Τετάρτη 6 Ιουνίου 2018

Logs for 4/6

usual  system.
9405 R Taiwan Intl ,man singing ID mentions of Israel 'nominated ??' max 35
11750 Sinhala City 1650 a tamil song a short description by the speaker 1656 ID w QRM 11745 S Arabia 1157  a romantic song then a 50s song
15360 Amara Dimts adio 1702 ID with instrumental  tune and mixed HoA  tunes that reminds  sarawak dangdut S20
15420 Oromo in Afar  1703 many mentions of amara oromo and somali
9720 Erena 1705 after a stop ID by woman wtith mentions in english a welcome then talks with many laughts
15245 VoKorea man and woman into news  inkorean  fdm stream is heard underneath S9
15225  1708 talk in AR  refering to Kurdistan 1724 adverts then dialogues >>SABC AA
9835 Rtm sarawak 1711 a rock song Better signal with the 16 H wire
7120 nothing Where s that ? 1714-5
7445 BBCWS //9410 @1719 about Prince william S1
7280 VoVietnam ? 1720  with news in VV S7
12120 Pilipinas 1730 S3 only
15170 AWR? 1733 adress in Beirut and arabic song that seems  religious  type S?
9970 RFA 1743 korean with very fast siren jamming underthat stoped on 1744  S7
11735 Tanzania 1755 Christian religious talks with  mentiosn to Jesus  Christ
9790  the siren jammer is alone on 1807  !!
9745 Bahrain 1810 with arab teaching
15110 Nigeria 1811 salam alaikum then hausa  songs Signal <6
15180 hausa song talks in hausa1815  Not //15110

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