K-SDR logs for 11-7-19
Fast bandscans with time ascending
MOskow SDR
4010 Kirgiz 1637 with S9 but very low modulation
4750 BAngladesh 1637 S7 with old song
4765 Tajikistan 1639 S7 (-80)
4775 CIS12 digital signal S7 1693
4800 CNR with pop soong 1240 S7
4810 AIR 1641 withlow audio S7
4880U operator tals inRu 1640
4885 VoP >NK 1643 poor S7
4895 AIR 1644 Bolly songs S8
4950 FSK at S20 5- bd at unknown mode
4930 VoA S7 only as carrier very low mod
4995 RWM RU time signal at S1- and fast keying (-60db)
5010 AIR Thiru... 1651 with tals in English S10
5130 ??? 1653 with S9
6015 XInjiang PBS 1658 UIghur S10 -80 db
6195 BBC WS 1658 bells S10
7330 CRI1704 news in Eng IDS10
7540 VoA farsi 1707 S10 (-55)
9100 VoP 1709 is quite clear from digital QRM from NK
Nvorgogad SDR
9380 AIR 1714 with songs . returned again
9420 CNR 13 S10 uighur
HUngary near bucharest
3975 S20 (-50) 6160 AM Swradio about mother ad a song follwed 2156
3995 S10 Chord music Halleluyah 2200 ID which ea not so clear
3915 S10 (-60) SInapore BBC with Trums adress on 2202
1656 NL ? pirate at S7 2223
Fast bandscans with time ascending
MOskow SDR
4010 Kirgiz 1637 with S9 but very low modulation
4750 BAngladesh 1637 S7 with old song
4765 Tajikistan 1639 S7 (-80)
4775 CIS12 digital signal S7 1693
4800 CNR with pop soong 1240 S7
4810 AIR 1641 withlow audio S7
4880U operator tals inRu 1640
4885 VoP >NK 1643 poor S7
4895 AIR 1644 Bolly songs S8
4950 FSK at S20 5- bd at unknown mode
4930 VoA S7 only as carrier very low mod
4995 RWM RU time signal at S1- and fast keying (-60db)
5010 AIR Thiru... 1651 with tals in English S10
5130 ??? 1653 with S9
6015 XInjiang PBS 1658 UIghur S10 -80 db
6195 BBC WS 1658 bells S10
7330 CRI1704 news in Eng IDS10
7540 VoA farsi 1707 S10 (-55)
9100 VoP 1709 is quite clear from digital QRM from NK
Nvorgogad SDR
9380 AIR 1714 with songs . returned again
9420 CNR 13 S10 uighur
HUngary near bucharest
3975 S20 (-50) 6160 AM Swradio about mother ad a song follwed 2156
3995 S10 Chord music Halleluyah 2200 ID which ea not so clear
3915 S10 (-60) SInapore BBC with Trums adress on 2202
1656 NL ? pirate at S7 2223
great set of logs again here Zach, you are using a KIWI SDR, is this from your QTH or a remote location? If it is a remote location then you should tell us where the stations were heard from! Thanks for sharing!