Τετάρτη 19 Φεβρουαρίου 2014

More Logs on 16-2

More Logs on 16-2

From scanning 

 9745  KUANGHUA 1547 with  just  carrier  , vey low modulation S7 
12125 VOqa special? 1548
17790 WRMI TOM logged with S1 only
6275 RFNK 1553 talks in Korean S7 
6400 Pyongyang Pangsong 1554 Chinese type music S5
15190  Santec via IRRS 1559  addresses in Italy S9 
15525 IRIB? 1603  with nice English pronunciation , talks abt generations financial classes etc S7 
15534 RTMorocco mixed with two carriers on +/- 1 kHz 
15660 AWR via Guam 1601 addresses S5 
15000U Itlcable 1610  samba music , FSK tone, S4 mixed with local BPL (??) carrier 

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