The signals
are xx/yy dbm that is xx dbm over yy dbm
local noise . Making the subtraction shows the SNR level
4700 Mystery
R 21, 1926 with dance song then a slow
signal is as high as -78/-110dbm
Photo ! IS
as com Listened for around 1 hour with the signal getting to
-65 dbm
4704.5 someone
uses a carrier of -84dbm and transmits uses content for only 1 sec!
4724 AFN
with encoded texts 1939
4750 Bangladesh?
1924 with dull audio lang that seem as as
English -79dbm
6060 Liberty
in Turkmen , talks ID on 1513 azad radio
se many references to Turkmenistan and istanbul and qiplayar azad radio se on
1516 by YL with news -70dbm
6270 V o Iran
with Iran Telespot on 1524 with ID Iran International on 1525 -74/-125 dbm
6283U Z15 1523 talks in Eng and Russian
7530 V
martyrs .. as ony carrier with some
moves of things over a table and a mystirus mobile sound of negation or
exclamation. Program stars on 1530 with tlsk in Korean . 1528 -63/-125dbm
7653 cw station
with code C?4D poor -90dbm ? was with poor
7665 two
instances of CNR plus another in Chinese opss RFA on 1534 -55/-125 signal with 19 kHz wideband for audio
jammer 1428 talks in Chinese
9640 IRRS
for virus 1424 with talk in English that is a bit difficult to understand due
to the local noise Ther is some QRM from
9630 CNR KZ
program in Korean with only talks info
on eibi Signal on -75/-115 dbm still talks after 1500 when hfdl? Bursts of -75
dbm qrm the signal
[picture ]
9925 1445
starts a kontainer OTHR signal woth -110 dbm
9940 R Thailad
just a -86/110dbm with a dsl carrier 3 kjhz below for a very oor reception
Liangyou in Uighur 1436 with tals .
Signal is below 86dbm . with peak signal -60 dbm on 1434 and then that is with
religious talks and some acapella songs
9950 TWR 1432
with old BOlly song , possibly religious , talks in Hindi . the man many takes reference on Parmeshwar
(God?) -77/-105 signal with a peak on -60 pn 143440 eibi shows Gujarati after 1430
MW on 14-15z
1215 pirate
‘studio dyo’ 1352 intersting russian dance
song ID very two songs 1355 with new Russian song .program with playlist , no announcer
-72 dbm with very good audio ner to HiFI in my sennheiser heads on the 11kHZ
1271 pirate 1356 old song of 60s , a well known
french erotic song ‘je t’ aime , moi non
plus’ siege Gainsbourg , a Italiangreek
romantic song ‘ la ora’ with great audio on 11khz filter -67dbm/110dbm qrn Songs
for cantares, and nice slow dancing in a near armchair reception
1368 studio 13 or ‘1368’ 1405
with old pop folk romantic Greek song of70s ‘tell me’ etc . This is one of the stations
keeping high class songs and music There is also an announcer
pirate ?? with old dancing songs ‘skiladio’ (dog’y ) of the 70s and knd
of music tat I m against -64/-105qrn
1556.7 paul 1414 with phone ins with only discussions
with today them on older visuses -66/-105 this is his normal program style using common sense logic
1566 pirate 1416 with olde Greek dancing songs -63dbm
1611 pirate 1417 with song mixing with film
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