Τρίτη 26 Δεκεμβρίου 2017

logs for Chist-mass 17

with many stops in between logs  for family reasons
7181.5 VoBM 1710  talks in AR  S7
9775 SABC 1711 talks rhen songS7
4885 VoKP 1913 talks  in Korean  S7
4930 VoA STP 1913 adverts S9 'intl edition'
9835 RTM-S 1916 songS3 QRM9840
9860 firedreake? 1917 trad CC playsmixed with  another station
9875 VoK 1918 koreanoperas S7
11880 ?? 1927 music then IS of p. Vatican then talks in EG wit religious talks and news .no entry inEibi .sgnsl S5 undermoded
12160 1947 adverts 'art of show' program 1954
12105  WINB 1957 Christmas song  and wishing you mary chistmas S1 onny
15390  REE  1958 a rock song  fast talks by Woman in Sp then clock and ID then news first abt CTL S1  //15500 S3
15580 VoA 2004  talks in swa mentioning studio7 mixed with tras  afrosongs as  background S9
7550 AIR 2012 wth very poor mod als on 9445 poor mod with a Bollysong of  70s using  Enlish lyrics 'come fast not be slow'featuring  poss  amitabh.hinfi talks after the song
6225.15 pirate with merry chistmas song 2027

MW 1530 VoA via IT? 2004  talks ID by man then menioningChrstimas .,mixed with station in magyar
and 13990 on 0742  twogreek operators on USB on 26th

Also during sleep using degen PL380 and its built-in antenna on the bed
7375 CRi2115 a song thatseems  viet in music but singer sings in CC,tals infrench Good signal
7360 IRIB progra in spanish to be terminated that time as noticed  byYL 2120 strong
7320  denge kurdistan 2123  talksand a violinplay ,man talks dllsond strong  signal
7300 akbar muhrifa 2124 relig  talks in arabic 1228 asong Goodsgnal
7280  VoVietnam 2130 IS then ID then programinEnglsih thenme onViet curency fair
7205 ??? 2138 talskand discssions in FR continuous mnetions on canada then an interview in Eng translated into Frennch Good
MW 8i9 cairo till 2215 wth old songs ID  adverts ten mention on Quran good

Κυριακή 24 Δεκεμβρίου 2017

short log line 24th

7310 on 1208  heard as 1x131 On 1257 i heard  a chinese stattion
7720has beee tested in various times witot any signal .Local noise is S6
9745CU Bahrain 1258 wth arabic song
7370 CNR1 1259 with ads andID  S5/3 QRN
7390 seems VoA 1301 news inEng .mention of MrxicS5/3
7545 1305 talks in CA or amoy S5/3 FSK onUSB
7560 KNLS 1307 with just carrier inisde the localnoise QRN
7340 AIR 1312 Bollysongs of 60s S5
9526 VoINs1354 tune in  ENg talks then a song S5max fast fades

Σάββατο 23 Δεκεμβρίου 2017

Logs 22-12 -17

Mary Christmass to anyone !!

Use: R85 plus 16 V
15370  RHC1511  song  Sp  talks  1512  back to song S3 max
15420 BBC1518  news in Am English mention of African  countries then a phone in
15580  VoA 1518   oldies , talks mentioning  hadhtag #bcvoa and twitter S20!!
15610 EWTN 1520 str*&^ng in your  life ,advert for GodandUniverse
15825 WWCR  1523 christmas song sung by children S8
6400 Pyongyang pangsong 1525 choirs  sung by  women S4
7520 Denge Kurdistan  1526 s.one menioning Ocalan. another with political talks 'gamuk parti' and mantioning harakat kurdi S7
9835 RTMS 1535  with songs signal only S2
4850, 4980 and 5060 XJPBS well received at S6 on 1538-9
6090 Amara radio ETH 1542 talsk byOM  mixed with HoA songs max S9
9526 VoIns back kto this  freq 1545  with today's chldren song 'can mali can' (tsan) sung by men who ...enjoyed well singing that.by chance a notice Nino bobo by indondutch fem singer   Anneke presumably  a hit on 70s (?) is now a children song

MW with Icom
1566 CHN??  1532 talks in CC then with song Not in//4800  9820 Possibly this is the religious station   HLAZ from S Korea
1404  magyar program mixing with RRAktualitata  at 153x heard after 1566 Surely no signal from ERA

Use Bolong transistor radio + * m wire  (frq  check with1103DE )
11855 VoA Afro1642 news  on Sudan and corrupt people  strng
11990 1650 religious program in UNid Afro lang mentining many times Martin Luther King.So I suppose Lingala
9770 NHK 1713 an ENKA song 'hanano sakamasiyo'  from Osaka local
9390 R Tailand 2045 variosu news inEnlsih .suden s off .11secs  later restart with program  in Thai (thisThai seems rather Viet ) mentioning LNB Vietnam

Τετάρτη 20 Δεκεμβρίου 2017

Logs for 20 12 17

15160 R Sama 0808 traditional musisc mixed with talks in arabic  or fench intonated arabic ( eibi notices AWRKabyle  )S5max
15290 NHK RJ 0814 program in Frencch tl0815 then IS and music in various languages S2only
15145  AWR  0825 in French 0827 ID  and freqs S7
15335 CRI 0830 in russain with talks (news) with many refs to China adn once for Moskow S4
9715  SABC 0836 with  Kuranic program  S1 only
9900 seems Farda 0840 with pop sogs justS1
7250 0846 with quranic psalms  just marginal at best Unsure if //9715 but seems  same voce . poss Kuwait
15450 FEBC 0854 with lenghty IS in CC as ka-yan bodientai At 0900wit talks inscheduled  Huizou
9460 POs Turkey 0902in Spanish with talks by YL S1 at max
7285 CRI 0903 talks in Romanian S3

MW :
far  stations  heard on 08++: 531 Jil Alg S7, 540 HUngary S 3 ,548  Ru,558 S3 ,575 Bu? ,603 Rom ,625 Rom
729 ,1008 , 1404  ERA outlets +1431 Uni
greek pirates at:1250 S10 /1449 10 /1467  1/1538 1/1575 1 /1610 9 / 1680 9/1700  2

Δευτέρα 18 Δεκεμβρίου 2017

Logs for dec 17th 2017

near midnigt ...puruntypos
9820 cNR2 is very poor on2126 at S2 leaving R 9/7  at 9818.8 of same level in the clear (S2)
6090  CNR //9820 is better atS7soicant listen to Kaduna on2128
6180 RNamazonia  2128 at S4 but at very low modualtion so i cantl isten easily under strongQRN.
11610 ?? 2130 lessons of Eng S9 One of the few in the band >>light of Life in CC
11580  WRMI 2130 sugeting listeners  todonload their app S8
7780 WRMI 2134 music prgram withDJwho prescribes the  song's  info S9
7285 CRI 2154 with  very long talks in Eng off 2200*
7290  CRI s/on 2159 IS ID then with program in KOrean S3
7590VoA 2227 with talks  ina  lag that seems Viet o Khmer
7530XuabXaamozoo 2231  with signal just S1 mixed with  a-co channel signal
7570  VoKorea 2231 with natioal hymn then pogam in spanish S9
7420 IRIB 2234 with news in INodnesdian manisslowreader S9  sond relatively trbley
9839.9  on2242 seems asCNR in a nearly margian signal Heard CC atS1  level
9835 RTMS 2243 seems fadein but still margianal
97925.43   R Evangelizar 2252 a song abot Brazil adn more songs then averylengthy  IS folwdby  religious talks
9664.9 Voz missionaria 2303 Brazil with religious talks S2

