Κυριακή 2 Ιουνίου 2019

Log for 1/6/19

Please dont forget that i m witing from a tablet with autocorect disaabled!

Logs via UKraine SDR
8879 Bangkok  Volmet 1600 meteo talks in Thai  S3 . QTH RX  with S5 too.
9280 IRIB  1606 S10 with low modulation even if ausio is 10 kHz wide and shown well in the spectran and the waterfall
9405 R Taiwan Intl  1610 with talks in Eglish just S7
10150 a semi digital signal 20 kHz wide S20 
11100 & 11440 SOHope with music not //with 9180

More in house logs  (QTH : R75+ 2x16 m inV )
9420 VoGreece adn CNR13 1720+ mixed with the same levels of S8 .listening to turkic language  with greek music . 9890 is clear . Later in 1830 VoG is clear and strong with S20 signal , suposedly susing difenret antenna
9730 VoVietnam 1726 with viet music S9
9740 KBS Korea 1728 discussions in Korean S9
9820 IRIB 1732 talks in German . Themes on Tajikistan/ Iran [political] coperations S10
11835 SL BC Thumder FM 1739 with tamil songs with short presentations prior to  the songs S3-5 QSB 2
9810 unIDed 1742 gospel song man talking in English opening the bible in ch 9 adn then continuing the talks  S20
11945 NHK 1750 with song of Aznavour then OM talking about his history in Jap mentioning also Yerevan and continuing the prgram with some music . News on 1756+ ID on 1800
11975 R Romania Intl 1754 with western heay metal music program ID on 1756 S10
12120 R Pilipinas 1802 with new sin Tagalog Signal less than S2
9920 R Thailand 1803 with program in Thai S20
11215 spur of 12005 BBC in French . Maximum signal is only S3 .Checked also with 1103 

8812 R Istanbul 1805 turkish meteo talks 1808 in English
9092.4 carrer with bussing sound 1813 S20
344 THS local marker S10

630 Timisoara 1900 ID by YL aand  noticing for continuing with a music program.  that starts  with a traditional song suposeld called 'nani nani'

26+27 MHZ band is with lots of operators in all 3 modulations: 27580 with USB in IT 1848  /27375 german  using FM  1856, many others not noticed ...

1 σχόλιο:

  1. not bad logs this time, you know, S-7 is not a bad signal, even S-5 is ok provided local noise conditions are low enough!!! Thanks for sharing!
