Σάββατο 14 Οκτωβρίου 2017

Logs for11-10 near Olymp mountain

Logs for11-10 near Olymp mountain
using DE1126 no recs!:

6090 till1600   talks in Turkmen poss CNR 1700a korean lang from poss Shiokaze  Same on12/10  MOthing in eibi
9695 Romania1605 pop song,id from bukureşt,in Rom good
9180 SoHope  fair at best1612 talks Also best among 9280 and 9150
9100 EoHope 1614 good over NK 'h'ammer
9865 Vd Bharti 1924 still with old bolly songsgood
1521CRI1625 in RussIan ,mixed with  A Arabia wiping them mos times
1512 ERA GR1625 heard for short time then gone

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