MW :
greek pirates  that time up to1780 on midnight LT
1512 off 1404 seems nearly steady1008 with mains buzz fro the orignal adaptor of R75   729 st S6 also with inline buzz
1539 the local greek pirat e is off  leaving two poor ( S3) RNE outlets
1550 RASD  2213  with  talks inAR 2215  a song 2219 talks S2 only
ON 23++ heard varios signals on1600 1610 1620that are possly coming from americas .Just S1 thogh there are several greks in the 9step matrix.

Τετάρτη 29 Νοεμβρίου 2017

Logs for 27.11

7250 Farda 0807 wth farsi talks infoand ID S1
17510 AIR?0927  witholdBollysongs s\S3
11745 SABC  new 0928 with a song  then mantionng AzheimEl anim S5
19010 RAfghaistan 1125 thanks  to Ivo tip  is just marginal with talks this time

Logs 26.11 late night

:writen with no edits :
5845 Mi Amigo 1921 staton jingle talks in NLand pop song i"ts so funny we dont talk aymore" on1929 S9
9875 1929 news in AR  suden soff S9 (nothing on EiBi)
9745  CRI inEspreanto 1930 with ID S7
9525 poss VoIns 1933 with English talks .Ipresume that from their pronuncation.Poor modulation S1-3with mean on 1
6295 poss Ref Europe 1940 with S4only on a S1QRN
6205 pir1942old  classichit S1/S1 QRN
15155 KSDA 1952 YLwith IDin french then  music S5
9700 Vatican with abe marias S7
9665.3 Brazil 1957 mentioning thei rwebadress Mixwd with Vatcan's ave Marias on 9665.0 that is wth low signal that signed off 2000.Hymns then  on 2001 and 2007 S2 only
9600CRI Eng 2006 with chinse theater S2
4930 VoA 2008 with IS music only First time    to listen to them at so late inthis freq S4
7425 BVB  with religious program broadcastministies thx for listening BVB  then soff 2016
9100 Korean cland 2009 just marginal

1611 'devil' THS musicplaylist  S10 with cochQRM
1377 IRIB 1948 with talks in Farsi S4 on the 16 Hantenna

Logs 26.11 on morning

6070  DARC 1009 with grman program thenID  S20!!
9650 Guynea 1012 folk afro song S2
9610RAI  1012 withDx program mentionng MercoPalliniS10
11745 SABC1015   with talsk in AR S5
11860  Yemen1019OMwith public adress very aggresive voice S10
12140 Deewa1020 taks in Dari S6
17570 Arab and CRi mixed togeher S8
17630 AIR?1022in Thai S2  Some echo
21670  R Saudi Intl 1025   a song thtseems   reigious withot being nasyid .prgram seems consultative
7520 Denge KUrdistan 10xx was only in that freq this day 77320 was off
9155 SoH on1030 can only betraced with SSB
15490 Arabic 1045 with S10 and inherit buzzer

531JilFm 1046  still audible at S3
1404 ERA greece is mixed with RRA-RO 1179 RRA-RO also well

Grek pirates reqs and  signals:
1125 (10) 1215 (9) 1242 (9) 1305(5) 1307(9)1323(9)1350(3)1368(10) 1386(10) 1449(10)1520(10)1540(10)1556(10)1558(9) 1567(10) 1567(10)1611 (20)1650(10) 1670(10)1712(2)

Τετάρτη 22 Νοεμβρίου 2017

Logs for19.11

9820.0  Deewa.1856 with lang lessons marginal as max.Mention Paistan?Afghanistan.NOting on retune in 1906
9770 CRI in cantonese  1908 S7
9390 RTailand 1913  in Engish mention of Hokkaido ,playingmusic of Vivaldi andmenioninga  coop between China and Thailand
9860 Firedrake 1929 jaming  against RFA with nice traditional music.too muvh time to liste to  old chinese opera.
9800 VoA 1938 &34   wth very nice CC type pop songs that pass the  clock on 2000  talks in KOrean S4max
9700 Vatican1958  Ave Marias S2 max Somone adivseme that these  beggings are called Heil  Marys True ?
9730 VoVietnam 2000 ID/IS in Englishthen immediate talks by woman  <S3
6120  VoT 2006  publicadress of erdogan S7QSB2
6130 TWR SWZ 2004  signing off  with titles in PP S5
3876 operator usn USB!!! with QSO in PP 2015 Max S8
1512 ERA is off. Arabic station on 1949 with someone preaching S3

Logs for 18.11.17

9835 RTM-sarawak 1530 marginal
9820 CNR2  with signal S2 at1530 tallks
5060 Xinjiang PBS 1530 CC with news  S5 /3QRN
7570 VoK 1534 a hymn  then program  in English S3
12095  BBC 1532  at S9 with talks aboot Zimbabwe ALso on 15420 with max S9 mention onS Africa on 1536
15825 WWCR 1538  man with religious talks S3
6250 Echo of  Hope korean cland 1539talks in korean strong QRN ny noise,FSK carierand FDM S5 max
7225 CRI 1542 Bollysongs of 80's seems Amittabh then  talks inChinese and posilbe  lessonof Chinese
7510   V Martyrs Cland1552 talksin Korean .two CW marks on 900 HZ lower
7565  RJapan  1554 talks in Hindi by woman.Suden carrier that was transmiting  for about 2 secs of Chinese rpogram and then was  in a irregular  on-off state  for next 5 minutes  .This turned into CNR-1  jamer after1600.Another jammer also on 7580kHz
7495 Deewa in Dari(?) 1602 mentioning R France Balochistan Lebanon Rusia ID "de VoA deewa radio" S10
7435 S3  /7420 S10 CRi 1612 a drama play  in Engish
7405 BBC  1613  max of S2 with sports  program
12000 1614  a strange tansmitter  with more than 4 pulses per second ...
11790 BCB?  1616 Eng prgram on Holy Bible S20

Δευτέρα 13 Νοεμβρίου 2017

Logs for sat 11+12.11

Logs for sat   11.11  (times  missing but it's suxessive listing by time  )
9810 CRI 0828 poor
9715 SABC undermodded S7
9420 ERA greek  music S4
9470 ?? marginal
9873U QSO net in 0856 an unIDed lang seems as Portuguese but Ithink it is not. Here is a  sample that willbe kept for only a few days
9835 mixed  TTYm CNR and another poss RTM-S
9510 Rdio  city? 0916  ID
9440CRI 0918 marginal
9962  greek QSO 0920  harm of 11660.5 Captain

and for 12.11
7570 2343  tals in KO  S4
1566  2340 greek pirate with old song dedications
9565 Brazilian 2350 with S3

Τρίτη 24 Οκτωβρίου 2017

While looking Marconi last Sunday

using  SDw loop  and  1103 conected with it with arbitrary typos Can u find them?

