A notice to the db levels and how are measured : https://hamwaves.com/decibel/en/
-photo from the site Some of these logs are posted also on Extreme SwLing Facebook group and SDRConsole HF FCG with photos . You need to first join them
3915 BBC
SNG -58dbm with talks news 2222
3975 Shortwave
radio 2224 with music and shorty talk in English -65/100dbm
4700 mystery
radio 2215 with -79dbm with older music
5840 WMR is
ow heard well at -85/-115dbm with pops at 1955z then mambo song ID at 1959
5900 overcomer
(ToM ) 2130 with the well known prayer -75/120 δβμ
6030 gele radio
(? ) POss Oromiya with 1958 near hilife song then talx in lang (?) plus the start
of a singing when the signal signed off . two FSL signals pn 6028 and 6029
6040 VoA? Trap
song at 2005 with talks in French . FSK carrier on 6043 with -70dbm Signal
6245 now 1949
VoH is on that freq with songs -70/120 with talks between OM and YL wth short English
talks possibly lessons of Eng?
9330 WBCQ
in Portuguese 2231 -71/-110dbm on catholic churches
CNR 2233 with another poss Tibetan (not clearly heard ) at-70dbm max
11760 RHC
2243 YL talking on uba photographs , transplants etc -65dbm
11930 Marti
2240 talks on Cuba and it economy , revolution, ID R marti arroba , temperatures
11975 Cri in Chinese vai Mali with signal of …-45/115dbm
on 2238!! 22!! khz wide signal
15770 WRMI
2015 with a hard rock song then Hendric Porgam in English , mostly anti
communist program , talks in Germany . Electronic music on 2057 seems Kraftwerk
WRMI IS /ID on 2052910 TOM style prayer on 2100
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