Πέμπτη 6 Φεβρουαρίου 2020

Logs 6/2 with pics and special update !

Low today checking the tropical bands typical system

3970  someone in greek with numbers at 1636 with -65dbm
4010.22  Kirgiz R with very low audio and -65dbm Just heard  !
4500 Xinjiang PBS in Mongolian  with  song 1628 then man with talks -65dbm
4724 AFN with encoded text  in English -90dbm 15016 at -110 dbm
4800  CNR mixed with pos AIR on 1520 in a twin signal of -75dbm
4810 AIR Hyderabad 1521 with -86dbm and low audio
4980 Xinjiang PBS 1523 with talks -80dbm , still difficult listening
In that band (5+ MHz)  there are several CIS12 carriers
5090 Mystery radio -as far as I heard - only the drums are head on 1526  then with a hard rock song . Signal is only -95dbm that is slightly beater (-87)on 1536 Recording  https://app.box.com/s/uttjzv5wd4di2e5273o4hjbucvck1zif
Just a photo of the signal ON the left a tone of the 5 CIS12 signals on that time  A video on 1729 is there https://youtu.be/PaYWTehogWI

Ans another pic of the band that shows also the 5060 XJ PBS , 5090  and the 5130 together :

5130 Sedaye Zindagi 1534 just on the screen the time of rec of 5090  with-95 dbm with mostly talks on 1558 seems just carrier talks  again after 1600
5905  CRI in Russia with ID at 1427 miria porta
5915  CRI in Mongolian with only talks on 1416-20   Signal -85dbm with Carrier in -680HZ at -93.5 dbm and steady  and CW on 5916 of max -85 dbm See the pic below that show the case  also the 5905 very poor signal level

5930  Vatican radio , in Hindi difficult to hear with talks and short song intervals in between -78.5 dbm over -120 dbm QRN with FSK on 5928kHZ
5945 R Rom Intl 1407 with program  in Russian , political news Aliance party , info block info plus -62dbm 9kHZ wide
5950  just traditional  song 1459 -95dbm with sporadic HDFL bursts (tig revolution?)
5955 RRomI 1489 son with ISs then with prgr in Italian a sudden sognal off and then back after 6 seconds of carrier. There is also some underground  sounds possibly from the ‘program reel’ -72dbm 9.5kHZ wide. The shutoff then carrier then context continues several times again .Just see the part on the bottom to prove it. It shows the near zero signal gaps in between hi signals 

5960 PBS Xinjianq in Chinese with talks 1452 -85dbm   //5060 -75dbm
5980 Cri in Japanese  1507 konbanwa .. radio Ninpon and more talks -85dbm maximum QRM form 5985 of -70dbm max
5985 VoT 1510 Idaat sawt Turkia . mentions  of Iraq  -63dbm signal has buzzing sound Just on how is shown in the spectran here:

6000 CNR1  with talks in Chinese 1514 -85dbm
6050 XZPBS 1400 Chinese service with adverts, wo3 ma4, seems as lessons of Chinese . One of my fav music station on late local night times   -83dbm with carrier on 1277.3Hz on LSB with -98 dbm
15130 VoIRI  1340 sawt Iran with program in Arabic -83dbm /S9 


NIght logs using the 1103 with the mains antenna. 

I used a special special tailored cable from a chinese ebayer that uses a SMA fem to 3.5mm plug using specialized SHF cable Its length is around 25 cm . This cable among with soem other connectors was ordered around mid December and received the previous days at a cost of 2 Eu only (?) If someone could do that with standard RG58 here he should ask at lest 5 eu for the work excluding the connectors! Ther is also the need of specilzied crimper that costs around 15 Eu in the local market

This night was awesome in radio terms as you can see from the below logs: 
1377 CNR1 2105 was good with fair signal and songs content moderate elvel of QRN  and audible for atleast 1 hour (recheck on 22 )
1566 HLAZ with talk in Korean 2111 with mention of Jesus as Iisu . fair signal but degraded on around 2130 
1577 My unofficial frind is with good signal and phone in talks.Political topics  woth war of comments!
1700 & 1710 slavic pirates at 2116 with good signal
697  ?? discussions in English 2125 with woman in the mike . very poor at 2138 . mixed with Spaniard 
1575 just a dead carrier from IRIB on 2324  with good signal
Most signal in LW were received very good with this configuration and the ATT off 

7225 the guy mentioned Radio Hausa at 2300 with talks in Hausa IRIB in eibi 
5010 WRMI with talks in spanish on 2305 . Poor between carrier. on 4980 Xinjiang is herd clear with bad audio 
5060 XJPBS C service . the man speaks very clsely to the well known pastor of ToM


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