7700 Marconi heas been  tried more than  10 times during 1355 to 1550 without success Alsa nothing on Icom R75 16 inV on 1350

7625 VoWilderness  1415+  korean music fair
7565  BBC 1416 seeems religious talks in HIndi good
7530?? 1419 talks in CC poss CNR hammer poor (eibi shows RFA Burmese but langs are very different!)
7540 VoA1419 in korean ,talks by two men goof
11660 CRI 1422 man rhymed talks ending with...he Oldbolly songs of 60s butwith a religious toning ID1415
11705 TWR 1428 with prg in English withfreqs .poor suden s/off
7180+84 VoBM2 1438 in pres Amharic  poor
7510 TWR 1444 prg in KO with D fair
15150 14449  IDing as Samaad or Mid Al Sudan Good >>dabanga in Eibi
7730 SoH 1450 just a marignal signal CC talks
11665 Wai  Fm 1456  heard for just15secs till CRI starts in the freq ,poor CRi is with opera
11630 CNR17 1505 Kazakh as per Eibi with adverts poor,sonded to me as Uighur...
6090 Amhara radio ,1507 mixed with CNR fair
9865 Vivid Bharati 1515 talks in Hindi fair
9835 RTMSwak1516  fade in /poor
7120 Hargeias 1507 talx inAR babes talking  Good signal and good audio
6100 AfghanR 1537news in English poor
6070 DARC(?) via 292 1535 song 'always for you'  fair

Κυριακή 22 Οκτωβρίου 2017

Weekend Logs y 21 Sat 08-09Z &22

1404 and 1008ERA  are  today  marginal.  Suppose they decreased their xmision power to below  than 1 KW.729 Ath is S3
6070 Atlantic 2k with signal S7 :0810 well known pop song 0813  Beatles? 0825 asereje
6190 HLR quite poor S5 over S3 localQRN with preamp0812  with german song lateNext a  songwith funy music  and man talking
7310 is not heard  neither a signal trace
7385 CRI0856  heard the english program then IS ID then progam in Romanian S20
9400 unIDed with carrier  till 0820 signal S7
9510 R City withS8 0810 with rock a roll song .ON??  man saying MUsic history of variety this is the only adible stationo that time on 31mb

9485 Sun  HLR  just marginal

Τετάρτη 18 Οκτωβρίου 2017

Clands reception (and not only)17/10....BIG LISTING

Clands reception (and not only)17/10....BIG LISTING
....using latest BCDX and  Ivo listings as referece  Very bad propagation after1830  Any entries with astrisk rare  consulted with Eibi listing

15205 Al Mukhtar 1541 disussions in ArS20 .1545 with Islamic program that turned then to talks in an unIDed  language Id on 1554 with program off .Buzz onthe freq
9965 S7 9685 S3 Nihon no kaze Man   talks in slow  korean 1554
15150 (10) 15550 (7) Dabanga refs to  Darfur Dabanga  1555 with many IDs
7525 V Martyrs taslk in korean 1601 mixed with english ,relig talks Poor QRM   from D Kurdistan7520 (good)
9180.02  SoH  1606 best among 9155 and 9280 TAlksby YLin seeming Amoy
17630 XoriyoOgaden 1609 talks by YL in Amharic .Noise jammer S10
6100 R Afghaniostan  1611was not in the  freq today.Istead   KCBS*  was airing Korean operas and sometimes  old Japanese songs Still  on the freq on  1800 Sometimes there was gap between songs  S3 max Not //6400
17730 Eye 1617 with news in arabic ID inside andanother as R Mehla1633 wth nes in English   .S7   Also1840 wth talks in Eng on marginal signal
9785 KBS* 1621  news discussions  in English refering to Korea and the political clashes  between Madrid and Barcelona S9@H S6@V antennas
6180 Deutscher Wetterdienst 1610-1630 withonly open carrier then sign off  S5
6400 Pyongang Pansong 1640 &1705 with operas Verygood mod and clear sound S5
6090  Shiokaze 1656 today with program in korean ixed with a station  in Ru .On1705  Amharic  (Amhara St Radio*)mixed with  Hausa (Kaduna) On 1910 signals are  just marginal
6120 Xinjiang 1726 trad music man with short talks  in p UI between  turkic songs 1729 ID 'burase Aisa Haelk 'S7 max
6180  IBRA*  1758  with talks in arabic and HoA music (Sudan/Eth)  1800 Soff  On 1802 with news in p Somali from BBC* .
6160 '6160' in Eng 1800  'YOu are listening to test transmission'  then a pop song Sigal up to S7
12050 Dandal Kura 1809 with news in Kanuri .mentions of NIgeria and "Lerde  America " (VoA?) Good
9990 RFA  1812 talks in a lang that  seems variation  of Korean S4 max
9775 R Romania INtl in German 1818 with tel number and web/email adresses  then with folk song S7
9660 R Vatican* 1823  in PP aboutQatar Doha and SomaliaS6
11930  Marti 1832 El miundo de information Cuba  martinews dotcom S9
9940   TWR 1835  with relig talks in  Lingala  .Names are reffered  in their orignal form as Kristos  Kirios(Mr) Atina (Athens) There was a geek orthodox mission in Zaire since 60s who more reecently  made a school.
7120 R Hargeisa1840 with  good modulation as rarity  for this station Man with talks S5

MW logs
1566 HLAZ heard today quite well on 1743 with S5 max . QRM from greek  pirate on 1564.5 S10
1521 with rusian talks 1746  S5
1512  Chania off
1690 &1674 two  slavic pirates  1741

Δευτέρα 16 Οκτωβρίου 2017

Logs for 5/10 :

...in Thessaloniki
7320 Denge Kurdistan 0755 with Turkishs ong -overloaded S20/ 7520 S3  godaudio
9650  R?? 0759   S2 max  with strng QRMfrom 9645 Romania
9510 Xinjiag PBS 0801 in UI  with several IDs S1@+10db preamp
9485 EMR 0805 wthjust a poor carier trace
9370  Farda Mashaal 0810 with  songs on 08+ ,short interval talks till 0810 with full talks in Farsi
9901  CW !  S2 on 0811

VoT on 11 MHz:11750 (20) //11675 (5)  &11795 (S10)

MWs :
on0815 + i havefond these freqs with greek amateurs on the MWband :
1224, 1267, 1287,1343 , 1368, 1385, 1458, 1503,1521,1557,1565, 1576,1610,1660 making splater,onallband
I have called to two of them for signal control for a voice QSL(thank you )
Also availabe:1341 Romania,1404 ERA ,1431 Uni,1595 Romania

Some Fm DX on 12th on Mt Olympus .

