Logs fr 24th
Heard with excellent quality but very cheap Betron B25 in-earphones:
9819.1 R 9/7 1939 talks strong QRMby CRI in russian on 9820
9400 CRI ? 1943 troobly audio about super computers adnmentions of China 1946 hearing ToM S10
9390 R tailand 1945 VTP centre 'thai maazine' S10
9380 poss VId Bharti 1947 old Bolly songs of 70s 'shot bhrat' wwith song progam eachig follwed by sort description by woman in Hindi S 9 P3 9840 IRIB 1950 a violin play talks in English Iranian ,lo mod and trebly S10max
Very happy if Bharti is ow in this clear freq
9875 VoKOrea operas 1952 with a bit overload audio and talkks in English S9//12015
11765 SRDA 1956 with talks S5 only
4870 coded mesages 1958 in russian? ID ing with" ..turka troika zochin" then with the mesage that seems as numbers
1545 TWR? 2001in presume russian mentioning apokalypsis S20
7360 Vatican african english service 2013 with news from Africa S10 and web adress " avemaria.net "
also tested RTM-S today 25th vua freemantle KIwi SdR with s10 signal 45334
Heard with excellent quality but very cheap Betron B25 in-earphones:
9819.1 R 9/7 1939 talks strong QRMby CRI in russian on 9820
9400 CRI ? 1943 troobly audio about super computers adnmentions of China 1946 hearing ToM S10
9390 R tailand 1945 VTP centre 'thai maazine' S10
9380 poss VId Bharti 1947 old Bolly songs of 70s 'shot bhrat' wwith song progam eachig follwed by sort description by woman in Hindi S 9 P3 9840 IRIB 1950 a violin play talks in English Iranian ,lo mod and trebly S10max
Very happy if Bharti is ow in this clear freq
9875 VoKOrea operas 1952 with a bit overload audio and talkks in English S9//12015
11765 SRDA 1956 with talks S5 only
4870 coded mesages 1958 in russian? ID ing with" ..turka troika zochin" then with the mesage that seems as numbers
1545 TWR? 2001in presume russian mentioning apokalypsis S20
7360 Vatican african english service 2013 with news from Africa S10 and web adress " avemaria.net "
also tested RTM-S today 25th vua freemantle KIwi SdR with s10 signal 45334
Keep it up. Good.