with many stops in between logs for family reasons
7181.5 VoBM 1710 talks in AR S7
9775 SABC 1711 talks rhen songS7
4885 VoKP 1913 talks in Korean S7
4930 VoA STP 1913 adverts S9 'intl edition'
9835 RTM-S 1916 songS3 QRM9840
9860 firedreake? 1917 trad CC playsmixed with another station
9875 VoK 1918 koreanoperas S7
11880 ?? 1927 music then IS of p. Vatican then talks in EG wit religious talks and news .no entry inEibi .sgnsl S5 undermoded
12160 1947 adverts 'art of show' program 1954
12105 WINB 1957 Christmas song and wishing you mary chistmas S1 onny
15390 REE 1958 a rock song fast talks by Woman in Sp then clock and ID then news first abt CTL S1 //15500 S3
15580 VoA 2004 talks in swa mentioning studio7 mixed with tras afrosongs as background S9
7550 AIR 2012 wth very poor mod als on 9445 poor mod with a Bollysong of 70s using Enlish lyrics 'come fast not be slow'featuring poss amitabh.hinfi talks after the song
6225.15 pirate with merry chistmas song 2027
MW 1530 VoA via IT? 2004 talks ID by man then menioningChrstimas .,mixed with station in magyar
and 13990 on 0742 twogreek operators on USB on 26th
Also during sleep using degen PL380 and its built-in antenna on the bed
7375 CRi2115 a song thatseems viet in music but singer sings in CC,tals infrench Good signal
7360 IRIB progra in spanish to be terminated that time as noticed byYL 2120 strong
7320 denge kurdistan 2123 talksand a violinplay ,man talks dllsond strong signal
7300 akbar muhrifa 2124 relig talks in arabic 1228 asong Goodsgnal
7280 VoVietnam 2130 IS then ID then programinEnglsih thenme onViet curency fair
7205 ??? 2138 talskand discssions in FR continuous mnetions on canada then an interview in Eng translated into Frennch Good
MW 8i9 cairo till 2215 wth old songs ID adverts ten mention on Quran good
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