Σάββατο 7 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019

Logs of 7-9

15090   IBB Farda 1316 with S3 music and talks, Signal in between local nose of S3 or -120
15109.650 Kuwait 1325program in Arabic with discussions > signal is S20 or -52 mean level Sudden s/off 1326
15275 CNR jammer 1327 with talks discussions in Chinese S7
15390 CW marker  (incomplete )  -… ..-.
15430 religious talks hat seem as Pilipino with English ,ordinary Jew 1341 S6 or -90  >>Khams
15470 CNR under string buzzing sound on 1347 mentioning Zhongguo zhe shen (1st prg )
15590 CRI 1349 English program my darling baby & my darling daddy and the founding of New China and buying a car. (some older stories ) S7 -90dBm
15620  1352 with HoAfrica song . man mentioning America , in discussion with another man while the song gets as background music. Maneitons of various counties of Europe 54  and a Amen mentioned by younger person , ‘sawt  DC’  , seems a bit overloaded audio sudden s off >> VOA Som  SNR21.5 /-78dBm /S9
15640 Deewa 1355 talks in Pushtu
15690 just a carrier  with SNR 41db -57 after clock with Farda IS then news 6337x2 kHa wideband clear sound
15715 CNR 1 with adverts pm 1402  with S9 //15705 max S5then with talks by YL
15805 WMR again back with S3 or -102.4 dBm on a noise floor of -118 dBm . very marginal to listen to it.
15825 WWCR1409 with priest talking . -5 only this time or just -90dBm with poor modulation fading up to the noise
15110 CNR? Just S7 msx -95 dBm  with  funny music , adverts on 1412 then with man talking in CC
15150 CNR? Mixed with a local router buzzer  with talks in a Bamar language >>AWR on Chin Asho with -100 dBm <S5
15180 VoLiberty in Uzbel ‘Oliardan’ 1417 Amsterdam Turkiye  S9-10 ID on 1420 ‘Azatlik radio Se Olitanem’ 
15255 RL in Turkmen mentioning many times Turkmenistan 1422 S7
15605 VoA 1423 talks in Kurdish Mentions of turkey ID Inja Kurdi radio denge America at 1426 then mentioning Ergdogan Signal S9  or -60dBm  31.4 Above noise
9620 AIR  1428 with nonstandard Hindi song of 80s that seem rather from Pakistan . YL presenting 1430. Man with talks in hindi language Signal -80  to min -110 
9370  VoA  via Thailand  talks in Bamar 1433 ON 1437 music background S7 -87dBm
9345 Liangyou? Lengthy talks between man and woman 1429 with signal max at -85 or S7
15265 BVB in English 1452 with religious program mentioning God and wonderful works an ‘guilty of love’ arguments .Signal -77 dBm or S9
7220 VoV  1500 with ID . talks program in Viet -73dBm News and reports then…
9920 R Teos FEBC 1510 with religious program in Russian -90 sbm and lowering..

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