...using 1126 late nite  all are  unIDed as signals  have QSB (times 19+)
88.2  Skopje
88.5 TRT -pops
97.0 TRT tradmusic
98.2 TRT  talks
98.5 Bulgaria  (semi permanent)
98.8  a greek no ID
100.3 ERA ch3  ?
104.2  antena 5 Skopje
104.2  Turkish
(104.2 Pontian station from THS permanent and fair )
106.2 darik (permanent qrg)

Σάββατο 14 Οκτωβρίου 2017

Logs for11-10 near Olymp mountain

Logs for11-10 near Olymp mountain
using DE1126 no recs!:

6090 till1600   talks in Turkmen poss CNR 1700a korean lang from poss Shiokaze  Same on12/10  MOthing in eibi
9695 Romania1605 pop song,id from bukureşt,in Rom good
9180 SoHope  fair at best1612 talks Also best among 9280 and 9150
9100 EoHope 1614 good over NK 'h'ammer
9865 Vd Bharti 1924 still with old bolly songsgood
1521CRI1625 in RussIan ,mixed with  A Arabia wiping them mos times
1512 ERA GR1625 heard for short time then gone

Τρίτη 10 Οκτωβρίου 2017

Logs for 9.10

11665 Wai Fm 1357 rock song S2 //9835 inder QRMVoT 9840
9950 RFA in 1355  Korean and 1400   Viet from station ID in Eng  S5 siren style qrm
9947  spur  of CNR S1
11560 AIR 1405 with old Bolly song  then ID and talks in farsiS20
11540  Viet 1408 talks      1408  S6
9100 test again 1432 talks in korean very diff to identify the lang due to very strong QRM from N Korean hammer S5
9785 CRI 1417 dscssion beetween man and joyful YL in Eng on international news topics Mention on NKorea S5 mixed with anoter rs poss BBC //9765
9875 CRI 1424  in byelo/rusian   too many refferences in BLR S2
9280 SoH 1429 talks by man in CC. Best signal  between  // 9155 and 9180  <S1
9526 VoIns 1439  prog in Indo talks S5
9410 TWR prg in Eng 1435 mentioin9410 as  the only freq then into religious prog mentioning God as Yahweh So they are Jeahuwah /Yahweh station ? S10

Δευτέρα 9 Οκτωβρίου 2017

Logs for Sunday

Logs for Sunday due to non internet availability some  peculiar problem with our ISP after the power outage

7320//7520  Denge kurdistan 0805 news in presumed kurdish Sounds as DSB
6070 0817 OM with talks in NL Eng pop song S4
9370 0820marginal talks  lang seems  German ten with pop song .Inthat  time 9MHz is vacant with 9645 Rvatican till 0826
9650 ?? 0827with afropops thenwith phonei ns ofgenreal disussions with also politial referenes . Heard afterr  the sign of  from VaticanR 9645 Marginal slightlybetter than 9370
15135 CRIindo CR in indo 0838 ID on 0840S2 max
9065U   operaror 0845  with numbres in IT quite poor soetesbelow margin
15245 VoK ?0855 talks in RU S2max
9790 RAI 0915 Dx program ,thanking listeners,mention of wavescan
12055 CNR monglian newson 0926 emphatic talks after the news shortmusicclipsfrom   The Internationale andthe natioal hymm ten shortl cip  fromchildren voices S9
9510 IRRS 0941 YL with  relig program S9
9655 TRT in turkish  1015 talks byYL

MW 1598  romania still in the freq 0810 with S2   mixed with anotehr signal

Some logs on power outage 7.10 with De1103

Some logs on power outage 7.10 with De1103

9835 CNR? 1126 talks in CC poor
6070 Atlantic 1130 pop songs Fair  also on 1045 with S6/5 QRN
6160 Sw Radio  1131 pop songs poor
7520 Denge Kurdistan?  1132 many times  on kurdistan fair signal //7320@1230 +3120 good
21670 SRIntl  1134  Indo song of 80s  good
11520 WEWN137 relig talks poor
11620 CRI  1139 talks in JJ sporadic english words good
9526 VoINs 1146 talks in arabic Good nothing on 9525
9580  --1151 YL  talks in p UI with and rarely by man. Echoed.Heard Kristus mention of turkmen  Noo info on eibi
15130 Romania 1209  in arabic ,metioning tsiprass (the greek leader )  and romania Good
12040 TWR 1225 bamar talks metion Roma Good

B.after power outage in paralel with R75
9100 1320 talks in JJ  strong  noise in the freq mostly (90%)  wiping out the signal. Echo of Hope noticed on eibi but in  KO
9155  SoH? 1336+is marginal  with unIDable  lang 134x heard a song Ther is a unknown type of noise in 9156 of max S3
9900 Fursato no kaze ? in clear freq 1339  with phone in on 1356 and signal max S3   Heard Furusato with closure talks  till1359  signoff

Δευτέρα 2 Οκτωβρίου 2017

Cairo? on 9830 and oter logs of 1.10.17

9829.61 Cairo? 1936 S9-10 with very low mod of -20 to -30db audible only if signal is max otherwise  RTTY Izabella  P.Rico  is also mixed with them  . Signcal can vary up to S3   At 1941  nothing heard .Mostly talks Also past  2000  with very low signal that caused not hearing ID but still on 2100. no paralell cold be found on 6 79 and 11MHz.

More logs
9710 NHK/ Japan 1947 with Englsih program about Helloween a typical awful fast  rythmed  JJ  pop song S9
9664.75 Brazil  with songs >V Missionaria
9819.1 R Nuovo  de Julhe  2011 with adverts,ad for asking a preist , max S5  in clear freq with minimal QRM frn 9810 Vori Eng S20
118735 Aparecida ?  2034 palabras and religious program metoning Paraoh and Deurs abrupt s off 2059  >>Tramsmundial per EIbi
9835 RTM S 2040  is heard better on the horizotnal antenna  with S2 mixed with local  QRN Song from Ella Aminuddin (the known rock princess)
9844,48 and 9875.6 spurs  fom 9870  SaBC  S20  wth maximus signals S1
9800 CNR 2045 /4800  with s3 max
9620  VoT wirh Turkish songs 2052 Passes  2100 with songs bt no talks  >>Eng
9725 2137 tals in BR-PP  S0  >Evangelizar?
11665  WaiFM 2142 in // with 9835 with a nice pop song
15520 REE 2146 iin //15390 with spanish talks S1-2

1215 Absiolute R 21121 with  S9 max signal
677.50 Cairo  once again shifted  instead of 675 @2124
595  ?? Arab songs 2127 causing QRM to the main freq of 594

