This is the day of radio did you ever do any DXing or listening a bit more to radio?
A few simple logs of 12 made with DE1103 and 2x16m
9105 on 2256 talks in Korean with poor signal , possible VoPeoiple
9880 and 9720 Kontayner on 2346 with bandwidth around
15 kHz
198 heard Eire ? with program in English , talks on referendum
And a few on 13via Morpeth UK :
234 RTL in French
with adverts on 0949 Good at S9
252 RTE 1 0951 with adverts and ID on 0951 ‘Shandon
Sweek ‘
1152 LBC ? 0056
song ‘dying in your arms tonite’ , adverts for valentine , youth magazine, namaste,
join the police, greatest hits radio, S9 only possibly from London?
Tokyo SDR JH1PGF 13th
7580 VoKorea 1008 with hymn talks in Japanese by YL S20 /S9
7325 CRI in JJ
with talks over CCC music ‘China radio’
9400 Liangyou 1213 announcement with man talking over music ,
9060U UJUV 1016 woman IDing continuously S10 /S7
9200 CNR jammer 1017 with adverts S10 Also 9315 9180
9105 VoP >Korea
with Korean talks but just S10 /S7 fair
9580 BBC report in Russia and constitution 1023
9835 RTM-S 1026
at very poor S8 ‘TV satu RTM ‘
11915 CRI 1028 in Indo mentioning traditional Chinese music
11945 BBC 1030 with headline news mentioning Sudan S10
12085 Mongolia 1031 with talks in Japanese
3945 Nikkei? 1032 Nice western pop song then with
Japense S20
Logs with RSP1a and SDRply program
15515 Kontayner 15514-26 at -115dbm & 42-56 on
1314 with -91dbm
15155 RFA 1318 with talks in Khmer mentioning several
times of Campuchea -85dbm
15030 AIR in DRM with signal -94. Dbm 1321 Quite poor
to be decoded…
15110 Kuwait in DRm with -75 dbm Just measuring the signal
11560 AIR ? 1329 with Hindi pop song and 28 db SNR (-61dbm
S20 max ) There are signal and audio problems getting it into S7 QRN
11660 CNR with adverts then with talks and discussions
11675 Farda 1338 with pop song and talks in between -45dbm
also metions on valentine day – 14feb !Then back to fardi pop song possibly metioning
on coronal virus
9300 TWR 1356 via YERV with talks in Hindi -85 dbm
7310 1359 after
the time tones with ID ‘Xinhua she bei ‘ by YL -90dbm 8 SNR
7515 V wilderness 1404 YL with slow talks with nice
ambient music underground mentioning Jesus
and -75dbm max signal
9420 CNR13 with talks in Uighur 1411 -85dbm that time
9605 CNR1 1420 with talks in CC with 1428 adverts -65dbm
9540 FEBA 1433 in Hindi . some hindi songs , mixed with talks
in between -85dbm
Later using
SDRConsole :
5090 Mystery 21 again today 1730 with -89dbm with beat
music new video posted Off ca 1745 mad ea short research in several kiwis to have
only very poor signals in Italy and Germany . Fading included in the bottom ribbon
5060 XJPBS CC 1754 with -62 dbm signal with soff 1800
6270 VoIran 1808 with YL with talks in Farsi -88dbm
6392 kontainer with 1811 just 10 kHz wide signal at
-114 dbm
6607 4XZ Haifa 1814in CW with CQs and signal uptp
6765 YL voice 1817 in -115 dbm level Difficult to recognize the lang
4750 Bangla R 1821 with hindi song and -85dbm max
4405U Istanbul with meteo reports 1824 in English max -92 dbm
3243 The goose at 1849 -90db, Russian channel marker
1734 slavic op-87.5
msx 1954 with only talks as like talking a poem
1725 slavic pirate -65.9 dbm with trad music and
around 9 khz wide
6676U poss BKK meteo with meteo talks
6215 CNR? 2022 YL with talks in Chinese -81.6dbm @2053
5860 Farda 2027 song , ID song -75 dbm
6180 for R N Amazonia just a poor signal -100 and -89/-105
on 11780 mixed with a fence carrier
Via SPaolo Pardinho : 3365 Cultura with S20 with sport
spogram 2050 short advert with thdk to Mendez
6230 CNR1 2119 with nice pop songs 2124 with advets .
-75dbm with 15+ kHz bandwidth .Possibly is QRY form 6215
11550 RFA in korean 2134 mixed with ‘fence carriers’
-95 dbm
11610 CNR -87.3 2136 svm with YL talking , mixed with
fence carriers
11685 REE 2138 with prg in Spanish , talks over background
music -85dbm /9690
11720 VoA 2140 with ranked hot pop songs of the time -62.2
max ca 10 khz wide audio
4875.0 Spanish?
2148 with talks that seem Spanish. Some music
that only drum is heard Signal -85/-120
dbm IN the list only Roraima BR at 4875.
4885 Cluber do para with only -85dbm that is barely heard
over the local noise -120dbm >Echo of hope is changed to 4890 with same signal
6230 meteo style talsk in English 2204+ stopped 2207 .
Ther is a stanag passing the band
6285 pirate pm
2210 with hot disco music -91dbm but well heard Alaska? Cityradio dot com is heard at the end on 2222
3 mins audio stoped 2 mins before the end
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