Τετάρτη 29 Ιανουαρίου 2020

Logs for 29/1/2020

Back home after 9 days from sick parents home and now I m also sick with  a  hurting right arm..typical reception with RSP1a 2x16 m and SDRConsole 

QRN is rather razor style at 16xx

1725 Slavic pirate at -67 dbm at2023  
5010  unknown if it is Trivandrum or Malagasy , at 1907 thre is a -82 dbm signal with very poor audio
5140 Charleston 1813 with typical 50s songs with a nice -75dbm signal Around  5 kHz wide audio
5162.5 very long  ALE on 1909  with around 15-25 secs of duration
5415.8 unknown modulation possibly CIS 12 with signal instability wandering up down to 120 Hz Cliock for slightly bigger picture 

5450  Shannon Volmet  at -110 dbm is qmed bya 60 bd FSK carrier on 1919 with RY idling of -85dbm
5950 V Tigray rev 1935 with HoA songs 1937 -77dbm
5995 Mali 1939 man talking in French -82dbm
6020 CRI in Albanian with very hot western song 1941 and then . Ther are two QRM ers : a FSK signal on 6022 idling with RYs  and a  poor carrier on 6015 Signal -65db 

6180 R Romania with traditional songs drum loaded with  German talks 1934
6978  Kontayner 2020 at -106 dbm 15khz
7390 sudden 1959.50 s on with CRI in Russian that changed in  CRI in Chinese then national hymn (?) then for 13 minutes with Chinese songs and short announcements in between. Agfter that with a 2 minute talk in Serbian (?) mentioning manty times of China 10 khz wide
7415 CRI 1958  with short switch off that returns in around 10 secs About currencies -71dbm 15.4 khz wide
7475  R Thailand 1956  in English ‘and that’s radio Thailand’ -69dbm max
9500 Kontayner on 1634 at -100dbm . around 15 khz wide…
9525 Denge Welat 1637 with traditional or folk  Kurdish song . Quite poor signal at -90 dbm even if the bandwidth is 10kHz
9540   Arabic  song with rather lively music 1640 , sudden stop by man announcing in Arabic . external recording with a man talking in a very dull audio
9620  CRI n Hausa 1642+with talk and some music and mixing Chinese. Mentions of Koran I did a mini experiment by testing ISB ability but there was a time error by one of these virtual receivers.. -89dbm  
9665 CRI in English , Chinese history …1700 off
9775 Radio Sama  1708 Arabic singing ,  a telephone number , skype address ID . ‘kitab il … ‘ kul il akhbar around 9.5kHz wide..
9820 Deewa Radio Islamabad 1710 from the news . News on Palestine -60dbm
9865 vid Bharati 1719 with old Bolly songs -90dbm
11820  BSKSA Holy Quran 1800 wide preaching about Suleiman  ID by man kuran al karim (holy kuran )-73dbm mean signal around 10kHZ  //11915
11835 SLBC ? 1754 with Hindi song max at -90 dbm short announcements by man and bacxk to music several times Sudden sign off 1800

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