Πέμπτη 30 Ιουλίου 2020

28/7 monitoring

Aa/bb  : dbm of signal to local noise
A notice to the db levels and how are measured : https://hamwaves.com/decibel/en/
-photo from the site 

Some of these logs are posted Extreme  SwLing , SDRConsole HF  , greek pirate log page and DXIng.info with photos and videos . You need to first join them

11740 CNR Xinji zhe shen with adverts after the TOH 1200 and the clock tones -86dbm
15610 AWR in Mon with talks . this language is heard as in between of Bamar  and Thai -on 1211 with a song , surely religious or semi relig 79/130dbm
15590 CRI in English ‘king of hat ‘ 1220 mentioning Shakespeare and more -85dbm fallen on 1237 at -90/130 and lower
15436 Kontayner signal of 10 khz width 1238 with -115/130db signal
15430  with religious program in ?? mixing also English language on 1240 mentioning Genesis  . Meitei noticed in eibi 2x5 khz wide audio
15180 CRI 1243 wth song sung by a team of girls with  much lalalah . mentioning Mikineski jezik (from Mycynes? ) in Serbian . Talks on China -94/130dbm
15770 Encore Tumbril with nice classical music 1345 and then
15730 VoA in Tibetan 1416 with ID and reports mentioning turkey (?) Some clipping sounds random latencies and a -100 dbm carrier happens sporadically. Also a low freq buzzer gets annoying reception 
11530 Denge Welat with very poor signal 1420 -90dbm on 1613 with -38dbm
11285 Operators calling in Russian -100 1613 wuiyj –
6290 dutch pirate 3xL 2136 with -75dbm signal , country song ,el bimbo 2138
6245 WE of hope  , 2139 with news in English and Korean -72/115dbm Also om 9095 at -79/115dbm
6205 no signal frm LHH today
5140 Charleston 2135 withg oldies of 50 ging to 5135 on 2145 due to a FSK carrier -79/115dbm

and on 29/7 with photos on the SDRC logs group
15745 and 15755 WINB in DRM and other  posibly an nonmodulated DRM . More on SDRC log group with photo
5895 Mayanma radio with talks in 2328 with -85dbm signal at best. 

MW  on 29/7
1584 RDI Radio Difusione Europea with ID on 1904 with song my baker then with a easy listening song. just 1 kW noticed on mwlist!
1512 Greek pirate on 1925 with old songs -71/110dbm very fast qeb
1548 R Ucast etx in a language that seems Magyar 1930  with only -45dbm Evalngelie Radio also on 1540.68 kHz
1377 geek pirate Atithasos 1951 with …pre war pop oldies -76/115dbm
1386 Ρ Svoboda in Russian fom Lithuania -76/115dbm
1278 IRIB/Kermanshah  -77dbm weith talks by OM then typical Persian msusc
1224 two greek pirates 2010 with old songs -80dbm
1566 pirate with dance song  ‘fainando’  -65dbm on 2016 and also latin , albanian and the related song allfo the dance type -65dbm S off leaving other pirate in the freq
1161  ERTU  Egypt 2029 Arabic songs talks by OM iun Arabic then snippets from traditional songs
963 Cyprus RIK 2039 with old Greek songs 2039 with ID mixed with another Greek pirate as i can understand -65/115dbm… cases of clear signal 

1557 IRIB with statble carrier , no content at -61dbm 
1593 R Rom with talks suffered form modulation artifacts
1485 on 0000 IDed Rdio Studio also 1 kw as the 1485 with old songs. Screenshot in Dxinfo 

Some new Fm stations logged and noticed in the related page on my Goosites

Τρίτη 28 Ιουλίου 2020

27/7 monitoring

Aa/bb  : dbm of signal to local noise
A notice to the db levels and how are measured : https://hamwaves.com/decibel/en/
-photo from the site 
Some of these logs are posted also on Extreme  SwLing Facebook group and SDRConsole HF FCG with photos . You need to first join them 

3915 BBC SNG -58dbm with talks news 2222
3975 Shortwave radio 2224 with music and shorty talk in English -65/100dbm
4700 mystery radio 2215 with -79dbm with older music
5840 WMR is ow heard well at -85/-115dbm with pops at 1955z then mambo song ID at 1959
5900 overcomer (ToM ) 2130 with the well known prayer -75/120 δβμ
6030 gele radio (? ) POss Oromiya with 1958 near hilife song then talx in lang (?) plus the start of a singing when the signal signed off . two FSL signals pn 6028 and 6029
6040 VoA? Trap song at 2005 with talks in French . FSK carrier on 6043 with -70dbm Signal -70dbm
6245 now 1949 VoH is on that freq with songs -70/120 with talks between OM and YL wth short English  talks possibly lessons of Eng?
9330 WBCQ in Portuguese 2231 -71/-110dbm on catholic churches
9380mixed CNR 2233 with another poss Tibetan (not clearly heard ) at-70dbm max
11760 RHC 2243 YL talking on uba photographs , transplants etc -65dbm
11930 Marti 2240 talks on Cuba and it economy , revolution, ID R marti arroba , temperatures -65/116
11975  Cri in Chinese vai Mali with signal of …-45/115dbm on 2238!! 22!! khz wide signal
15770 WRMI 2015 with a hard rock song then Hendric Porgam in English , mostly anti communist program , talks in Germany . Electronic music on 2057 seems Kraftwerk WRMI IS /ID on 2052910 TOM style prayer on 2100