Παρασκευή 20 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019

Logs of 20-9-19

11574.75  ?? 1530 station with too many time outs and drop outs that listening is nearly impossible S9 max signal >>Ashna R in eibi
11610 CRI  in English 1532 keep Chine up to day , future of capitalism 10 or 45db SNR!!!
11665 CRI  ID ed as China Merkezi radio 1534 in seemingly Farsi lang  >>Pushtu
11530 Welat just S7 with traditional music
6040 BBC? 0602 news and talks  IF at 1604 with max S10 with 23 SMR
6050 Xizang PBS 1606 with news from YL in Chinese ,  ID  then 'adverts' then new talks program on 1610  Carrier on 6048.73 with standard level -91,3 dbm
6055  in Korean 1611 mostly talks S10 max
6100 R Afghanistan 1613 with poor  audio 1617 with  music  Signal around S6 -90 on 1617  with afghan music and a bit better audio before At this level is the lowest signal of the sub-band
6090 Amhara 1624 mixed with a station in Korean .. which is better generally than Amhara S7 or -80db
6085 poss. MI amigo with marginal signal at 1625 at -100 db ver -105dbm local noise that sometimes can get into -90 db max …
6075& 6080 CNR 1 with nice Chines music at 1627 with 25 over 27 db SNR
6110 Fana  1632 YL talking in Amharic hen with beat music then back into talks by OM while the beat continues for longer -81 for most time
6140 AIR 1636  two in Hindi while some instrument chords are played in background S10 max - 70
6165 CRI ? 1638 a nice lead piano pop song  by Man . S10 -60 mean levels The signal has 20 kHz span
5910 started in a sudden on  1646 with talsk in an seemingly afro language . on 1749 he music seems as rather balkan with leading flute .. There are several dropouts in the signal 
Audio :
In the end it was shown as  Romania in Arumanian https://www.dropbox.com/s/gszbb7v6ofnyjto/5910%201652%2020919.wma?dl=0  with IS after 1656
6100 TWR  1658 with typical IS with signal S7  or -80s/-110 QRN the language inside the noise seems as …afro! >>> Yao

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