4010.223 Kyrgyz
radio -60over -110dbm noise cant be heard inall due to very low modulation
7196 a
short timed (10s )Kontayner style signal of 5kHZ wide 1526 repeating in around
6 mins
7205 Xinjiang
PBS 1527 with talks in Uighur mixed with
presume Sudan There was also a mention on
internet Adverts on1546 There carriers
are around 15 Hz only
Look the photo to understand :
7215 AIR?
1522 with old Hindi song -63 dbm / news in coronavirus info , lessons of Chinese
on 1547
7220 CRI Nepali
with news /talks 1455 mentioning also emails and station info . -86dbm with fast signal QSB 1457accurate with
only carrier
7220 V Viet
1548 with talks in Vietnamese -90dbm with -75dbm in between -65 dbm signal on 7215 CRI Nepali di and 7225
CRI Hindi .VoV seems having poor modulation
that causes much effect in its reception
7230 CNR 1
with nice song with violin and YL singer on 1600 Best filter is on 2k5
7240 VoIRI?
In Farsi mixing with PBS Xizang . 1557 Xizang
is with adverts on 1559 while Iran is only with talks Farsi that pass the 1600 ToH
7255 CRI a theatre like discussion on 1614 between
two women and one man ,one women asking him to marry her , two women talking
abt a fashion mag. Signal -45dbm 18kHZ wide ‘channel’
7275 KBS 1628
phone in talks in Korean mixed with Chinese station that airs
a song
7280 VOV 1624
with dance song -60dbm 1627 with only carrier . 1620 in Vietnam with many mentions
. quarantine and about Chine …
7407 steady leveled stanag 4825 with -91dbm QRMed y
7415 CRI -60dbm
7665 CNR
jammer mixed with another (RFA )on 1640 20
kHz wide with -63dbm
9250 buzzer once again 2045 with the same signal as on 6250
9250 buzzer once again 2045 with the same signal as on 6250
9835 IRIB
in Russian 1656 mentioning countries of the ME plus BLR and diapason [freqs?] 1658
a short
9850 AWR in
Iboka new? 1955 with OM talking in this funny language ,
religious song 21244 lagos Nigeria -68dbm 2x5 kHz wide 1959**
firedrake 1958 against RFA off at 2000
11253 Shannon Volmet meteo talks -85dbm
11635 VoKorea 2016 wih news in Korean -5dbm there is a carrier from the 'wideband fence'
12050 R Ndarason 2009 talk s in Kununura mixes of external talks and ID on 2011 -59dbm mx with 10.8 kHZ wide audio
15580 VoA English
, news in simple English , strong selective fading 1438 -75dbm with rather distorted
15600 Voa Kurdish
, phone-in report 1438 mentioning Kurdistan
Rather steady signal at -60dbm
Both stations
above have 2x5.1 kHz wide audio.See the photo
15825 WWCR2
just fading in with -95 dbm on 1450z Max
signal is -85dbm barely reception over -120 harsh local noise
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