10 May
9835 RTM Sarawak 1729 a song an advert S5
9820 CNR 1722 talks by man in chinese a song S5 33333
9850 IRIB 1733 with nnews in German notics about Medina 1756 S20
9890 VoK 1814 operas man in Arabic noise inside modulation S7 4x433
9910R Pilipinas 1816 two women taling in tagalog S8 max (SIO 252)
9965 Firedrake wth S20 signal in the clear in this frequency with stage melodies 45534
9390 Thailand 1846 language seems merely as VIetnamese than Thai with local version of the 60s song "bikini". inprt then DJoined with a rock song . Woman then talking in more pure Thai S9 45544
9410 BBC 1849 with football news program S5 max only
9420 VoG 1854 with songs S5 32432
12 May
9610 1529 Hindi song of 60s S5 max 35533 Poss CRI Bengali ?
9550 VoViet 1530 talks in Viet S5 /16H
9835 RTM 1909 rock song S7 max
15230 RHC 2320 news in spanish about Fidel/USA S3
4785.2 2321 talks in Spanish S3
4949.73 2323 LA style song S5 Angola
5040 RHC 2323 news in English ID 2325 S2
6220 pirate 2329 rock song s3
13 May
7355 Brother stair 0723 religious talks S5
9420 VoG 0724 with trad song /adverts S3 only
17530 IRIB 0726 ID in spanish then with international newsS7 co-ch QRM
11530 Farda 0728 news in farsi then ID and adresses S5
9835 Xinjiang 0733 rock song Marginal signal talk is less than 'barely identifiable'but sounds as Chinese Eibi does not refer it anymore. As far as i know there was Xinjiang PBS in CC
11660 CRI 1253 CC lesson program in Eglish S2 only
11805 1256 talks and reports in bamar mentions of democracy and moslems Passes 1300 withot ID S3 >>RFA
11825 FEBC in Khams (tib dialect) 1304 trad song then talks in tibetan S1 only
11825 WEWN 1315 religius talks in EG signal just S1
6190 XJPBS 1652 uighur music program with short descriptions read by YL in between S9
6165 VoTurkey 1656 ID in Turkish then news S20
6070 1701 ID as '6070' passing over the song adn mentions about Eurovosion Song Contest
BTW : I dislike the 17's winning song from Portugal based in music terms HIs voce isin dysharmony with the music . I prefer however the fat man from Croatia with the double voices.ONce again the quite good greek song was below the middle as typical...
9745 Bahrain 1710 woman with talks in Arabic .many mentions on arabic and bernemig with a man ( means transmisson afaik )
9665 Pyogyang Pangsong 1713 opera s . top singal at this point then nearly vanished or just was the carrier ... S2
11622.6 S3 harmonic of 1660.3 S30 on 0746 who signed of and returnd back a few minutes later
ERA audible on 729 1008 and 1404 on 0800
Greek pirates operating on rounded freqs : 1124 , 1223 ,1341 , 1386 , (1368 off), 1416 ,1431 at only S3,1460, 1476, 1521, 1539, 1550, 1565,1584,1593 1660
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