Κυριακή 1 Οκτωβρίου 2017

Bandscan L0gs for 30/9 part 2

9830 poss AWR1648 S20 with only carrier
7455 RFA  1649 korean  abt KimJong IL S?
9385 RTM-S 1701  karena judi by Ameng S8, `1858 tiadalagi S3 Still on 2329!
9880 1755talks in Eng? signal just S1 >>  CRI Eng
9990 RFA  1756  korean 'anada insunaeka '  pyongyang washington etc S9
9965 Firedrake 1758 mixed wit RFA at S120 signal
9940 TWR 1759 with IS ID no mention of language mantionof U P'arrana and  caling J  Christ as "Iisus Christos" S20 >>Lingala from Zaire There is a Greek  Orthodox mission since at least 30+  years
9710 CNR 1806 marginal at max
6250 1811 korean tallks NK noise jammerSeems as //6600
9860  1906 talks in Hausa intern news S4  >>>VOIRI
9850 VoA Farsi1915 rewardsforjustice dot com  WashingtonDC   S10
7385 /6020 CRI Albania with only songs mostly american and  a few albanian good audio quality and a ID as 'na tirane tue'  IS 1956 Interesting music   program that hooked me listened   with an old trasistor radio and rearphones
9526 VoINs 2009  prgIn French strongQRM from 9525 poss CRI RR
11935  VOzMissionaria 2027 ID talks in BR YL with talks
11985 RJapan 2030 IS  ID then prg inFF S9

6320 NL pir  1809 old pops S3
6267 NL pir 1810  80s pop S7
6930v PIranha tested  on 2140 with nosignal onmy RX nor on twnte SDR neither on Kiwi SDR onBrazil

738 RNE 1845 about Catalunias song ID
1215 Absolut Radio  2040  with adverts and talks  in Englsih 2051 S5 max tested  also  with AM loop and trasistor radio
1350 two greek  pirates 2045

Logs for 30/9 part 1:Morning

9835 CNR 0849  CC talks S0
9715 SABC 0850  Allahu akba S0
9510 R City via IRRS  0855 LAsong  'las allegras' sinatra JanAprilMa 0900 suddensoff
9270/9290 nothing for Spaceshuttle  Something only on S2
9460 RRom Intl 0906 talks in Romanian S3
17490 CRI Eng is back 0906 with news S7
17510 AIR Indo 0909 news abt S Arab &India S4
21670 SauRI 0910 preaches S7

MW :
729  signal S2 1404 S2

Τετάρτη 27 Σεπτεμβρίου 2017

Logs last days

See onte end .New BBC  korean  and interesting two  MW logs

Sat 24th
9510 R Gloria 0826ID I never had'  aspanishsong S4
15260 Radio Sama (?)0830   ID in arabic then adress then webpage S5 QSB 3 off
11745 SABC 0836 old arabic song DSL buzz  in the freq S5
11860 Yemen 0857 tradsng S8

Sun 25th
9830 CNR 1 1718 talks in CC S3
9835  RTM-S  1719 90's ballads S7
4885  Korean 1722 hipsop song seems having noise type QRM jammer (?) S6
4950 AIR Srinagar (?) 1723  lang seems tamil than  Hindu 1725 old 60s song  S9 Carrier on 4949.7

Tue   27th
9440NF  new BBC transmission on1840 in Korean with signal S3 with talks Also on 5810 with S10
15630 VoA 1854 in Amharic talks about Trump and Africa countriee then  Korea and Pyogyang Continues after 1900 Signal S30
9820 VoA?1906  in Russian ID as FNRS with prgram Impulse  S10

MW :
ERA for yesterday :Journalists were in  strike.I have not heard however  the reason.this is the posibe reason that ERAoutlets were off excet ERA Athens .signal son  1906 were as:729  just S3 for the supposed 500W power as noticed by agreek radio watcher.  Also 1008 carrier only at S8 , 1512 and 1404 off
Also 810  R Skopje 1913   with low power  just S6 .Ffirst time logged them with sooo low power. 1kW only?

Δευτέρα 18 Σεπτεμβρίου 2017

Logs 15+17/9

Some logs.. (15+17/9)

6725  Dutch (?)pirate 1915 with german comedy style  song sung by a child. soff 1917 Then QSY 6735  SignalS 5-7
98919.2 R Nove Julio 1939  margainal with talks then music s2
17530 VoiRi 0743 emotional talks in Spanish S4 ID819
17490 Not amy more CRI? more than  twoweeks  since have not heard them.
17660    0840 Mediterananean today  with posibly DX news S5
17590 Farda 0846 song ID and webpages S9
9485 EMR  no signal on 0915 buton 0945  marginal at best  using my known DYI  loop desgned  anm made by a friend:

The remain here logs are with the DYI loop used first for checking EMR  and band scannig for another half hour.  I could >severaltimes listento EMR much better than with the inverted dipole or  the horizontal antenna. De1103 used and refubised by the same mate /techncian on 12   :
17515 AIR?  hiddi songs 0925 poor
17530 CRI/CNR  CC talks 0926  marginal
17570 CRI  (Eng news)and SABC (psalms//17620 )  0928 good
21670 Saudi RI 0929 religious type of talks in Indo speaking on kaffirs and analyzing the scripts Goodie
Notice :IN greek  kaffros is any  umemotional person (who cant understand  others )
15390 CNR8 0941 with a nice turkiC pop balld song Good signal

Τετάρτη 6 Σεπτεμβρίου 2017

LOgs of 5/9 my name day

LOgs of 5/9 my feast day

9865 VIvid Bharati 1658 trad melody , clock on ToH,ID again a trad melody S7 QRM 786 CNR
9860 CNR 1702 nice tad melofdy  OM with talks CRI S9
9850 VoTurkey 1704 OMwith talks inTU ,well undermoded 10
9835 RTMS 1706 rock song S5 QSB 2 S8 @1725 with QRM from 9829.7 open carrier or just nearly zero mod carrier
4820 XZPBS 1707 nice pop msx  S7
4885 EoHope >NKorea 1708   tallks S84882 stream  S7
7181.57 VoBMasses Eri  1712 typical HoS song 1720+ talks in pres Amharic S9-10
7120 Hargeisa 1713 OM in Arabic reatively good modS9
7194 italian op 1715  with greatsignal of S20 discussion on dippoles
7140 poss Eth or Eritrea 1720 Signal jus S4 max level with rather poor modulation sodiff tocope the lang7137.8  QRM carrier
6520 clanny to N Korea instead of 6518 in // 6600 QRMed by digtal  noise from NK
15540    1732  Bolly song on 70s . talks  in Hindi refering Amitabh . A muslim greeting on 1733 then mentioing Bangladesh 1748prgram samiad
6070 ?? 1745 song burning for you BOC S8

Logs 4/9

Logs 4/9
9830 DW? 1819i n Hausa   refering Kenya S8 max
9725 R Rom INtl in german communication  number 0040213195562  and germ@rri.ro  then web adress S9
9840 VoT 1823 trad turkishsong 1832 off
9835 RTM _S 1834 wth malay pop song S5
9380 AIR 1835  nes inEnglish S3 24232
4810 Armenia 1842 a pop song S9 then off1846
4885 EoHope 1845 YL singing in between korean  talks S7/3 QRN
7120 hargeysa stil on 1849S with low audio Ar talks
9785 VoTurkey 1851 ledgends of aantolia  prog just ended. question of the year:Which year  was the august earthquake with multuplee chice year numbers S20
15825  WWCR  1858 advert  for red cross USA  radio news featuring  on N Korea adn chinese  asistance ID 1900 S7
9410 S7 noisy  //15400 clear BBC news intl . featuringN Korea's balistic missile
9425 VoKorea with german news ,moded noise undergrround . S9
9480 CRI1917 Africa Marche program S7
9710 NHK 1930  singn in, Englishp program plase satyy tuned then news S20
9810 IRIB 1938 news program  in Eng on the NK missile poistion on aurtralia Turkey's and macron , XL speaking S10

