Τετάρτη 6 Μαρτίου 2019

Schack & KSDR reception son 5/3

Using the Briata kiwi SDr in Italy
7440 292? rock songs 0946 S20
7469 USB station with numbeers lilke in polish(?) "yorka rake" etc S10
7365 V of andes? 1030 with children song  S9
9550 SABC with poor signal , talks  1032
9650 Guinea 1034 with drums poor S5
9880 CNR 1035 and adds S7

From my schack :
15375 CNR 1203 CC talks by child S4
15460  BBC 1204  news S5
12095 FEBC 1206 in Hmong S1 only 252x3
MOldova 873 with  good signal in Thessaloniki has been tested also via KSDR n Keiv (fair with destroyful QRN)  and fair signal in Moskow with fading signals on 17xx

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