Τετάρτη 29 Οκτωβρίου 2014

Logs 29/10/14

Logs on the 8 m antenna with HF150 and  HIFi ears

7210 RFA  1517 Korean Good
7245 Tajikistan r 1519 Tajik songs ,fair, under mod
7255 BLR ?? 1519 RR songs Undermod fair
9830 CNR 1525 talks  poor
9840 Svoboda 1525 ID in BLR Good
7275 XJPBS 1528 talk in UI fair
7330 R Rom Int1530 ID prg in German
15205 SABC 1656 with dull audio and  chratch sounds Good
9400 Denge Kurdistan 1707 in Kurdish wit seemingly news Good
11855 Erena 1709 just  above the (huge )local noise
17540 Impala /Mara 1718  mentioning Mara and Rwanda  in Kiryarwanda Good

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