Κυριακή 3 Σεπτεμβρίου 2017

Marconi R log of today

One only log :
Marconi radio 11389.7  heard today 5/9 on 0740 using the inverted V  antenna with just marginal signal with  only traceable carrier usig LSB  .  Changing antenna to horizotal yelded a very poor  signal sufficent  to listen to the speaker using Italian still  with DX news refering to R Mizeria (?). HIgh QSB to zero level. Mail sent to his Gmail adress and immediatly received  a robot mesage.  Liangas 5/9 SKG

Δευτέρα 21 Αυγούστου 2017

Logs Aug 20th

Logs Aug  20th my birthdate!
Thessaloniki with R75

Please  pass this log via the FC groups.
9965 Niponno KAze  1557 tasl in Korean WHRI IS in English 1600*
9960 Furusato  1600 talks ij JJ signal S8 max
6180   1603-07 peciuiar tals in german mentioning numbers and  strange wirds as Bizaya 45 kamirohe india S8
6100 Afganistan ? 1601 with barely audible audio unclear lang S8
9420 Xngjiang PBS 1610 with temps mention america  etc S9 greece is not heard his time
9405 R Taiwan Intl 1610 with talks by OM
15290 //15315   DW in Engl 1621 rerfer to Big Ben S20
15160 AWR 1629 program in urdu  with email S20
15105 TWR in Swa 1630 ID then program  S8
9835RTM-S  1635 with rock music S5
4950 AIR Srinagar with Bolly song S8
7120 Hargeysha with fair  audio and HoA song  S9

Κυριακή 18 Ιουνίου 2017

Some few logs ...(17.6)

9819.1 R9.7 with talks  S3 max
9830 CNR 2021 wth carrier of  S3 / Izbella TTY  nder
4885 Echo of Hope     2022 korean talks S5/3QRN
4800 CNR  2023 with carrier S7
6665 and 6650  2025-30french pirate operators inQSO  S below 2
6628U Shannon R (?)  2035 talks and QSO
6730 CNR? 2138 talks in CC S5 and carrier
6520 !! and 6600 Vopeople Koreawith talks 6520 is in clear other with noise jamming from NK Both of S5
15034U CAN 2046 with weatehr reports S0 but quite audible
15185 VoA  2047 lessons of English  in frech : follow  that road , give me this direction etc S7
10000 Obervatiorio Nacional BR ID with clock tones S2
7300 Sawt  al alam 2117 palyig  W.Murphy's verson of 5th of Beethoven S10
9590 CRi 2204 US news  Obama ID S0
9320 VoA 2207 with talks in thai/viet S3
9630  IRIB  2211 in arabic but trebly modulation and quran S4
9760 R Romania 2217 program schedule in Englsih S8
9745 Bahrain 2216 a nayid song half in englsih Malay version exists S2
9839.85 VoV? 2222 traditional type song S5
9890 BBC 2224 about US open Eng. lang S5
10051U   Gander  2225 weather reports Winipeg S2
11760 (S7) &11840 (S4) RHC in Spanish ID
15610 EWTN 2236 "experiences of Lord" S7
9480 CNR 11 in tibetan 2256 with IS  with talks and prg schedule  S5
9490 new  CNR station  2300 with double IS for 3 times then with ID S7

late additions :
9420 VoGr 2155  signals S10
7720 russian QSO  on 2123 <S1

729 ERA  Athens with only S3 - songs
1242 Oman 2100 with ID happy talks in Arabic about Ramadan S7
677   LIbya   2105 arabic talks S4
1269 R  Asia UAE  2244 HIndi songs(!)  mixing with greek oldies. greek pirate wins at most an hindi signal(?) is then faded out
1233 Dechovka radio 2250 ID then a german style song S3

Πέμπτη 1 Ιουνίου 2017

Four logs via KiwiSDR in S Africa last Sun on 1900 :

Four logs via KiwiSDR in S Africa last Sun on 1900 :
4965 Hope of Africa 1858  talks in English good signal
5985 CRI 1900 "Aqui RChina Intl "  ID in portuguese  fair
6065  V hope Africa ID on 1900:30 and good signal
6190 BBC 1902 with Englsh news  annd poor signal
4950 Angola couldnt  not be  heard those times

Παρασκευή 26 Μαΐου 2017

Logs 25 th

Reception using Betron B25 in-earphones on R75 They offer a bit sharp sound without annoying . 

Hit logs:
9380 AIR 2005 Songs of old Bolywood of 70s  era. S4  tested with PL380  and is clear  up to 4 kHz bandwidth. In contrast to other freqs program is full of songs, Vivid Bharti style stoping on 2030 adn 2130  with   5 min news bulletins in Hindi and English respectively.   Heard ID on 2135 from the  English  bulletin. S5 on16 V antena 
Nice to listen  to an interesting music station of shortwaves as with Bharti

9780 QInghai PBS 2156 with one min lengthy music IS,  2200 clock , numerous IDs in Chnese and English   then YL with program schedule acompanied by  Starwars musc theme.S5 This is posibly the fist time listening to this station

other logs :
9325 Cairo ??   2004 undemoded and garbled S20 
9420 VoG2026 traditional greek songs S5 and QRM //9935 at 21xx 
9425 VoKorea 2026 with freqs in Eng short pause 2030 progam in Korean
11735  Tanzania 2044 with song and many phone ins Sounded  fast rippled mod possibly due to co ch QRM S10
9490 VOA Africa 205x in pres Hausa andon 214x in mixed local (>>BM therefre bambara?)  and French S10 
4724 USA ar encoded texts 
9820/9845/9860 /9900 CNR outlets on that part of the band 

Πέμπτη 25 Μαΐου 2017

Logs fr 24th

Logs fr 24th
Heard with excellent quality but very cheap Betron B25  in-earphones:

