Τρίτη 23 Ιουλίου 2019

60 m in Jakarta on 1030

60 m spetrogram in Jakarta kiwi spot 

Short 60 m sectrogram for Jakarta on 1030+ today 23 with stations:
4750 Bandung ,VoINs with pop song and then talks in Eng S9 ON 1040 with lessons of In'sian lang . Nothing  found on 3325. It seems that VoI is now fullly replacing the previous of 3325 that is still noticed in their announcemments...
4885 VoPeople >>NK  S5
4900 V o Stait  CH S8
4940 V of Strait S7 CH   diff than 4990
5000 WWWH S7 tones and time mention by YL
5050 Beibu Bay  CH S8 song , news at 1037

There are also several digital signals that are shown in the right part of the photo...

Please  let me now if you like this format of logs...

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