Τρίτη 22 Ιανουαρίου 2013

Logs 18-22/1/13

747  possibly a Bulgarian station  IDing as Radio Den on 2004 with talks in Bulgarian . Pop songs then but unsure if was the QRM from Netherlands

1126.5 Libya 2011-14  with several mentions of Libya then a medley of various Arabic songs . Talks 34544

9815 VoA in French  2020-30 with happy discussions . Many points of Africa mentioned . ON 2030  with a pop song S2-3 25332

7216.5 once again VoV 2039  heard in this freq with news S5 only


1485  R Catalunia 2054 with ID , sport prog S5

5900 Brother Stair (per DX remix )2122-24 the well known pastor mentioning a tel number  “..750.. 05 ..” then with rhymed talks and talks between another man S7 35232    Nothing heard on 9505  same time as per listing

7395  IRIB? 2135-40 with prg in Japanese with talks.  in between with bagpipes. ID @2140 33443

7560VoA 2154-2203  ‘the new sinner’ prg in special English .  . Possible change of transmitter and program to Ashna in Farsi on 2200 S6 334x3

6885 G Zahal 21xx and 2209 with no program  !! ! signal S9+20

6400 Pyongyang  2209-13 with anthem then what can be heard as program schedule. S5 352222

9840    unIDed  station 1210-1300with only  hit songs of the 70-80 period  NO ID at 1230 neither on 1300 as they pass with only music Who can be? S0 15342

1566 Challenger? 2045  poor , talks in Italian , S3 mean , S6 max together with other in freq QRMers and from by side  freqs

4619 AFN 2055-2105 very good signal at S4  with ‘rave’ song ID 2100 as AFN  then  music continues 35253 during music Radio news  with headlines  mentioning a publc ceremony

11815 RBC 2114  in a clear  frequency tough with much local QRN (due to DSL) with a poor signal of S2 and discussions  in PP 25232 

9745 Bahrain 2121-26 with Arabic songs 2126 fade out

9720 AWR 2129-32  is in Chinese instead  of Cantonese as per Eibi . 24332

9665 Marumby 2141 man with religious talks in PP Signal up to S5 ,, mentions  of alleluia , proverbs  palabras deus etc S2

1565 AWR Benin 2204 man with talk in French , aafrican song . A maximum level of S7  that dropped  to S3 on 2206 and was back to S5 after 2208 Mentions of Abidjan


4976 UBC Uganda 0446 ‘UBC news’ S9

15160 Australia 0439 news S0

1476  Arabic station with Arabic songs of 70-80s S6 on horizontal antenna

1260 ERA Rhodos with S9+20 signal


9819.3 R 9/7 0402 ? with adverts  and a web address S5 Same time 11765 RDA is S9 , 11780 is S3  and 11815 is S5

11885 XJPBS 0405 with talks S5 max

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