Κυριακή 18 Ιουνίου 2017

Some few logs ...(17.6)

9819.1 R9.7 with talks  S3 max
9830 CNR 2021 wth carrier of  S3 / Izbella TTY  nder
4885 Echo of Hope     2022 korean talks S5/3QRN
4800 CNR  2023 with carrier S7
6665 and 6650  2025-30french pirate operators inQSO  S below 2
6628U Shannon R (?)  2035 talks and QSO
6730 CNR? 2138 talks in CC S5 and carrier
6520 !! and 6600 Vopeople Koreawith talks 6520 is in clear other with noise jamming from NK Both of S5
15034U CAN 2046 with weatehr reports S0 but quite audible
15185 VoA  2047 lessons of English  in frech : follow  that road , give me this direction etc S7
10000 Obervatiorio Nacional BR ID with clock tones S2
7300 Sawt  al alam 2117 palyig  W.Murphy's verson of 5th of Beethoven S10
9590 CRi 2204 US news  Obama ID S0
9320 VoA 2207 with talks in thai/viet S3
9630  IRIB  2211 in arabic but trebly modulation and quran S4
9760 R Romania 2217 program schedule in Englsih S8
9745 Bahrain 2216 a nayid song half in englsih Malay version exists S2
9839.85 VoV? 2222 traditional type song S5
9890 BBC 2224 about US open Eng. lang S5
10051U   Gander  2225 weather reports Winipeg S2
11760 (S7) &11840 (S4) RHC in Spanish ID
15610 EWTN 2236 "experiences of Lord" S7
9480 CNR 11 in tibetan 2256 with IS  with talks and prg schedule  S5
9490 new  CNR station  2300 with double IS for 3 times then with ID S7

late additions :
9420 VoGr 2155  signals S10
7720 russian QSO  on 2123 <S1

729 ERA  Athens with only S3 - songs
1242 Oman 2100 with ID happy talks in Arabic about Ramadan S7
677   LIbya   2105 arabic talks S4
1269 R  Asia UAE  2244 HIndi songs(!)  mixing with greek oldies. greek pirate wins at most an hindi signal(?) is then faded out
1233 Dechovka radio 2250 ID then a german style song S3

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