Τρίτη 24 Μαρτίου 2020

Logs of 24.5

The news of the day for the CiV . Officially  we have 743 total affected cases with 47 new and a total of 19 dead . The numbers are now with lower rates than before . As noticed the unofficial number is around 10000 cases 
The signals are xx/yy dbm  that is xx dbm over yy dbm local noise . Making the subtraction shows the SNR level 

3410 3430 3455, 3460 ,3475, 3495 qso net channels for unofficial Greek operators with carious signal levels to -75dbm as checked 3440 someone airing Greek songs
3413 Shannon Volmet  station in between Acars or hfdl modes -90/-105dbm
3495 Yanis & something with funny qso discussions 1921 great audio with 4 kHz wide -75dbm
3497 center , HFDL or ACARS kind of bursts
3910+3925 Vo People towards S Korea 1858 with some music 1900 with talks pres news Both at -85dm good for using diversity reception that shows are more extended audio Both have the sane fading pattern.
3929.6 squeaky wheel 1914 noticed with subsignals by 100 Hz over and under the carriers
3935 dance music on 1907  after 1910 with no content .. -66dbm max 
4700 once again herd on 1850 with -81dbm with a range between -80and -110 dbm on a noise floor od -115dbm Nice pop songs
4750 Bangladesh Betar? A signal of -67/-100dbm 9 kHz wide with some overloading . Rock song  
4930 VoA STP 1944 with program in slow English -signal 75/-120 dbm Fince to see the SATANAG 4825 burst not in operation this day which possibly QSYed to 4940 (??)
4983 FSK mode of 75bd
5005 DVD 2002 with meteo  messages in slow German . Signal -79/-115dbm with very poor modulation though quite sharp!
5140 Charleston with max -75dbm signal but quite high noise most caused by lightnings
5920+5930 two signals from RRI with -60and -55dbm  in 1955
5940 RTA Algerie 2000 vous ecouted algerie que radio algeria  mentioned by YL , idaat  kuran el karim by man and then started with quranic preaches Many audio dropouts -53/-115dbm
5950 Tigray revolution 1955 with Horn of Africa music with -93/-115dbm On 2000 just the sigal was wiped out by KBS via Fance to Africa
5995 RTVM Mali 2007 with talks in Arabic  local and some music . There is also a co channel carrier of around 20Hz above the main carrier, that supposes a station underneath. Spectrum analysis  shows a near vacant USb signal though audios sounds better than the shown! 

6370 & 6637 Kontayner of 15kHz spread 2029 at-90/-120dbm 
VoVietnam om 2047 in French on 9730 but in all 8 kHz step channels that as noticed earlier have different QSB curves. Notice also the tow stations on 9720 CRI Bulgarian, 9765 poss VoA Hausa ,9790 RFI-F and the BPL(?)noise shown as ribbon between 9700-9.720 and above 9737 

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