A notice to the db levels and how are measured : https://hamwaves.com/decibel/en/
-photo from the site Some of these logs are posted also on Extreme SwLing Facebook group and SDRConsole HF FCG with photos . You need to first join them
4010.16 Kirghiz radio at -56dbm over -95noise level .
most time QRMed on 1738 by HFDL bursts with
music program
Charleston radio with -75dbm instead of 5140 due to a same level FSK signal on the other
CRI 1741 with afropop song –72/115 . Talks on corona then a song named Jambo . sound
is 2x5 khz wide
IRIB 1746 with talks in Arabic with max signal -49/-115dbm sound I a bit
corrupted with low quality around 3.2 khz
Nice to listen to Amara radio with nice
HoA song on 1751 on a -67dbm signal
Fana ? 1850 talk in lang that does not seem as Amharic . Audio suffers from a VLF audio freq buzzer similar to my 200 KHz
step footsteps. the sound is good at 5kHz with -75dbm wide audio CRI on 1859 in
Russia with-52/120dbm
TWR in Ubundu as per eibi etc 1857 with religious
acapella song then talk mentioning Angola -the lang origin. IS on 1859 in Portuguese
. Signal -79/120dbm
VoA in French via STP ina just -82/120dbm signal
pirate 1828 with rock song an -87/120dbm
. better in Hungary with 25db SNR in http://ha6smfkiwi.proxy.kiwisdr.com:8073/
pirate op on 1913 with talks in French ,hearing also a donkey voice behind
!!! als
referinf to Greek ops
6665 Greek pirate QSO net with interesting talx in GR -95& -105
head 2112 , 12 ?? 12 on 1915 in English -104/-120
VoPeople best in 9102 talks in Korean 1753 ut also mixed wthi a Stanag co
channel signal -71/105dbm
9515 religious program 1757 mixed with a CNR program .TWR Swahili noticed in the eibi but
program is in English and passes 1800 without noticing any ID -75/-120dbm carrier spacing is
20 Hz
a FSK Baudot mode 1808 carrier with aurally supposed as 50 bd with 200 Hz width
-95dbm only
BSKSA program 1809 in Arabic with signal -45/-115dbm Very clear sound at 5 kHz
width with mostly talks Also on 9650 in // 9555 with 2-3 secs later
QSOnet in unIDed lang poss PO with -90dbm at 1906
Kontayner signal of 20 kHz with -100dbm on 1907
1566 interesting signal of -56dbm and trance music
on 1939 the operator made some countups mentioning test and then continuing music
V Ichos? 1942 with old nice Greek folk songs of 70s
fence on 11 MHz and above seems stopped !!
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