Παρασκευή 6 Μαρτίου 2020

Bandscan 5.3 with some comments from GR

This time with some interesting news from Greece . 
Typical system plus SDRuno.

11530 Welat 1140 mixed with Kurdish station that airs Turkish kinds of hymn like songs -70dbm

9630 CNR 13 1451 talsk in Kazakh as noted with news mentioning corona virus. Underground Chinese music. On 1458 with musicwith ONM then YL following into a rather mystical talks.ToH with clock and ID. Zastara ….Shara inar. News by YL mentioning parliament . In eibi ther is a 5 minute window with Russian program  for the time that seems now void   -80dbm /-105dbm QRN

9640 IRRS for corona virus towards Asia etc is heard with SDRC with only -96dbm on 1437 and -92 dbm in SDRUNo though noting can be heard. Her are screenshots from the remain three transmissions with all info as shon in the photos See another in the MW part !

Typical system  as always with SDRuno except in two cases

9605 CNR  1440 with signal -64 dbm
9275 FEBC 1445 talks in Chinese -97dbm to -79dbm max  over a -105dbm noise 
9675 CRI in English 1504 with news Argentina, Eu offered to Greece for the humanitarian aid.
Some facts on this story with the Turk Greek borders as noticed form the TV reports:
As you may know Greece has closed the borders because the Turk PM with the help of police  and others, pressed the refugees to get rid the country. Many immigrants leaving for more than 4 days in the the country were ousted or pushed by Turk citizens police and the army to leave their houses and works and leave to the borders because as the Turkish government addressed ‘borders are open’. Most of these immigrants are from Afghanistan Pakistan and even African countries with only a few from Syria.  There are videos showing that .Other videos shown people using suffocating gases  from the Turkish part . A reporter photographed one of the bottles, labeled in Turkish
The news then continues with the corona virus theme . In Greece the number was 9 on 4/3 when suddenly raised to 31 on 5/3 after a 65 year man affected  a group of travelers while they were in Israel.

9380 AIR with Hindi music on 1551 One time tone then advertising then back to music , -92over -115dbm noise bottom (near marginal)
9345 Liangyou 155959  with ID the immediate stop -75dbm the only second I heard them
9425 V o Korea 1601 with their hymn then Y with talks in ??? then again hymns //6170 by chance ON 1700 with Russian program. 
9525 Denge Welat 1607 man and woman with talks in Kurdish surely news mentioning fascists , democratics ,politics Kurdano, Oçalan,    . Background audio form pss ‘Denge Erdogan’  and talks in Irani Kurd Signal -50dbm  S20
9705 Vatican Radio   in Arabic 1656 with signal just  -45dbm S30 mentioning Syria . laudetur Jesus Christus  with then the typical IS of Vatican . French
7170 , 7695 and 7734 3 Kontayner carries at -100and -68 foir the latter
7530 Deewa 1707 in Pushtu //7495 with news ID 1713  .Max -85 /-70 over -120dbm noise
9722 VoV following Howard’s and Alan Roes hint has been tested with carriers on 9692 9705 9714 9722 9730 9778 9746 9754 with signals between -110 and -80 all with different fading curves on 2140! Zoom  the pic below for more 

9820 not XZPBS in this freq  today! 2226
5140 Charleston again with -80dbm signal but very clear with oldies ! QARM level -105 dbm
6530 Cri in Spanish (spur?) just S6 or -92dbm with continuous mentions on China Deep depths to -105 dbm  Audio on 2243: 2246
6836-68 kHZ another OTHR with carriers with 335 Hz step   2257
9450 FEBC in Mien with fist the IS on 2259 

MW bans
531 and 549 Jim FM both with -75dbm pm 2217 with dance songs
594 IRRS for corona virus 2110 with signal just -85dbm very poor with QRM form 596 Morocco signal seems with also poor modulation.

1404 RRActualitata with phone in  talks 1537 ErA has been stopped in this freq .
1413 ‘anazde vamerike’ radio vesti 1534  talking about students S9+10 or -65 dbm  > Vry ealy to listen to out of Greece?
1449 Asigritos 1529 with old songs I sent him a phone control
1485 greek pirate   listen to your heart 1518  in near acapella version then with a dancing song can you heard me  at 1527 etc  Signal -48.2dbm (S20)//-105dbm noise 34db SNR and 20 kHz wide ie a hifi station! this is possibly the 10 kW kw station ‘from Thessaloniki’  

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