Δευτέρα 1 Ιουλίου 2019

Logs for 30.6.19

using my hoome's  sytstem 

3910 VoPeople mixed with strong djammer noise from N Korea in total of S5  signal on 2006 ..DJammed signals also on 3930 and 4450
4640 two operators in USB in lang tseems arab 2007
4761.5 unknown digital system on 1947 idling , very similar to CIS12 S20  ON 2313 with S9
4765 Tajik R 1945 Signal S8 but just margial audio due to high local noise whichc is very lose to white noise
4750 Bangladesh 1949 with hindi type soing mixed with possibly CNR as there was no signal from Makassar as chacked with SDr in akarta
4820 XIzang PBS on 2015 with S7 signals and nice tadi music . CNR 4800 is still off that time
4850U QSO between two oprators using turkmenlang S9
4885 VoP in the clear  man inteviewed in phone  by woman S9 Clube do para on 2316 marginal signal
4891 CW marker with S7 signal 2321 continuous figure code. some of the numbers used are 518 and 9 - some missing -  No info on Kling
5140 Charleston 2027 with a greman song of 40s S7
6205 poss Laser Hot hits ??? 2034 with old rock song <S7  ON 2310 with S3 only but cloearer QRN
6230 pirate 2051 S9 max pop music ALso 2312 with S3
6295 seems as Ref Europe ? 2029 with talks in English S3 mixzed with high local QRN...
6320 pirate Joey 2032 with signal S7 with rock song . Nto for amrchair reception anyway. Many Thanks to Ralph Bender for the info
9420 nothing on 1942 Seems again off ...
15010 WEWN 2310 with S9 the only in the band that time..(local 0210 am !!)
3811 a mysterious 3FSK modulation on 2001 that  seems as 3 suboctave tiones

MW only one:
738 RNE 1940 with sports? program .mentioning Letonia S7
At 1377 there was noting on the band on 23+...

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