Τρίτη 9 Ιουλίου 2019

Logs for 6.7 19

Logs still  in the time order regime because it is not so easy to do that in this tablet >Hoping that later i can do that  beter and easier ...
R75 /16x2V as usual 

15110 CNR Hammer against VOA  YL with talks 1437
6140 AIR Urdu 1446 news in HIndi 1440 ID by OM mentioning urdu service 1441 with old non-bolly song S7 QSB2
Still on 1840 with bhangra type song S10
15265 BVB 1453 reading Bible dont rejoice our creature creature relations then IDi the sevice as Christ Goispel Broadcast POB 786 in Indiana . Final IS from BVB with full adress and web  adress S20 only
9920 nothign tough expcting Teos  /FEBC 1503
9940 CNR Hammer 1507 mixed with another station under
15805  WMR here 1508 but no tace of signal except the local noise:( BUt 15825 is head with S3 max
15640 Deewa 1517 menrioning Rahul Nehru , pakistan , ID by YL awith Deewa VoA S-
6120 1520 the number 2 national anthem  of CHina 'wo ei ni Zhongguo' in  the authentic version of 80s . PBS Xinjiang in UIghur S8
9880 CRI 1528 with prg in russian with internaltional news "B mire' s9
7530 V martyrs 1530 program in Korean taslk by YL wit rhymes MAx 3
6100 R Afganistan  1535 > Carrier up to S4 barely audible ...
11770 NIgeria? 1747 news in afrio English mixed with China . again in 1934 YL mnetioning Nigeria (from  a log in top news)
11835 Thendral 1748 , with phione ins ,lang seems rather tamil , taslk as 'nerewe pareve'  then a tamil  os70s S9 sudden s//off at 1800
11750 SLBC 1811 old tamil song Best recetion on USB as there is a tation on 11700 is with S20 S9
9420 ERA today with on 1818 with S20 signal

hams pirates MW 
14258U ham 1753 QSLIng someione from Brazil and mixed with otehers S5 max
6600L 1444 operator playing songs from old cinema of aroud 50's Signasl p to S3
1431 1801 unknown seem to tansmit in FSK style  S3 .Also  heard the next nights on 22+
1377  1805 just marginal signal from CNR but can be heard..
6617U Murmansk R S3 YL with weather info in RR
6774.5U operator in RR telling   numbers , but unedr contact

Greek Pirates on 1400 
1134 (S9) westmusic .1350 (S3) greek laiko oldies ,1431 carrier S3, 1449 (S1) oldies, 1539Laikos Ihox (2), 1548.12  (6),1602( 2 sations together) ,1620 (6), 1650 (8)
Also on 4806 on 1820+ with S6 as harmonic of 1602 that is only S3

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