Agαιν after loing time
ςιτη a few
logs in between a very distracted program outside my home.
For unknown reasons the resonance of
the 2x16 antenna is now better than before in lower bands!! A grounding wire on
a unused heating radiator changed the antenna resonance for good in MW without making any
significant differences of performance on SW.
Listening in two doses
729 ERA 1347 monetary program abt
the red loans -80.3 dbm quite steady all the listeining time
897.949 Greek pirate with nice Greek oldies of 60-70s at 1345 -71.4 or SNR 16dbm
920.13 Greek pirate Evil 1341 with
phone ins. Very low frequency for someone pirating…suden soff 1343 witgh-75dbm
1008 ERA under the grounded antenna
with -60 dbm on 2100 with news Noise floor is -110dbm
1152 (-72dbm) & 1179 R Romania Actualitaţi (-75dbm
)with po song . 1356 with adverts . Well known station
Absolute Radio 2357 from UK with adverts -70dbm mixed with arabic station
. ID at 0000
1287 with carrier and suden music start
on 1500 with old Greek songs -60dbm
1349 again on 918.16 with phone ins …
12db SNR
1413 Urkaine , talks (news?) in Russian
Miklhail Ignatiev 1402
greek pirate with old rebetiko song 1358 -64.5 dbm 23 @SNR
1556 greek pirate with oldies 1401
1660 pirate with traditional Greek songs
1406 -51dbm over -87dbm noise , 36db SNR
1675 Slavic pirate -75dbm just talks
and s onn 2155
1680 & 1690 pirates under CQ with -85dbm o 2158
1716 Slav pirate QSY fron 1675 2159
1755U meteo? 2342 with nearly similar
way s of talking in ENg 2346 with talks in Spanish Palma radio is normally not
in that time -100dbm …Listen:
4110 Kontayner in that band with 20
bandwidth -90dbm ???time
9100 VoP mixewd with jamming from N
Korea 23xx
9555 SABC S Arabia with mix of short
songs and talks -65db with soff 2300 THe sound
is too trebly !! Just look at the spectrum analyzer
9640 CRI in ?? 2233
with Chinese song signal -74.4 dbm max and 15 kHz wide Sigal faded after 2251 with more than 25 db less signal !
9650 R Guinee in French 2224 with
news in French Chine , African toning , festivals carnavals -vous ecoutez ‘La chifre vote journal’
with a phone in 85dbm max Signal has some
9665 Voz Missionaria 2218 talks in Braziguese by man and woman max various
topics mentions on Brazil -85dbm
11420 Kontayner of 20 kHz and fast pacing
11675 R Farda 1415 with ID and then
songs -52dbm 40db SNR
12045 Azatlik radio RL 1417 with ID
then talks in Uz pos kontainer buzz under
15490 dead carrier on 1428 with
-88dbm but passed on 1430 witout any content …
15770 WRMI with talks in English with-70
dbm signal 2250
17630 CRI in English 1435 -74dbm
17885 VoA slow English 1437 , human transmission
coronal virus , Chinese in USA
17895 SABC imam preaching in Arabic 1439 -83dbm
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