Used with a
PL550 and a full 10 m multistranded wire over the verandah’s farthest part , over a
metal banister with distance of 50 cm
9860 KBS 0735
on Korean with talks
9645 Vatican intl 0735 with liturgy , sermon that time Good
9540 RRom
intl 036 YL with talk in gastronomy Good also 11785 with good and lower modualtion
. Great audio //15200 also good . Off at 0754 and 0759 again on in Romanian
15335 CRI
in Russian 0806 with news QRM by a poorer signal
15380 BSKSA
S Arab 0809 with a new sermon Good
15390 CNR13
0815 with just a marginal signal older times as
my beacon in the band !
15440 IRIB
0817 with talks by YL in Spanish and with Arabic sermon . lo mod , freqs on
17-18 then IS on 0820
15530 Kuwait
0821 talk in Arabic with very deep fades (sort of 4xx2x)
15595 RRI
in Russian 0830 after the IS Very marginal signal
15800 VoA
0833 talks someone talking in Engl was immediately
stopped hearing the Chinese translation . on 0900 signed off
15805 WMR
0905 with a very marginal signal if any
17490 CRI
in Eng 0919 with thalks most time got into QRN
9610 Vatican raio 0921 talk in Italian QRNed and
11650 RRomania
Intl 0923 interview reports Good
11675 VoT
0924 songs Mysterious QRM Fair
9420 CNR13
still good 1740 with YL talking then with song //9890 is better but with some
QRM They get off 1805
7240 and 6050
m favorites from Xizang PBS 1748 with nice easy listening songs and short vocal
intervals , poss the song ID Also off 1800
9425 VOK in
Korean? With operas . Signal is better than CNR13 but QSB is 2
9500 R Rom
Intl with folx songs 1808 with fair signal
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