Τρίτη 27 Νοεμβρίου 2018

Logs on Nov 26th 18

using typical system
9885 VoA in hausa/kirundi abot Urindi Xhosas and Ibokas S10 >> it is konkani per Eibi
9780 AWR 1953 prg in French religi program asbout Samaritans S5
9850  AWR 1955 in afro lang and songs S8 S5-9 then soff  >>>ibo
9535 Firedrake 2002 with S9 Also on 9410& 9455 At 2100 CRI1 replaces the Firedrake!
7780 WRMI  2009 with russian pogram poss DX program >> radio panorama  S3
7475 R thailand i german 2013 with hymn then bells then IS in Eng abt end of german program then soff
11965  ?? 2022 pasage from genesis , uptown , creatio moments prog S9 >> African pathways
9855 R japan  2033 in french mentioning koreans , JJ lang lessons on 2055
6250 /6350 VoP both S7 on 2035 being in //4885 hunye KOrea  6520&6600 are diferent
6730 CHN CNR 2038 heard very poor
6693 2053 RU meteo with problems in its voice transmission
9380 AIR is very poor on 2058 S2 only
9525 Denge Azadi RL in Kurdish 2106 with ID then with two songs ti
7780 RAE 'argentina del mundo' 2125 program in German. S5-6
6075 RJ 2200 funny discusion between man aand woman in indo Poor signal at S5/S3 local QRN
6358+/-  is a 75bd baudot with RY as heard (i know the sound )

MW logs:
1377 CNR  2107 is now heardw with S3 signal (poor clear with some inter QRM from ??) which  is fist time so clear and good
1566 greek pirate mixed with TWR from Africa , with French lagn on 2108 +
1548 TWR prg in serbian or close lang with relig program [mwlist verifies that, from MDA ]

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