Σάββατο 4 Απριλίου 2015

Logs for 3 – 4

Using the R75 and the 16 V or 16 H antennas
Very strong local QRN from unknown source

The next week in Greece will be our holy week

15340  unIDed 1350  seems relig , theater type talks lazar in Hindi etc S7 >> Reach Beyod
15750  IRIB 1354 OM talks in Arabic  A song Man poss with ID m then phone in S9
17700 WRMI 1357 with prg in English S3  no QRN  in H antenna
11660 BBC??? 1653  with mentions of Nigeria heard something as BBCService com  lang seems Hausa Am narrow to avoid the local QRN as much as possible  >>>BBC Kiryarwanda
15160 (Bible ?) 1704  with HoA song 17085 with talks seems  not Amharic poss Oromo ID Bible  S20
15205  BSKSA 1711-19  seemed as // 15220  till 1718  this time with Kuran program but after 1712  the program changed . Tried both freq with R75
7530 V of martyrs 1726  with chants  , talks by OM and YL in Korean , rather poor audio , a spelling by letters
7510 IBRA  1734  with HoA song then discussions lang is close to  Amharic (Silte per  Eibi etc )  
5130 Maranatha 1747 an exotic pop style music on 1751 that seems as tajikpop  or something similar 
S9 max 3xz232 sort talks by YL
846  cannibal 1917 (Greek pirate )seems  back with greek 60s songs S5 in H antenna
1188  Greek pirate 1921 possibly from Athens , old folks S9 
1431 Sawa? 1930  with talks in Arabic then a  hymn , mixed with IRIB (heard talk in in farsi > from Isfahan)
Both at S2 in horizontal antenna 
1440  CRI  via Lux 1933  a chinese song , 1934  with two Japanese songs and then next in English . program in german as 'Kulturkollage' as ID in 2000 S10 
1467.33 in an uncommn freq org in Farsi with news also mentioning  Kuala Lumpur
A recording  is here
no info on emwg.org

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