Very fast bandscan test for the best signals for that time using R75 and 2x16 m
..while awaiting for leaving home ...
9420 ERA /VoGreece 0635 with greek music . I dont now if they relly transmit everyday at this time, but tis period it is posisbly de to triple elections for Greece: mayors , district headpersons and the members for the European parliament Signal was S9+20 to 30 and good audio was not //729 so i can supose it was the Voice of grece .In the mean time 729 tested with only S5 of signal. Short time of listening.
6070 Channel 292 0639 with songs S5 only
5985 Huna Daulia ..Saudi Arabia / (ID that can mean SABC though it is diferent ) 0640 with program in arabic and S10 >>eibi shows CRI
7335 0642 with talks in spanish S2 sounds as like RNE!! >>Marti (eibi)
11880 AWR 0648 with arabic pop song , typcal western pop style S10 ID heard as 'Idaat sawt Lwe'
12015 BBC 0648 WS talks in English , abot elections and franchise S5
Thanks for sharing Zach