9819.1 R 9/7 1939 talks strong QRMby CRI  in russian  on 9820
9400 CRI ? 1943 troobly audio about super computers  adnmentions of China 1946  hearing ToM S10
9390 R tailand 1945 VTP centre 'thai maazine' S10
9380   poss VId Bharti  1947 old Bolly songs of 70s 'shot bhrat' wwith song progam eachig follwed by sort description by woman in Hindi S 9 P3 9840 IRIB 1950 a violin play talks in English Iranian ,lo mod and trebly  S10max
Very happy if Bharti  is ow in this clear freq
9875 VoKOrea operas 1952 with a bit overload audio and talkks in English S9//12015
11765 SRDA 1956 with talks S5 only
4870 coded mesages 1958 in russian? ID ing with" ..turka troika zochin" then with the mesage that seems as numbers
1545 TWR? 2001in presume russian mentioning apokalypsis S20
7360 Vatican african english service 2013 with news from Africa S10 and web adress " avemaria.net "

also  tested RTM-S today 25th vua freemantle KIwi SdR  with s10 signal 45334

Σάββατο 13 Μαΐου 2017

Logs for 10 12 13 of May 17

10 May
9835 RTM Sarawak 1729 a song an advert  S5
9820 CNR 1722  talks by man in chinese a song S5 33333
9850 IRIB 1733 with nnews in German notics about Medina 1756 S20
9890 VoK 1814 operas man in Arabic  noise inside modulation S7 4x433
9910R Pilipinas 1816 two women taling in tagalog S8 max (SIO 252)
9965 Firedrake wth S20 signal in the clear in this frequency with stage melodies 45534
9390 Thailand 1846 language seems merely as VIetnamese than Thai with local version of the 60s  song "bikini". inprt then DJoined with a rock song . Woman then talking in more pure Thai S9 45544
9410 BBC 1849 with football news program S5  max only
9420 VoG 1854 with songs S5 32432

12 May
9610 1529 Hindi song of 60s S5 max 35533  Poss CRI Bengali ?
9550 VoViet 1530 talks in Viet S5 /16H
9835 RTM 1909 rock song S7 max
15230 RHC 2320 news in spanish about Fidel/USA  S3
4785.2  2321 talks in Spanish S3
4949.73 2323 LA style song  S5  Angola
5040 RHC 2323 news in English ID 2325 S2
6220 pirate 2329 rock song s3

13 May
7355 Brother stair  0723 religious  talks S5
9420 VoG 0724 with trad song /adverts S3 only
17530 IRIB 0726 ID in spanish then  with international newsS7 co-ch QRM
11530 Farda 0728 news in farsi then ID and adresses S5
9835 Xinjiang  0733 rock song Marginal signal talk  is less than 'barely identifiable'but sounds as Chinese Eibi does not refer it anymore. As far as  i know there was  Xinjiang  PBS in CC
11660 CRI 1253 CC  lesson program in Eglish  S2 only
11805  1256 talks and reports in bamar  mentions of democracy and moslems Passes  1300 withot ID S3 >>RFA
11825 FEBC in Khams (tib dialect) 1304 trad song then talks in tibetan  S1 only
11825 WEWN 1315 religius talks in EG signal just S1
6190 XJPBS 1652 uighur music program with short descriptions read by YL in between S9
6165 VoTurkey 1656 ID in Turkish then news S20
6070 1701 ID as '6070' passing over the song adn mentions about Eurovosion Song Contest

BTW : I dislike  the 17's  winning  song from Portugal based  in music terms HIs voce isin dysharmony with the music  . I prefer however the fat  man from Croatia with the double voices.ONce again the quite good  greek song was  below the middle as typical...

9745 Bahrain 1710 woman with talks in Arabic .many mentions on arabic and bernemig with a man  ( means transmisson afaik )
9665 Pyogyang Pangsong 1713 opera s . top singal at  this point  then  nearly vanished or just was the carrier ... S2

Grrrreek stations
11622.6 S3 harmonic of 1660.3 S30 on 0746 who signed of and returnd back a few minutes later

ERA  audible  on 729 1008 and 1404 on 0800

Greek pirates operating on rounded freqs :   1124 , 1223 ,1341 , 1386 , (1368 off), 1416 ,1431 at only S3,1460, 1476, 1521, 1539, 1550, 1565,1584,1593 1660

Τετάρτη 10 Μαΐου 2017

Logs of 3,6,7 May

Logs of 3,6,7 May

Typed live in smartphne , edited and posted in tablet

3 5 17
Reception with PL380 in a very quiet park in LItohoron  (also QRN like )
6090 Kaduna? afgro songs 32,1700 "raklilu radio" ID th continues with sx then talks on hausa fair
Notice :someone asked me if it was Ethiopia . I have to advise anyone wathing this log that I  know well the language diferences between Hausa and Amharic but also   the music diferences bwtween  these two countries. I will try more tests  however for this freq as time and mood permits

6100 Arab sx,unIded lang seemed as Tibetan(?)  40 max fair  >> that time Eibi shows R Afganistan see another log below
4980 Xinjiang PBS  songs  and talks mix1706
4885 Echo of Hope talks in korean 1708 fair
4810 Yerevan 1709 talks in (unclear audio )? Good  >>>turkish
15420 Hindi talks relig 1710 good  >No entry on  eibi
9835 RTM marginal 1711
11600 Denge kurdistan 1712  ,political talks good
11680 CRII in Swahili  with ID local
11735 Tanzania  1715 with folks  man and woman  with talks . sound is 'rippled' fair
11930 TRT folk song1717 good
12150 Deewa talks in pushtu? 1721 good
9830 CNR1 1722 with pop song poor
9770 CRI in CA 1724 with talks by YL local
9740 KBS talks  in korean 1725 good
9730 VoVietnam in viet1727 talks music intervals fair
9660 Vatican 1729 IS English for Africa very  bad  pronuniation good.
7540 Azadi in farsi 1735 with news read by OM and YL mention of washingto  dc,,good

In Salonica using old analog Bolong radio with An200 loop antenna for MW :
774 Cairo  arab with modern arab sx 1914 fair ,problems weith audio as like  conneted via stream radio!
963 Rik 1924 nice old greek songs poor
999  TWR in ukr 1926 with a song followed with id and adress IS only once, 1930 prg in romanian w id then a relig song Good signal

In Salonica using old analog Bolong radio and 8  hor wire
7120 Somalia 1535 undermoded talks in Arabic then song Fair  . QRM from a russian am operator
7510  Vo Martyrs  1543 passionate talks by people , mixed with short  music paassages Fair
Writen previously as Wildernes  7150 . Erroe was due to typing of fat fingrs in a  4" smartphone
6100 R Afghanistan 1626  with Indian song 1630 change program with IS on 1630  in arabic  then with news of the region . fair at S9 max (using R75 )

Τρίτη 25 Απριλίου 2017

Logs for 23 April

Logs for 23 April

R75 under severe  QRN from unknown source making a S9 level in all bands

17790  1314 afro loang seems hausa mixed with french S7  >>BBC HA
15770 ToM /WRMI 1318  with the wenll known radio pastor  in religious talks abt S5
15332 VoT 1324 with rather intense talks by man  S3
15380 SABC Qura n 1327 Idaatu al kuran al karim  1329 telepone number then man preaching S10 +
15350 Atme Yatraa 1331 in a bamar  dialect . Sigal only  S2-3
15255 unIDed  1333 a hindic songs poss Afghan lag seems as like Hmong   >AWR in Kokbrok vi Ceylon
15110 CNR  1349 trad CC opera ended 1358  then with ID of 1st program S 8

