Δευτέρα 17 Ιουνίου 2019

Logs for Sunday 16th

....a night devoted to listen to HF though logs are minimal and wanderign onthe bands
R75 /2x16 m plus 16 slight tilted wire
Using the tablet with the autocoret off It means errrs witll occur evenif i try to correct them

11945 NHK 1754 western oldies Moan with short talkes between them in Jap S20!
11940 RNE 1755 seems sports program S9 QTM  from NHK
4625 The buzzer 1756 with S6
5140 Charleston1757 songs of 40s and talks y man on TOH 35141
11635 VoK 1758 after an open carrier with IS ID and then program in French S5
11630 CNR Kazakh 1759+ with intereting traditioanl string paly S10 anot on 1807
11530 Welat 1803 talkby YL in kurdish (farsi type ) some audio timeouts S30
11610 VoA? 1806 talk in Amharic mention places inthe ME region US Tehran Popmpeo
9420 ERA is not today on
9425 VoKorea 1809 with program in german Neews S9
15510 Sama ? 1829 withmny memtions of Sama , talsk in arabic . also menay timeouts in audio . KItab al sudan on 1830 S10
15770 WRMI featiurng supreme master TV with talks in English
15810 WRM is not on iar today
12120 R PiIipinas 1839 talks in tagalog with English words mixed
1701 Greek  opreator (S20) discussing with a serbian operator (1702 S5 )in greek , Enlgish and Serbian togeher . His English is hed as very greek anyway
7440 Zhongguo Pinyin 2000 satrign with talk by YL  with news S10 (CRI)
6363U ?? QSO talks in SP or IT S3max
6295 2017 pirate
6225 seems  the soung of Slot machine 2016 in USB though the most standard in the band is 6250 QRMed by STANAG
9630 Aparecida 2035 slow pop ype songs , supposedly religios, S3 max . Bible Progarm won 2057
17550 KUwait 2100 witharabic talks S3 The only in the band
4771  a tone of 0.8 secs of S3 max
4756U someone clling in RU mixed with ALE S3 max
5995 Zambia 2246 with talks in FF and taditioal stringed play with S9

E skip  reception on 11 mb  on 1810-28 :
Bands have more than 15 -20  frequncie active . Amonfg them are  27035 , 26940U , 27280 russain S2 , 27640 , 27665U greek ops , 27275 , 28415
all mode in use: USB AM and FM !!!

1 σχόλιο:

  1. Howdy Zach, good logs here today but I only wish they were in frequency ascending order, would make it much more interesting and easy to read your logs, please consider!
