Σάββατο 21 Μαρτίου 2020

Bandscan 20/3

I continue to keep the Greek government motto ‘we live home’
464  victims 72 unknown origin 16 in difficult situation  7 dead in 2 weeks as of 20/3

15 Mhz band scan and selected picks
11530 Welat is in clear on 1159 with -48dbm signal! 10kHz wide with traditional music and anthem on ToH 1200
11645 VoK 1546 with opera song then with a lively chacha style !  Arabic  program -75dbm
11705  Tamazuj 1550 news in Afrenglish ID 1552 a policy on the a company , coronavirus news, no virus in sudan !!! -51dbm Malakash 1554 news in Arabic.
11860 Yemen 1145  mod to good signal at -65 dbm with wide audio band of 9.5kHz and Arabic songs of 70s
11885 Xinjiang 1142 PBS //9430& 9890 with talks by man mixed with music

15130 IRIB , man preaching 1030 man Ding sawtu Tehran then into headline news . There is much QRm from the nearby Kuwait in DRM mode on 15120 Signal -85dbm
15135 CRI in indo just fading on with signal just -105dbm . nothing herd except a signal trace!
15150 CNR 1034 with news in Chinese by man Signal -85dbm
15170 idling signal 1025 & 1040 at -70 dbm with strong buzzing sound Since the only as noticd in the eibi page is BSKSA I can think they forgot to switch off the transmitter! See the picture 
15190 CRI towards SEA with nice pop song at 1045 with -95 dbm  in //15210 to Occ with -85dbm . Speakers Audio on 15210 is in double as like with Luxemburg effect

15225 CRI till1 1057 and again 1100 in Chech , with ID etc , a song then talk about Confucius philosophy -75dbm
15350 TRT 1110talks in Turkish -47dbm with some fading to -65 dbm talking about Germany and on oranges (? Portakal )and Indonesia and iran
15360 as per listing TRT in Tatar 1112 with signals to -75dbm mentioning possibly the spread of virus on Spain Argentina and mentioning macron
15440 CRI in Chinese 1114  seem as as man addressing -94dbm
15490 another station with idling carrier on 1115 , 95dbm signal
15585 Kontayner of 20 kHz wideband with -100 dbm
15640 RLiberty 1117 15phone in discussions with someone whos mobile has connection problems making buzzing sounds . same time a BPL Line started
15745 CRI in Chinese , YL newscaster , with external recordings .
15760 Mashaal 1122 with semi trad  song. Man talking -85dbm

17490 CRI in english with nice western song (Millary hope blossoming the dust) very good modulation 14 kHz wide and -80dbm signal > armchair reception
17830 NHK in Indo 1132 showing the Portuguese language , talks about Okinawan and Brazilian karate There are also some audio recording during the lessons !See the picture . First time finding this station in this freq 

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