Κυριακή 22 Νοεμβρίου 2020

21/11 monitoring with pirates!

  Aa/bb  : dbm of signal to local noise

A notice to the db levels and how are measured : https://hamwaves.com/decibel/en/
-photo from the site
Some of these logs are posted Extreme  SwLing , SDRConsole HF  , greek pirate log page and DXIng.info with photos and videos . You need to first join them



A simple audio diversity  technique to test the sensitivity of two radios

Legend :

## / light-blue    screenshot available only in selected FC pages as above

$$/green             remote kiwi reception

&&/yellow          other equipment reception – mostly PL380



3920$$  Piepzender 1827 noticed also on eibi (??) with rock and meal songs -68/100dbm I cant call him pirate as hey are noticed in a non pirate guide. Exact QRG 3919.982

3955 R 292 1834 with old rock songs -70/95dbm Best filter is <2.5KHz

4405 TAH 1818  with talk in Turkish -65/105dbm mention of UTC Marmara poss Meteo?

4770 1815 the signal today seems obe as the Russian  horn on 4.3MHz previously

600& 6015 with nose from N Korea against ??? with levels of -94/120

6030  RRom Intl 1811 with English program -91/120dbm

6294.97 Abu Dhabi testing new transmitter  advising Holland (or Poland? )even There is a sporadic bur regular HFDL (?)signal on every half  minute with. TDoA with 5 kiwi sdr shown a point in midBLR for the first test and on S Poland in the second ty.  

6320 pirate with rave music 1910  fading gradually to sound -100at 1921

6935$$ pirate ‘this is space 19’  ID 1931 -92dbm in Budapest the best among the other E.Europe kiwis

6978  Kontayner -90/120dbm with 15kHz wide signal

6984.96  the vault in war with a Kontayner signal tail wins in part with only short with its -85dbm

9670  R292 with program ?? at 1250 with old rock songs and -80dbm with number two song

9749.82 Kuwait13xx talks in Ar , music , man talking ‘kntaum ma karib al dahran’ -55dbm/120

15140 RHC 1311 with talks in Spanish ie news -80dbm/120

15620 VoA before 1300 with pop songs , 1300 with Somali , IDing. Echo voiced

15805 WMR is also good at 1247 with old pop song with –74 to -80 dbm relatively sbale signal with local noise at -130 this day

15825 WWCR is good at 1256 woth-70dbm and Christian brainwashing



1053##  test of Libya? 2004 with a -60 dbm signal full of buzzer


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