Παρασκευή 30 Αυγούστου 2019

Logs 30-8

New logs of 30-8 

Expecting your observations or opinions on these logs

11910 NHK? Yes in Japanese yL with piano play   while teaching . -67dbm  S9

11820 Oman? S10  -63.5 dbm

11810 BBC at +20 with news

9818.5 R 19-7 at -90.6 dbm mixed wit CNR2 of the same signal

9665.07   V MIzzionaria  Portuguese 2125  with talks and music mix aleluyah  -83 S7  phone ins with a child(/) ultima hora . carrier on 9664.9 kHz

9640 CRI in ?? with pompous song ,20 kHz spread audio , nearly HIFi quality   -59 dbm S10-20

9445  AIR 2117 trad or religious songs with S9 -70 dBm

9420 ERA VOG 2116 Greek ballad song Just -83 /S7

7780  WRMI very poor at -91.7 S7

6693 YL in RU with possible meteo  on 1916 -116dbm

6630 QSo in English YL from Centre 1913

6400 Pyongyang Pangsong 2107  after the hymn with man talking , possibly the program  o news (iran mentioned and Kim il So ng .QRM  6410 Stanag

6300 pirate 2106 ol rocks S7 -83.5dbm

6270 piratw with pop song S9  /-80dbm great audio 2105

6270 pirate very poor 1912  at -97 o -103.5 dbm

6250  Echo of Uni , Korean talks on 1826 while the white noise from N Korean leaves them be heard…

6205 LHH? 1828 with some dance music that mostly rhythm is heard. -95 dbm max of S6 (?)

6195 BBC news on 1904 with -75 to -80 dbm signal

6180 unIDed signal with just -95 to -99 dbm ie marginal above -120 noise floor  , with talks but very diffiuclt to separate language . sup VoA French as per Eibi

6180 BBC Somali 1821 three  mentions of bbcsomali.com and also on Facebook , melkasta @ malkasta com mentions of Russia  Tehran Kabul etc Audio has some inner hum Good audio and sound more than 5500 kHz wide

6170 started on 1900 with -60 to -67  in Kudish with many mentions on Kurds and Turkey VOA.

6165 CRI English 1729 interesting discussions and great audio. -57 dbm

6160 SW Radio 1844 with old pop song and talks by man in English . the oce of the very young man QRM by 6155 VOIRI  Signal -82 to -95 bottom and nice sound . The song is quite old Next song is So sad from Ederly bros (shazamed )then referred by he speaker refereeing on 72  -unshazamed – News then from UK (BBC?)

6140 AIR in Hindi 1725 with old Bolly cinema songs , of Lata Mangeshkar’s and other well known signers or actors S9 (-60dbm)

6120 Xinjiang PBS Uighur .YL with political news mentioning Ankara on 1732

6110 Fana Radio 1733 man in Amharic with talks  (news?) max –-83 to -73 dbm max

6110 Cri in Russian 1908 with news  -59 dbm  max signal may times mentioning Kitai China best filter is 5kHz

6100  TWR Yao program 1712 with signal S8-9 discussions and laughs

6090 Amhara 1738  interview with a man , political talks in Amharic mentioning Senegal -74 max to -86 db bottoms every 15 secs best reception to 3 kHz bandwidth

6070 DARC 1742 old German song , speaker in German next songs that  eds 1747 is a singer paying with guitar. -76 to -83 dBm

6040 VoA in local ZWE languages ,1749 with talks  song intro  1752  interrupted for 15 secs by the speaker Great signal of -73 to min -86

6015 two stations mixed with total signal of -56dbm max . One seems as Turkic

6000 CNR1 man with talks mixed with nice easy listening pop song by man . sudden start by Adygey Radio  in  with -60 dbm at wipes out CNR

5140 Charleston  1932 with typical songs of 50s and signal -76 mean

 MW :
873 RNE with  buzz carrier on -1500 HZ Talks S5 only

810 R Skopje 2152  trad songs S10
738 RNE talks on 2152 bah blah and laughs S+10 1044 RNE aloud talks by men S7
Greek pirates at 2146 on 1520 with S9+5 / 1660 S8 /1670 S18 ith rocks  /1690 jst  on the noise /1700 S20 /1730 S9 in thenoise just ruythm 1759

1 σχόλιο:

  1. Wow, congratulations Zach, this sure is a huge range of logs here, you seemed to be having good reception at the moment which is good to see!!! THanks for sharing!
