Σάββατο 29 Ιουνίου 2019

KSDR spots logging on J 25th

DUe to a mysterious bug yesterday in blogspot that caused my Chrmoe under the talbet unwilling to enter into mypage , i reposted the page here with  the replies.

Many thanks to the person comented

Eire , Emerald SDr , testing  signal fading in some interesting feqs and a few utes

234  RTL 2012 with grand soir progam S9 , ID . short fades of 5 db
252 BBC S40 or -32db strady signal . using the full 20kHz filter produced near  to HiFi mono audio
198 BBC 4 2018 , interesting news themes on procrastination and the same , Once again a flat line  signal history level on -47

3470 Frnch pirate operator 2035  S5
3955 KBS 2039 with program ingerman and KPOP songs Sxxxx
3975 SW Radio 2042 pop song Welcome to the 3975 from SWR radio  on ...  S9
4216 TIH  CW marker 2051 S-
4651 tel like calls and talks in ENg 2055? fair and good signals
4800 CNR and 4820 XZPBS today under QRM from LInk11 signals 2013
6055 TOM? 2010 S9 man with relig pgram -75db ,

Hoksiel NL and  pd0dh.ddns for beter signal  :
1459 Vahon 2124 nice old HIndi songs S20 - sdr is nearby the station !
1468 LYca R UK 2145 with old Bolly songs with S20 - former Sunrise Radio

Magyar SDR (duckdns) nearby Bucharest :
1620 Devil radio frm THS with  80-90s laiko songs  , Just look at the screenshot on the bottom . Fading  lows occur every 110 sec for about 20secs untill ....
This is supposedly a suden  'propagation turbulence'
I expect your opinions on the info provided by the interesting  drawing 

1764+5 2215 QSO between two slavic pirates  witrh short talks only BOth are of -70db

Here the posting of a web watcher with my response:

Good logs and thanks for sharing, the graph represents the signal strength, noise and fading pattern which indicates a 22 db difference between minimum signal during deep fades to maximum signal strength, also indicating that fading is quite slow with this signal also indicating a fairly stable signal with not too great a noise encroaching upon the signal

  • Because I cant post inthe replies part of this blog , i post my opinions here and i thank the poster very much for his reply.
  • I agree with him for the whole message: short timed fadings occur with around 5-7 db cycles nearly every second which is as i call it short timed fading caused by convergence nd divergence of the signal.  There is the mid time fading at causes every 110 secs the   minimas up to -20db
  • The last fading curve seems damaged from possibly sudden  ionospheric turbulences.

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