Σάββατο 8 Απριλίου 2017

Logs Thu 6 &8

Logs Thu 6 in Salonica R75& 2x16m inv V simple bandscan

9420 VoG 2145  with oldies ad only S3
9265  USA relig sattion in Eng 2147 S1
9655 R Algeriene 2148  with nasyid  S2
9650 uniDed  in French with ID part mentioning as "....votre radio' S1 Supp Guinea
9745 bahrain 2112 with songs .C/USB S2
9835  RTM-S 2114 90s malay rocks S4
9955 WRMI 2115 old rocks S3
1377//4800  CNR  is still heard here S1-2max  on 2200

and this Sat 8
6070 Atlantic 2000 0807 with sng 'you keep me hanging on' Kim Wilde in remix and 0815  wit full  ID and email in gmail 34232 S5
7310  SW Servce  from DE  0810 signal just marginal
15090 Farda 0811  pop song S1 Also 17880 on 0817 with hindi like style and S7
17850 RFI  in french 0815 for a african news mantioning MOhdamed Bulakama and Dar Es Salaam S7
11600 denge  Kurdistan 1228in Turkish   Kurd , riot races lead by a YL voice
11695  KTWR  with S4 poor signal , local QRM is S7
15350  Atme Yatra 1239 wth hindic  lang with S7 in salonica grece
15730/11590 pakistan CC   not   heardd
11540 CNR jammer 1230with adverts S7
17705 SABC 1233 with trad song then  talks mixed with  AIR Chinese  and CRI jamer S20
17895 BSKSA  1235 Quran psalms S10 //13800 S20
15350 Atme yatra 1239 in  hindic lang S7 (fair)
13830 CNR 1317 adverts good (1103+8 m wire)
9840 TRT  1322 with spts program good(ibid )
9835/11865  pakistan nothing here neither nor  Twente

Web ssdr  in MIchgan and PA :
9820  RHC with spanish on 3143 adn1405 good
9395  WRMI 1348 with old rocks far  ID 1348
9570 CRI 1345 avout depression
9330 WBCQ?  1351+ "this si the global ..." then als from the well known relig blabla man matininglaso te change wrth  New Order  good
9710 RHC spanish  with talks poor siggnal in MI good in PA SDR s ff 1400
9980 B Stair with halleluyas1405 heard soem instruments good signal
15770 in twente : B Stair with haleluyas 1410  good

Δευτέρα 27 Φεβρουαρίου 2017


Oversimplified logs and using tablet
9850 LIturgy 0839 good Vaticano
9810 CNR 0840 fair
9830 CNR 0840 poor
9880 CNR 0841 poor
9685 CNR 0843 poor
9650 VoK in JJ poor
9575 Medi1 0844 news in FF Good
9500 CNR CC talks 0845  poor
15770 AIR  0846 indo talks good
15710 CNR 6 talks in hakka 0847 fair
15665 CRI in Ru 0848
15130 CNR CC 0849  Good
15135 CR in Indo 0849 CC lessons  good
15245 VoKorea 0852 operas Good
17510 AIR 0853 in Indo with news fair

an night recepton

9835 SarawakFM 1943 adverts   fair
9840 WHRI 1943 ToN ttype program  far
9770 VoV 1946 tallsib VV ,local
9615  CRI 1951 CC lessons in German good
4765  Tajikistan 1953 talks seem children prg poor
4930 VoA ST 1953 talk 3133 digital carrier fair
6230 CNR 1955 CC  talks marg
6280 CNR1956 not//6320
7415 CRI 2001 Eng news locsl
15140 RHC 2003 news ID 2006 fair
11730 RHC 2014 spanish prgfair
12105 WWRB prg in spanish semflromo fair

Κυριακή 12 Φεβρουαρίου 2017

logs for 12-2-17 via Web SDRs

via Pardinho Brazil Kiwi SDR (=KSDR )
4775  Congonhas 1516 with YL making sermon style Good
4863.2 ??  in portuguse 1532
4985 1533 port with song ID as 'radio pertam sur vacasur' (RBC) then nice  song
5940 post V miss1535 OM  in  ref to various poeple (reel) S10 good
5970 1536 piano musci fair S7
6009 1537 song port S7  good
6040  REB2 sng  ID 39 hen advert parana ID
6059.7 Super Rádio Deus é Amor 1540 with soing - garbled a bit
6080 Marumby 1541 OM with talks in PP relig? political?  good
6090 Bandeirantes 1542 advert  local
6135 Aparecida 1544 song local
6180 very  garbled audio from Brazil S20

Arturo Nogueria KSDR
9630 AparecidaI 1549 advert good S10
9665 MIssionaria OMwith talks GOod
9725 song 1552 S20 good
1000 osevatioro nacional fair
11735  discussions inPP S10 good
11765 SRDA very pooor 1555
11780 RNA  song 1555 good
11815 RBC songs 1556 good
11895 1558 song S7 11893 carrier
11925 tals 1558 vpoor

via  tasmania KSDR : 
3320 palankaraya S7 clock ID poor
in Perth AUS  is better 1620  Melburne no ,marg Lewiston

via JJ Chibo  KSDR
3320 Pyngyang pansong oper4as 1603  good & 3325
3480 Voice of the People 1604 dicns good carrier 79
3950 CNR  adverts 1606 S9 fair
3985 EoH in korean 1067 Fair , noise QRm over
6348 EoH poor 1609
6370 CNR 1610 poor
7565 CNR1 tals in CC 1612 Good

via Nakhabino Ru  KSDR : 
4765 Tajikistan S10 poor talks
4820 CNR Xizang CC music talks SS10
4870 poor ??
4876  poor carrier S7
4885 very poor S9 korean
4895 hindi ?? poor
4910 with co QRM 1524
3990 CNR UI S10  uighur good
3950  CNR fair 1526 S10
4010  ??? poor carrier

Κυριακή 5 Φεβρουαρίου 2017

Logs for 2/5

Logs for 2/5
1151 R Actoualitate 0845 OM talks music  S9
11622 harmonic of macedon greek pirate 0843   S5
9510 ??? 0908  marginal sinal just S1 >>>PBS Xinjiang
9677 Talishistan/Ictimai  etc 0919  with turikc song then  talks in Talish/Azeri  . check with a ols transistr raio provides beter reception on te 12m H
9750 NHK 0916 talks in JJ S1
11835 CNR 0925 echoed S2
12045 CNR1 Xinwen Zheshen 0926 S3
12140  Deewa 0927 English nasyid song  ID new sS3
15135 CRI   0956 nice  CC songs passes 1000 with songs  QRM from local QSL router buzzer >>>ML/INS  prg
15140 1005 vietnamese  song
9485 EMR relay 1007 man wth  german  talks abot politics. DSL buzzer on 16V antennan clearon 16H
15390 CNR 8 1026 YL&OM wih UIghur talksover backgrnd music then mic of songs1030 wth ID S9max
15665 RFA Tib 1032 talks in tibetan S9 max Clear with carrier of same freq and power
17895 AIR GoS 1046 in engish marginal signal Ths to Sidharrta in a chat forum