Τρίτη 3 Μαρτίου 2020

Log s of 3/3/20

typical system 2x16 m 10+10 m cable RSP1a

4775 Tarma 2307 talks in Spanish best  signal at -90dbm
7086 Kontayner 1654 with -80dbm signal and 20 kHz width!
7205  Xinjiang radio 2316 with ID in Uigur -96dbm max
7210 CRI in Russian 1805 continuous mentions … -82dbm
7245 Start on 1800 with uncommon IS the n talks in Amharic  type lang and with a religious  type song. TWR in TIgre  noticed on ibi -67.5 dbm S9 . ON 1923 RFI with Spanish song then ‘kep on go’   with CRI down under in Russian Wide audio at 2x5kHz in between congested band with stations on 7235 RRom DRM-10dbm and 7255 CRI Turk Minimal fading
7255   CRI in Turkish with lessons of Chinse 1926 -80dbm S8
7315 poss Algerie 1833 with sermons in between a digital stream and some unknown radar like all band ‘hratch’ sounds On 1840 

7400 Kontayner in 2319 this freq -120dbm Also on 7870 with -100dbm with 20kHz and 8733 with 15 kHZ on 2326, 9068 @15 and -110dbm .
7475 VoTibet? 2320 talk in  Tibetan
7570 VoKorea is shown as only carrier of -75dbm. Actually the here is also audio tough quite poor
7665  CNR jammer against who? 1648 with -61.4dbm S9 . just talks mixed with underground music
7756 double link-11 system that is partially transmitting 1652 -85dbm  S6
9597 center of Kontayner buzzer 2015of 12 kHz wideband -105
9666  V Missionario in-107dbm only  20xx with jus marginal audio QRMed by the wideband ‘radar’ sound .Some poor  signal tops ! Also on 2328 with -95dbm and music
9722! 1945 with talks in French with -101 dbm max tested also on  HDSDR and Sharp but not on Uno! Tested in various Balkan SDRs with best in Salonica at S5 Two recs : https://app.box.com/s/atgridmpov1b9kkhinl8s3jp8kifj0lo and https://app.box.com/s/dfon4mgzyy5ah3lhnng3a6lvsu7kkyi4

9818.6 R Nueva de Julho 2330 with only -102.5 dbm marginally with music
11965  MDG African Pathways 2016 relig program in English calling to Bible . official  language -90dbm

963  RNE with talk in Spanish 1910  - using PL380  after the local news on 1900
1089 UK   2031 with talks in English Mixes with a Slavic 2255 again with -76 mixed with Arabic ‘VIP …radio ‘.Poss. talk sport
1413 Vesti FM 1700 with news Novosti -59.5 dbm S10
1700 pirate *170035 with Italian disco song -55dbm

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