRI in French S10


Also Bandung kSDR later :

9665 Pyongyang Pangsong  with operas  2238 QRMed with recuerdos del alabra  from possibly Voz Missionarira Both are in the same freq

9445 VoK with  fast operas 2243 S9

11665 Wai FM 2245 S9 (-73)mixed dangdut songs with IDs in  between There is high noise nearby  the carrier of S7 (-78)




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