Δευτέρα 27 Φεβρουαρίου 2017


Oversimplified logs and using tablet
9850 LIturgy 0839 good Vaticano
9810 CNR 0840 fair
9830 CNR 0840 poor
9880 CNR 0841 poor
9685 CNR 0843 poor
9650 VoK in JJ poor
9575 Medi1 0844 news in FF Good
9500 CNR CC talks 0845  poor
15770 AIR  0846 indo talks good
15710 CNR 6 talks in hakka 0847 fair
15665 CRI in Ru 0848
15130 CNR CC 0849  Good
15135 CR in Indo 0849 CC lessons  good
15245 VoKorea 0852 operas Good
17510 AIR 0853 in Indo with news fair

an night recepton

9835 SarawakFM 1943 adverts   fair
9840 WHRI 1943 ToN ttype program  far
9770 VoV 1946 tallsib VV ,local
9615  CRI 1951 CC lessons in German good
4765  Tajikistan 1953 talks seem children prg poor
4930 VoA ST 1953 talk 3133 digital carrier fair
6230 CNR 1955 CC  talks marg
6280 CNR1956 not//6320
7415 CRI 2001 Eng news locsl
15140 RHC 2003 news ID 2006 fair
11730 RHC 2014 spanish prgfair
12105 WWRB prg in spanish semflromo fair

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