Logs 4/9
9830 DW? 1819i n Hausa refering Kenya S8 max
9725 R Rom INtl in german communication number 0040213195562 and germ@rri.ro then web adress S9
9840 VoT 1823 trad turkishsong 1832 off
9835 RTM _S 1834 wth malay pop song S5
9380 AIR 1835 nes inEnglish S3 24232
4810 Armenia 1842 a pop song S9 then off1846
4885 EoHope 1845 YL singing in between korean talks S7/3 QRN
7120 hargeysa stil on 1849S with low audio Ar talks
9785 VoTurkey 1851 ledgends of aantolia prog just ended. question of the year:Which year was the august earthquake with multuplee chice year numbers S20
15825 WWCR 1858 advert for red cross USA radio news featuring on N Korea adn chinese asistance ID 1900 S7
9410 S7 noisy //15400 clear BBC news intl . featuringN Korea's balistic missile
9425 VoKorea with german news ,moded noise undergrround . S9
9480 CRI1917 Africa Marche program S7
9710 NHK 1930 singn in, Englishp program plase satyy tuned then news S20
9810 IRIB 1938 news program in Eng on the NK missile poistion on aurtralia Turkey's and macron , XL speaking S10
9830 DW? 1819i n Hausa refering Kenya S8 max
9725 R Rom INtl in german communication number 0040213195562 and germ@rri.ro then web adress S9
9840 VoT 1823 trad turkishsong 1832 off
9835 RTM _S 1834 wth malay pop song S5
9380 AIR 1835 nes inEnglish S3 24232
4810 Armenia 1842 a pop song S9 then off1846
4885 EoHope 1845 YL singing in between korean talks S7/3 QRN
7120 hargeysa stil on 1849S with low audio Ar talks
9785 VoTurkey 1851 ledgends of aantolia prog just ended. question of the year:Which year was the august earthquake with multuplee chice year numbers S20
15825 WWCR 1858 advert for red cross USA radio news featuring on N Korea adn chinese asistance ID 1900 S7
9410 S7 noisy //15400 clear BBC news intl . featuringN Korea's balistic missile
9425 VoKorea with german news ,moded noise undergrround . S9
9480 CRI1917 Africa Marche program S7
9710 NHK 1930 singn in, Englishp program plase satyy tuned then news S20
9810 IRIB 1938 news program in Eng on the NK missile poistion on aurtralia Turkey's and macron , XL speaking S10
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